I had a dumb moment last night where I picked a fight with Bloodbath Eliza while at a streak of 36. Bloodbath is already hard during high streaks because you can't bleed her and she heals herself, but I have my Diamond Poltergust (now at 14.5k), and I've learned that they have a love/hate relationship together, since Bloodbath's constantly healing herself, but she also constantly having heals expire which refills Poltergust's blockbuster meter, which let's Poltergust spam blockbusters including her BB3, which gives Eliza heals and the process repeats. If you can pour out damage before Bloodbath's bleeds kill you, you can get great points for taking on a fight most people avoid.
But I forgot that this prize fight we have the Lacerate modifier, so hitting Bloodbath produces even more heals than normal. Which is not great when she also has something like 250% bonus health.
It was THE craziest fight I have ever had, because Bloodbath was almost constantly at 5 heals, but Poltergust was also almost always had full blockbusters. I would have been completely dead if I hadn't brought Surgeon General with me for heals, immunity and extra blockbuster meter for Poltergust.
Bloodbath's life kept oscillating between 1/4 and 3/4s full, and I was lucky that Bloodbath never got off her BB3 on me. Wither is really helpful when it's applied at the right time, and I had a lot of chances to practice. Things finally ended when at one point I used Poltergust's BB3 only to come out of it and had her BB3 already refilled again from heals expiring, and I got to blast Bloodbath in the face a second time in a row. This didn't actually finish her, but it got it close enough that I could use Daisy Pusher and finish the fight.
And apparently I fought two other character on that team too, but I have no memory of that
Today on the other hand I manage to lose a fight when a single enemy with 1 hit point left managed to finish two of my characters in a row, including one at full health. No BB3 was used on either of them. I just completely flubbed things