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Other hud management suggestion


New Member
Mar 28, 2019
Reaction score
I have been thinking if there an option to control the hud in the game, That would help of screenshots, video recording, clear gameplay, etc. This feature could make a detailed edit like for example, the player can choose to see only the health of the champions or only see the skills, etc... Overall I think this is a great feature that helps change a bit the fell of the player and also for video record and screenshots... What did you guys think about this?
player can choose to see only the health of the champions or only see the skills
This sounds like the only thing you want to disable is flying text then, is that the case?

So it would do these three things:

- Disable damage numbers
- Disable status text (Ex: BLEED)
- Disable modifier text (Ex: SAVING THROW, RARE SIGHTING, ICU)

Is that about right?
Yes that, but I think more than that like you could hide your champion health bar and the enemy and also the abilities (only as an option)
I think they want the ability to disable everything on screen individually - Possible to have everything on screen, or a completely clean screen with no HUD at all, or anything in between.
I think they want the ability to disable everything on screen individually - Possible to have everything on screen, or a completely clean screen with no HUD at all, or anything in between.
Yes thats what I meant