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Gold Pfs


New Member
Mar 10, 2019
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I feel like its unfair to allow diamonds in gold pfs.
Its hard enough to get a diamond it must be even harder to level one up along with its skill tree, but I can only imagine since i havent gotten one yet. With diamonds in the mix in the gold prize fight, its hard to get to the top 10% or even 30% with only gold fighters so you cant really get any fighter by doing those without a diamond fighter.
It would be great if there was a dedicated diamond pf with only gold and diamond fighters, while the gold pfs keeps just silver and gold ones.
I understand that a diamond pf would make it too easy to get diamonds but what if instead of having a diamond fighter as the top 10%, that reward was elemental shards with 1-3 diamond keys.
It seems balanced to me, since it allows players with no diamonds to have a chance at getting into the top 10% in the gold pfs but i'm not sure about the incentive for the diamond pfs.
Let me know what you think.
I feel like its unfair to allow diamonds in gold pfs.
Its hard enough to get a diamond it must be even harder to level one up along with its skill tree, but I can only imagine since i havent gotten one yet. With diamonds in the mix in the gold prize fight, its hard to get to the top 10% or even 30% with only gold fighters so you cant really get any fighter by doing those without a diamond fighter.
It would be great if there was a dedicated diamond pf with only gold and diamond fighters, while the gold pfs keeps just silver and gold ones.
I understand that a diamond pf would make it too easy to get diamonds but what if instead of having a diamond fighter as the top 10%, that reward was elemental shards with 1-3 diamond keys.
It seems balanced to me, since it allows players with no diamonds to have a chance at getting into the top 10% in the gold pfs but i'm not sure about the incentive for the diamond pfs.
Let me know what you think.
A diamond PF would have to have a new PF exclusive round of natural diamond fighters because all of the rarity based PFs always give out a character as the main reward, and I find it highly unlikely that HVS would deviate from that. I would not mind a diamond PF coming to the game so that there can be an alternative to Rifts for getting diamond keys in a reasonably quick fashion (because one million CC for a diamond key is way out of many player's price range, and the players who can afford that would rather spend those coins on something else, such as skill tree upgrades or move upgrades). Also as a quick side note it is still totally possible to get to super high streaks in the gold PF without a diamond fighter if you have invested into fighters that can cheese their way through the diamond opposition, such as Bio, Xenomorph, or BHD.
Prize fights were never meant to be fair, the guys with the best and most powerful fighters are meant to be on top. They didn't spend all that time grinding their best golds into the fearsome diamonds they are today just to be locked out of the highest tier of prize fights, if evolving your gold into diamonds means no longer being able to compete in gold PF's with them then they wouldn't be able to earn more golds to sacrifice with.
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Prize fights were never meant to be fair, the guys with the best and most powerful fighters are meant to be on top. They didn't spend all that time grinding their best golds into the fearsome diamonds they are today just to be locked out of the highest tier of prize fights, if evolving your gold into diamonds means no longer being able to compete in gold PF's with them then they wouldn't be able to earn more golds to sacrifice with.

I see your point, what if the highest tier of prize fights was an hypothetical diamond tier and the rewards for 30% and up included a gold fighter?
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A diamond PF would have to have a new PF exclusive round of natural diamond fighters because all of the rarity based PFs always give out a character as the main reward, and I find it highly unlikely that HVS would deviate from that. I would not mind a diamond PF coming to the game so that there can be an alternative to Rifts for getting diamond keys in a reasonably quick fashion (because one million CC for a diamond key is way out of many player's price range, and the players who can afford that would rather spend those coins on something else, such as skill tree upgrades or move upgrades). Also as a quick side note it is still totally possible to get to super high streaks in the gold PF without a diamond fighter if you have invested into fighters that can cheese their way through the diamond opposition, such as Bio, Xenomorph, or BHD.

