• [2018/06/22]
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Dark Might's SA


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
New England
So the second aspect of Grave Injustice gives a chance to instantly defeat an opponent when using a lvl 3 blockbuster if Dark Might has no remaining teammates. My question on this is: does this proc based on each hit in a lvl 3 BB, or does it proc once upon activation of a lvl 3 BB?

For instance: 3 Wulf Moonsault hits less times than Wulfamania! Does that mean Wulfamania! is the better BB to put on Dark Might, or do both BBs have the same chance to insta-down an opponent through Dark Might's SA?
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Now that I actually have a Dark Might, I have a question about his 1st SA. Does it proc based on him having non living teammates, or does it only proc upon a teammate’s defeat?
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It only Procs upon a teamate's defeat. So if you do a solo character node you will not get the extra damage from his SA1.
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How does it work with Dead of Winter reviving, and Last Hope/Big Top’s resurrection? Can he potentially gain more than 100% from SA1?
How does it work with Dead of Winter reviving, and Last Hope/Big Top’s resurrection? Can he potentially gain more than 100% from SA1?
I am so sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I had completely forgotten. As for your question, I had experimented in training, when Dead of Winter dies and revives, it procs the SA and Beowulf keeps the damage when she revives, same for anyone revived by Valentine. As for big top, that's a no, since she technically does not die she (and last hope Im assuming since it's similar, I do not have this variant) does not procure the SA of dark might until bigtop is actually defeated.
Edit: And yes it goes over 100% I can assume it goes same for Fly trap
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