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Is Biting Cold worth investing in?


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
I just got Biting Cold from the 100 million Firework Show milestone. Is she worth investing into? How are her stats compared to other gold Painwheels? Is her SA actually good?
I just got Biting Cold from the 100 million Firework Show milestone. Is she worth investing into? How are her stats compared to other gold Painwheels? Is her SA actually good?
Well, in my opinion she's above average. I use her and tbh, it takes planning to use her well as her SA only activates once an opponent is defeated. The ability to gain 3 stacks of regen is handy. the tricky part is ensuring you defeat an opponent in a good area within the playground. the middle preferably so you can utilize thorns and barrier well. If you're confident on the enemy stats you can use her offensively and cheese out an entire team, however the AI is unpredictable and slight mistakes can be costly, since once again, her SA activates only when an opponent is defeated. Also note, she gains 50% BB meter after defeating an opponent, and in special cases where there is the revive modifier, defeated enemies never resurrect no matter what, so that is another advantage. In rift? well, she's dangerous when near a corpse, I'm not so sure how she'll fair against the AI though when its me being attacked, but you can also check the tier list here; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10TKvYrJskD0KchSVSiVwBU-nK17WLAbb/edit#gid=1241954892

In summary I'll give her a solid 8 in my opinion. I'm sure a more experienced player will respond to this thread too. Hope I could be of help.
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As you can see in the Biting Cold Painwheel thread (https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/biting-cold-strategy-and-discussion.17350/), she was buggy at first, but now she is great.

For me, well worth upgrading to Diamond. She has weak attack stats, but she has the ability to be overflowing with meter (have fun doing a level 3 blockbuster multiple times).

Some characters are either all-in for offense or defense. Biting Cold is great for both. She can lead a team and become stronger with every kill on attack, or be a powerful anchor on defense.
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As a big Painwheel fan, I can't wait to finally pull Biting Cold. She looks like second best Gold PW for me and just slightly below Buzzkill.

On offence:
+ She is a Painwheel. Even though her damage is rather low for a Panwheel, it's still pretty high. Plus bleeds from Death Crawl and Cruel Lily.
+ "No Revival" is just great. Many defence strategies abuse Fighter revival (Plot Twisted, Last Hope, Kill Joy, etc.), go laugh at them!
+ Meter Gain on kill is great. Finish the first opponent with a BB3 - have another one half ready!
+ Take the first opponent down in the right corner and stay there - you will have stacks of Barrier and Regen that will keep you alive if you make a mistake.
- Damage is still lower than that of Buzzkill or Raw Nerv. SA does not help with damage.

On defence:
+ Barrier helps to stay alive, Thorns punish attackers. Add Grudge on top of that and you have potentially the most sturdy Carol in the game.
+ Water element. Works perfectly with Frost Armor catalyst , so meta. Add Thorns on top of Frost Armor damage reflection, Grudge to provide more Armor
+ Pair her with Dead Alive Squigly for Last Stand (and get Barrier during this Last Stand, so you would not be killed immediately after Last Stand expires). Synergies galore!
- She does not combine well with other Painwheels on defence. Buzz goes with Fly Trap, Evergreen Evil, and Gone with the Wind catalyst. Neuro+Freaky+Nerv+Darknut+Tainted Blood=Very uncomfortable. Biting+Twisted Mettle?.. Meh.
- Shines only in multi-Fighter nodes as she needs a corpse to feed.

Considering all this, I would absolutely Diamond her for Rifts, not that sure for Prize Fights (but let's see what Diamond PFs bring to the table).
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