• [2018/06/22]
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Cinco de Mayo - ¡Viva la Fiesta! Prize Fight


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Prize Fight 5/2 - 5/5

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Milestone Rewards
  1. 25,000 = 10 Theonite 5,000 Canopy Coins
  2. 50,000 = 20 Theonite 7,500 Canopy Coins
  3. 100,000 = 30 Theonite 11,250 Canopy Coins
  4. 325,000 = 40 Theonite 17,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  5. 800,000 = 50 Theonite 25,000 Canopy Coins
  6. 1,500,000 = 60 Theonite 38,000 Canopy Coins
  7. 2,500,000 = 70 Theonite 57,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  8. 4,500,000 = 80 Theonite 85,500 Canopy Coins
  9. 8,000,000 = 90 Theonite 128,000 Canopy Coins
  10. 12,500,000 = 100 Theonite 192,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  11. 25,000,000 = 200 Air Elemental Shards 200 Light Elemental Shards 200 Fire Elemental Shards
  12. 50,000,000 = 300 Air Elemental Shards 300 Light Elemental Shards 300 Fire Elemental Shards
  13. 100,000,000 = 500 Air Elemental Shards 500 Light Elemental Shards 500 Fire Elemental Shards 1 LEGENDARY RELIC
TOTAL: 550 Theonite 566,250 Canopy Coins 3 Bandera Relics 1 Air Elemental Essence 1 Light Elemental Essence 1 Fire Elemental Essence (1000 shards = 1 crystal) and more!

Valentine's Day PF had gold gifts, St. Patrick's Day PF had doubled Canopy coins, and now Cinco de Mayo PF has boosted elemental shards (at the loss of gold and diamond relic shards!).

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Fight Modifiers
  • Must have Air on your team!
  • Must have Light on your team!
  • Must have Fire on your team!
    At the start of the match and every 10 seconds afterward, gain 5 stacks of REGEN, BLESSING, or BLEED for 10 seconds.



Dream Band Big Band
X-Bot Robo-Fortune
Heavy Handed Cerebella

Phantom Threads Fukua
Claw & Order Ms. Fortune
Thrill Shrieker Squigly

Rock Star Filia
Chameleon Twist Fukua
Blood Drive Painwheel

To match the Mexican bandera (flag), we have 9 fighters in green, light, and red.

I'm missing 4 of the 9 available so I'm hyped there is plenty of chances I might get what I want. For me, the silvers in holiday relics are throwaway fodder, but not here. All three are special. Two are rare, and Blood Drive is said to be reworked some time in the future.

¿What is Cinco de Mayo?
A holiday more popular in the USA than Mexico, based on an 1862 battle victory over the French (Battle of Puebla). The day gained nationwide popularity in the 1980s thanks especially to advertising campaigns by beer and wine companies (thanks, Wikipedia!).

America loves their neighbor and just wanted an excuse to celebrate Mexico. Just wait, we will invent something for Canada too eventually.
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I’m really happy Dreamband is in this relic, Kirby is one of my favorite series. I am saving up theonite for the Fukua relic, but that dreamband just looks so good. I think the implementation of more special prize fights is a great idea. I don’t know how long it’s takes to create prize fights and relics, but I wonder if we would have gotten this cinco de mayo prize fight if not for the quarantine. Oh well. I do wonder what reworks are in store for blood drive though, if she’s included in this relic does that mean the 4.3 update is on the way very soon? They could have picked any silver fire fighter to include (peacock wild one- in terms of newer fighters), maybe they want to reintroduce blood drive to older players what with the rework coming. Regardless, I hope we get more different prizefights (and Relics!) in the future.
Oh, so that's why these fighters were chosen! I didn't piece it together until seeing them all together.

Personally, I'm hoping to get Xbot to get me one big step closer to getting all the Robos, but I honestly wouldn't mind just getting a few Chameleons instead.
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I NEED that Dreamband.

If I get the Fukuas that would be pretty sick too.
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FINALLY A CHANCE TO GET FUKUA!! *ahem* This is truly exciting though, I honestly have been buffing up my fighters for this! But the bandera relic is a great way to give players who don't have fukua a chance to snag one :D I'm loving the way you designed this post BallotBoxer, tasteful and exciting as always!:p
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Mail says:
Prize fight ends on the fifth (5/2 - 5/5)

Twitter says:
Prize fight starts on the fifth

¡Qué contradictorio! Which has greater authority, in-game mail or official Twitter?

I do wonder what reworks are in store for blood drive though
Blood Drive Painwheel current Signature Ability: Transfusion
  • 5% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED on self and HEAVY BLEED on opponent for 10 seconds
  • Gain ENRAGE for 6 seconds for every BLEED effect applied to Painwheel
At the very least, she needs a more reliable enrage multi-stack. Maybe the longer she is bleeding the higher the enrage stacks? Or maybe some kind of benefit for being near a bleeding enemy would be good.
As most of you guys know, PFs start earlier than real events. Since the event is on May 5, PF should start on May 2.
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¿What is Cinco de Mayo?
A holiday more popular in the USA than Mexico, based on an 1862 battle victory over the French (Battle of Puebla). The day gained nationwide popularity in the 1980s thanks especially to advertising campaigns by beer and wine companies (thanks, Wikipedia!).

Oh so that's what CINCO DE MAYO all about. Thanks @BalloutBoxer for pointing that out. It's always nice to know a new culture across the globe.

So this the very first time the event happening in the game right? Or it happened before? I wonder what's the modifier all about?

PS: How much Theonite it would be to get that Phantom Threads? xD
Oh so that's what CINCO DE MAYO all about. Thanks @BalloutBoxer for pointing that out. It's always nice to know a new culture across the globe.

So this the very first time the event happening in the game right? Or it happened before? I wonder what's the modifier all about?

PS: How much Theonite it would be to get that Phantom Threads? xD
I just hope the amount lets me make it so I stop having 9 or 4 at the end. I think it was the holiday's event that granted 9 theos and it's still annoyig me. XD
haha, blame it on the mailbox letter's fighter order! They ignored the green, white, and red flag order first! :p

Speaking of colors, the fight modifiers for the Prize Fight have been revealed and they have an extreme elemental emphasis!

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Fight Modifiers
  • Must have Air on your team!
  • Must have Light on your team!
  • Must have Fire on your team!
    At the start of the match and every 10 seconds afterward, gain 5 stacks of REGEN, BLESSING, or BLEED for 10 seconds.
I wonder if it means Air fighters keep getting Regen only, or it cycles through each buff/curse for the whole team, regardless of element. And I'm so happy it is Blessing and not Final Stand. Had my fill of too many lingering immortal nurses back on Valentine's day.
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My Sheltered is ready.
I think this is a really cool prize fight modifier and I hope we get a special prize fight for water, dark and neutral fighters. Maybe they use some random holiday, call it, Arbor Day antics. Then they could go all out with strange modifiers. It would certainly be tough to use a neutral fighter every round. Maybe you could use double in replace of pure neutral fighters. Anyway this is all very cool!
Think the way the modifiers are applied needs a bit of reworking. Shouldn't be able to follow up 5 stacks of regen with another 5 stacks of regen, and then another. It should always switch to one of the other 2 modifiers after the 10 seconds are up, in my opinion.