Would a new round of natural diamonds be needed if the prize fight didnt reward diamonds at all?
I see your point, what if the highest tier of prize fights was an hypothetical diamond tier and the rewards for 30% and up included a gold fighter?
I like this idea, it would certainly help those who only have golds to reliably fight with like me, and truth be told i'm sick of the increasingly high cutoffs for pf's
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I don't have any diamond fighters (allright, I have two lv1 Summer Salts, but doesn't count). Always did only the milestones until the last Peacock's prize fight (I wanted Untouchable so bad). To my surprise, I managed to reach 10% for the first time, and I've been reaching 10% ever since :) . You really don't need diamonds to reach 10%, you just need certain "tools" that help you go through the fights. (Personally I use Cerebella MA1 for meter drain, Valentine for last stand and forbidden procedure and Purrfect Dark for curse.), and of course, you have to play a little more. Yes, it's hard for us casual players, but I'm sure you can make it! :D
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Would a new round of natural diamonds be needed if the prize fight didnt reward diamonds at all?
Your original idea would only work if a diamond PF was not character themed and was a weekend thing like the elemental PFs or had a Medici PF like schedule. If the diamond PF is added to the character PFs though, I would see HVS either adding a PF exclusive wave of nat diamonds or adding a new wave of summonable nat diamonds that are also available in the diamond PF
Your original idea would only work if a diamond PF was not character themed and was a weekend thing like the elemental PFs or had a Medici PF like schedule. If the diamond PF is added to the character PFs though, I would see HVS either adding a PF exclusive wave of nat diamonds or adding a new wave of summonable nat diamonds that are also available in the diamond PF
I was thinking the same tought. The current roster of nat diamonds is very limited for a regular diamond PF.
Personally I'm not bothered by diamonds being in the gold pfs. It's fine until you get to ~40 wins and even if you encounter ~14k diamonds before 16 wins, cheesers such as Xeno, BHD and other bleeders or Bio can do the job. The pfs aren't meant to be completely fair. Obviously hacking is against HVS's rules and stuff, but its meant to be a free-for-all where the people with the most powerful fighters win. Or those who go sweaty tryhard mode. I currently only have 2 diamonds (3 if you wanna count a 6k FS Summer Salt that's still not strong enough to use in a high pf streak) and I don't struggle that much. That being said though, I usually don't go for 1-10% because I either don't have the time to or I'm too lazy.

Now, about the big issue
It would be great if there was a dedicated diamond pf with only gold and diamond fighters, while the gold pfs keeps just silver and gold ones.
I understand that a diamond pf would make it too easy to get diamonds but what if instead of having a diamond fighter as the top 10%, that reward was elemental shards with 1-3 diamond keys.
It seems balanced to me, since it allows players with no diamonds to have a chance at getting into the top 10% in the gold pfs but i'm not sure about the incentive for the diamond pfs.
Let me know what you think.
The idea of a dedicated diamond pf sounds interesting. No diamond fighter, but instead shards and keys. The keys are great because it means no one has to spend a boatload of CC or Rift Coin in order to get 1 key. The latter is something I'd imagine not all that many people would grind for while the former is better spent on skill tree(s) or on moves with good stats. Shards are ok, but I'd think the elemental pfs give enough shards to get essences for diamonds. Unless you're just constantly evolving diamonds. Then ok, I guess this works too.
However, the real reason people struggle to get 1-10% is because the cutoff is getting increasingly higher, though the prevalence of diamonds does, to a small degree, add to that. At one point (I was around for this so I can confirm), the cutoff was as low as 4 million. Nowadays though, the cutoff is currently at 17 million minimum. I despise the increasing cutoff, but unfortunately I have to comply with it if I want food for diamonds. If anything, this proposed pf won't solve the issue because diamond keys and shards are incredibly valuable, so if anything, the cutoff in the diamond would be so much higher than it is for the gold pf. Probably wouldn't change it in the gold pf anyway.
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Getting natural diamonds may be hard but you can still evolve other fighters to diamond to give yourself an extra edge. Many evolved diamond characters can stand right up against natural diamonds. This will help you extend your streak once you start seeing diamond enemies show up regularly.

My first diamond was a Wulfsbane I evolved, and for awhile, it was my only diamond. I managed to be able to get into the top 10% even with only him.
However, the real reason people struggle to get 1-10% is because the cutoff is getting increasingly higher, though the prevalence of diamonds does, to a small degree, add to that.

I don't know if this is a small effect. Using my high fight score diamonds instead of golds gives me effectively an 1.5x multiplier for points earned, just because my team has that many more points to start with. Since I can take on a team of high fight score diamonds, that might be a 2x multiplier, compared to if we were all using golds.

