Encountered a hacker in Rift, here's a big pile of proof pics:
Point one: Unrealistic battle score
Point two: Suspicious longshot wins. While some of these are *possible* to do, it's not possible to do them so well that you can earn a score of 24.6k without hacking

Especially since that Filia in the last pic only has two moves:

There were others that stood out to me, but these were the three biggest. Also, when I was fighting their rift I noticed that a lot of their fighters only had 2/3 moves despite being high level and having high fighter scores.
Point three: Their rift ranking was so high even though they were ranked only as Silver 3 the week before (meaning their score at the start of this week was between 1125-1158), meaning that they've climbed very quickly and probably won every rift battle they've attempted (somewhere in the range of 5-10 I'm guessing). Possible, but highly unlikely, and very suspicious when combined with the other stuff shown above.
This is big suspicious, and I'm salty that I'm probably gonna get knocked down to Silver 2 because of an obvious hacker.