Hi all, I am a SG players from China.
Although my English is poor, I try my best to talk my badly meeting with the hacker.
Before I am LV 60, I often meet these hachers and hate them.
Some of them are baned, some are alive.And the new hachers are still coming in the load.
Because many game website provide the MOD to load, all of these MODs can use BB3 with 0 cd.
Many common players can't stand the hachers and report them,but the operator did't pay attention to the problem.
Some hackers who are reported many times only change they ID name, or have rechargwd, they will escape from be baned.
What a pity!
Now let me to talk about our leading role whose ID is 张轩轩,a older hacker.
Firstly show the biginning and the ending.
When you look at the hacker' battle array, you will think is so easy.


Then show my battle array which is a difficult challenges for many rivals.But it is so easy for the hacher 张轩轩.
all the map
I am to tired to go to bed.
Continue tomorrow.