• [2018/06/22]
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Cinco de Mayo - ¡Viva la Fiesta! Prize Fight

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Prize Fight 5/1 - 5/31

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Milestone Rewards
  1. 25,000 = 10 Theonite 10,000 Canopy Coins
  2. 50,000 = 20 Theonite 15,000 Canopy Coins
  3. 100,000 = 30 Theonite 22,500 Canopy Coins
  4. 325,000 = 40 Theonite 34,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  5. 800,000 = 50 Theonite 50,000 Canopy Coins
  6. 1,500,000 = 60 Theonite 76,000 Canopy Coins
  7. 2,500,000 = 70 Theonite 114,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  8. 4,500,000 = 80 Theonite 171,000 Canopy Coins
  9. 8,000,000 = 90 Theonite 256,000 Canopy Coins
  10. 12,500,000 = 100 Theonite 384,000 Canopy Coins 1 Bandera Relic
  11. 25,000,000 = 100 Air Elemental Shards 100 Light Elemental Shards 100 Fire Elemental Shards 500 Gold Relic Shards
  12. 50,000,000 = 100 Air Elemental Shards 100 Light Elemental Shards 100 Fire Elemental Shards 250 Diamond Relic Shards
  13. 100,000,000 = 150 Air Elemental Shards 150 Light Elemental Shards 150 Fire Elemental Shards 1 LEGENDARY RELIC
  14. 150,000,000 = 1 MARIACHI DIAMOND RELIC
TOTAL: 550 Theonite 1,132,500 Canopy Coins 3 Bandera Relics 350 Air Elemental Shards 350 Light Elemental Shards 350 Fire Elemental Shards and more!

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Fight Modifiers

    [Air, Light and Fire Element Fighters] Gain 3 stacks of a BUFF every 10 seconds and at the start of the match. The BUFF gained lasts for 10 seconds and cycles between REGEN, BLESSING, and ENRAGE.


Fur Monger Black Dahlia
Creature of Habit Double
Dream Catcher Peacock

Red Velvet Eliza
Armed Forces Cerebella
Space Case Umbrella

Graveyard Shift Valentine
Dead Heat Squigly
No Egrets Parasoul
Nyanotech Robo-Fortune
Age Appropriate Painwheel
Purrfect Dark Ms. Fortune
Triple Threat Annie
Resonant Evil Big Band
Rock Star Filia
Number One Beowulf
Rain Shadow Fukua


Creature of Habit Double
Dream Band Big Band
Neuromancer Painwheel
Dream Catcher Peacock
Fur Monger Black Dahlia

- - -

I'm aiming for that Fur Monger Black Dahlia. 1/5 chance to not get a dupe. Also 1/5 chance to get Neuromancer, one of the few fighters that are diminished by their Prestige Ability (Neuro wants blocks to build meter, giving the opponent Guard Break goes against this).

Future BallotBoxer: "It turned out to be a Dream Band Big Band duplicate!"

¡VIVA LA FIESTA! Prize Fight (May Special Event) [05-01-22 / 05-31-22]
- #1 - 2,148,484,973
- #100 - 308,488,587
- 10% - 25,595,165
- 30% - 5,085,699
- 60% - 839,321
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Reactions: Oblepiha_Gadalka
Welcome back to ¡VIVA LA FIESTA! PF
FUN FACT: While normal Air, Light, and Fire fighters are getting powered-up with 3 stacks of REGEN, BLESSING, and ENRAGE, Final Fang Valentine is playing on the 2020 version of this PF. She gets 5 stacks!



Half way through, and I'm already hyped. I was ultra lucky enough for the two monthly fighters (Brass Bandit Big Band and Grin Reaper Marie) pop out of the Bandera relics. 🤩