• [2018/06/22]
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Diamonds are a skullgirl's best friend.

930968DD-86E5-45AC-9C6D-53BF0B883D77.jpeg My first round of diamonds with a extra wind from the accursed experiment reward and a lucky natural pull. I can’t wait until I gathered enough essence for my next round of diamonds.

Gonna be running out of dup golds
Wait! Does Dark Might's special ability activate if he is the only member of his team? For example, if I go with this Wulf by middle route in Rift Battles, can he instantly kill an opponent with BB3?
I'm 90% of the way to a Diamond Relic. Takers on what my first natural Diamond fighter will be?
Wait! Does Dark Might's special ability activate if he is the only member of his team? For example, if I go with this Wulf by middle route in Rift Battles, can he instantly kill an opponent with BB3?
Think that’s what his SA says.
I confess, I've been spending almost all my rift coins on Elemental essences. I'll also have a diamond Surgeon General as soon as I evolve a silver Valentine to gold.


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WHOOP! First ever diamond today and it’s a natural. Had four premiere relics saved up, opened them since I’m too impatient to save them up and because I’ve been trying to get some bronze fodder to evolve some of my silvers and bloody ‘Glass Cutter’ Filia pops out. I’m pretty stoked! She’s gonna be a toughie to level and skill up but gosh, what a surprise! I’m 86% of the way to a diamond relic as well! Finally, the RNG Gods are smiling on me today haha!
Had some good luck with natural Diamonds lately. I pulled a Fly Trap from a Stormy Relic, and a Furry Fury from a single Premiere. But I decided I’d wait until I got my Diamond Relic to pick one to really start investing into- I would have been happy with any but decided I’d want Summer Salt, Class Cutter or Freeze Frame the most. To my great joy, it was Summer Salt!
I haven’t really USED her yet, but she’s the first one i’ve actually invested in instead of just carrying and planning to invest in when they’re higher level (I do this with pretty much every character nowadays, not just my diamonds.) I also pulled a Dead of Winter last night, which is the only Squigly I didn’t have, Necrobreaker excluded. :)
to all the people with a diamond diva eliza, how good is she? is she worth it?
to all the people with a diamond diva eliza, how good is she? is she worth it?
Yeah I enjoy using my diamond Diva a lot. While you do have to tech Chaos Banish and/or armor break moves when you are going up against an RE/AF (since without those Diva can struggle to do enough damage against them), against most other matchups Diva has an excellent time. As a personal sidenote, I don't personally bring Diva against RE/AF anyway because she is not the strongest diamond fighter on my account(that title would go to my diamond Primed).
to all the people with a diamond diva eliza, how good is she? is she worth it?
I've personally found the most use for her in rift battles, since she's a pretty forgiving character with her vampirism and meter control. However, timing out is still an issue for her even at around 15k. I will say that Diva can be a pain on defense. Usually not, because yknow, AI. But once she gets Sekhmet mode, it's hard to come back from that.
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I've personally found the most use for her in rift battles, since she's a pretty forgiving character with her vampirism and meter control. However, timing out is still an issue for her even at around 15k. I will say that Diva can be a pain on defense. Usually not, because yknow, AI. But once she gets Sekhmet mode, it's hard to come back from that.

This is similar to my experience. I put off taking Diva to diamond for a long time, since I like her, but as awesome as her SA can be she just didn't seem likely to be able to hold up in high streak prize fights. And my experience with her as a diamond has pretty well confirmed that. She's not terrible, just... lacking compared to other options like Poltergust, Primed and Parasite Weave.

In Rift Battles she rocks though. Particularly that node where the enemy always has immunity, and there's limited options for not getting BB3'd to death if there's a strong diamond on it. And she has the ability to easily finish fights with full life, an easy 20 hit combo from her BB3 and the blockbuster finish bonus because her blockbusters are always full, so she rakes in a ton of points.

I guess she's okay on defense too? Either one of her MA's can make her a pain there, but particularly the health one if you max it out.
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lol, following a post of an amazing 32 diamonds (!) here is my much, much less, collection:2diamonds.jpg
Today I got my first natural diamond, Jawbreaker Double from the Diamond Relic. It joins my evolved diamond, Primed Parasoul (she got upgraded late January).

I got her few weeks ago, first natural diamond and it's the one i don't have any interest at all.
You can have her if you want too, i only care for Freeze Frame and Summer Salt.
Just added another... I’m no Trigg but 10 is pretty nice if I do say so myself
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Well here’s my 2nd round of diamonds with 2 extra darks because I used all my rift coin on dark essence and Theo on dark relic.

Ran out of all dup gold fighters except for big band. I got 10 evolution fodders left for him. :/
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