Since the major constraint on getting a high prize fight score (At least for me, though this seems a common concern) is how much time I can invest in it, just being able to rack up more points per win if you have diamonds is probably inflating scores considerably.
I don't have any diamond fighters (allright, I have two lv1 Summer Salts, but doesn't count). Always did only the milestones until the last Peacock's prize fight (I wanted Untouchable so bad). To my surprise, I managed to reach 10% for the first time, and I've been reaching 10% ever since :) . You really don't need diamonds to reach 10%, you just need certain "tools" that help you go through the fights. (Personally I use Cerebella MA1 for meter drain, Valentine for last stand and forbidden procedure and Purrfect Dark for curse.), and of course, you have to play a little more. Yes, it's hard for us casual players, but I'm sure you can make it! :D

Well i get your point, i have rusty, wulfbane, surgeon general, purr, epic sax and toad warrior in my golds and i noticed that it is doable to win against a team 4x your score but even then the most i've been able to reach is like 3 mil in the gold pfs.
I don't know if this is a small effect. Using my high fight score diamonds instead of golds gives me effectively an 1.5x multiplier for points earned, just because my team has that many more points to start with. Since I can take on a team of high fight score diamonds, that might be a 2x multiplier, compared to if we were all using golds.

Since the major constraint on getting a high prize fight score (At least for me, though this seems a common concern) is how much time I can invest in it, just being able to rack up more points per win if you have diamonds is probably inflating scores considerably.

Well ok when I said it was small, I guess you could take it for a grain of salt. Especially because I didn't consider how diamonds could effect racking up points in the pf. Yeah all of a sudden I'm seeing how big of an impact diamonds make
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Think the highest I’ve earned from one fight with 3 diamonds against a team of 108k FS at 5x bonus was about 3.5m points. Only happened once as most bonuses are around 2.5. With 0x bonus each fight gives 300~400k points after streak 30. I totally remember how hard it was to get even 2m in 3 days when I first started playing. In the old days 4m would be enough for top 10%. We really need a better system for new players to catch up!
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I think the worst enemy of the community in Gold Prize Fights is the community itself....

Because they "need" resources to evolve to diamond a character and more with diamond shards it gives you if you get any gold, the community hasn't established a control, they go for more and more points because they can, and that's the worst thing we can do, because game gives the chance to the people to control the tiers, so the score will be growing as they play more and get a stronger team (also there isn't another place to grind or raise diamonds or gold fighters).

I remember that there was a time where 3M was enough, but I remember you had to struggle and play a lot to have that score, then the score grew to 5M, then 8M, so after diamonds the tier scores started to get crazy and now it's around 15M+ on any fight to just have a chance (not to assure).

I agree with people that you don't need diamonds to hit tier 1-10% because I have done it a lot of time, I was lvl 67 with only 1 diamond (Headstrong) and I used to not fight with her, so I was able to defeat 70k+ teams with a 26k team, but sometimes, diamond teams starts to appear in early streaks, I have seen 3 diamond teams on streak 13 (and maybe it isn't a challenge for veteran and expert players, but people that is starting to be competitive, it's something annoying, because by stats they know, for example, that they will lose for time and not for lack of skill or something more and I know there's a refresh option but it's a resource you can't waste or spend always).

So maybe they have the skill and even with a limited roster they can do great things, but if the streak is cutting frequently, is a fact that they won't build a streak that would give you a decent amount of points.

It's a piece of cake for some of us, but we had to remember the struggle and the pain that was to make a million of points or reach all the milestones.

So I have 2 ways (that won't happen but it would be a good idea, I want to believe):
1. Make a general cutoff or goal to tier 1-10% and once you reach it, you can still making points but you won't get better rewards and won't affect other players, in example, top 1-10 prizes would be for the first 10 players that reach the score and then any player that reach the score, gets the 1-10% prizes.

2. It's just a variant of the first idea (it won't be good to you, I am expecting):
- They would lock the gold PF to people, and once they reach lvl30 to lvl55 they can enter to the system of the point 1.
- Once you reach the lvl55, the other mode of PF is locked and you can enter to the gold PF with the system we had right now, so you stay in the jungle with the others.

Extra: Also a good solution would be another mode or way to get "xp".