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How to deal with Electrostatic Shield in Rift


Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
As the title say, I still sometime struggle to deal with Electrostatic Shield in Rift, which seem to be the meta right now with how the AI work. I sometime use Silent Kill but more often than not, she is dead because of Inverse Polarity and Power Surge. I can somehow circle them out with Sketchy but with how constant they have buff, plus with some catalysts it just seem like too much. And if they put them on a double or a Solo node it would be more difficult. So what is your strategy against this Catalyst, pls share it with me.
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Immunity Taunt is the best way to counter it. Only Parasoul, Squiggly and Peacock has it.

I switch between Parasoul and Squiggly, depending on the modifier, catalyst and the Robo variant.
Immunity Taunt is the best way to counter it. Only Parasoul, Squiggly and Peacock has it.

I switch between Parasoul and Squiggly, depending on the modifier, catalyst and the Robo variant.
So it's pretty much depend on Parasoul then. I always find Peacock and Squigly taunt a bit iffy to use, especially Squigly because she have to Wyrm charge at the same time.

I think the perfect counter would be Summer Salt?
Most likely, yeah! Summer Salt counters a lot of things. Buff removal, precision, immunity, and high damage. Perfect package!
Now I only need 10 Summer Salts to make it in Rifts!


Kidding/not kidding I'm considering just leveling up a 2nd one just to deal with all the armor nodes and M&Fs
Now I only need 10 Summer Salts to make it in Rifts!


Kidding/not kidding I'm considering just leveling up a 2nd one just to deal with all the armor nodes and M&Fs
Meanwhile I have none Summer Salt, and not even one SG after a year of playing. FML I gues.
If you happen to have an Overclocked, it's also pretty useful against this. You just need some piercing if you are facing a BS on the immunity node. And it's also pretty easy to get the BB bonus with robo.