• [2018/06/22]
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List of Marquee Abilities


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score

- Challenger
Beowulf inflicts x% Bonus damage anytime his health percentage is LOWER than his opponent

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%​

- Defending Champ
Beowulf inflicts x% bonus damage anytime his health percentage is HIGHER than his opponent

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%
Further Comment:
What you pick depends on how confident you are in keeping your Beowulf's HP up.
Challenger gives an early damage boost when someone new tags in while Defending Champ's benefits can go until the death of the opponent as long as you have more health.

Big Band

- Soloist
Take x% less damage when Big Band has NO living teammates

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%

Recommended Use: On defense focused Big Bands
(Resonant Evil, G.I. Jazz)

- Frontman
Take x% less damage when Big Band has living teammates

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%

Further Comment:
Frontman is the best ability for most cases.

- Upper Hand
THROWS reduce the meter of all opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by x%

Starting %: 20 | Increments: 1% | Max: 30%


- Ring Leader
THROWS DISABLE the opponent's TAG INS for x seconds

Starting seconds: 5 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 15 sec​


- Chaos
When at an ELEMENTAL ADVANTAGE, inflict a random
DEBUFF for x seconds when landing a CRITICAL HIT

Starting seconds: 10 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 20 sec

Recommended Use: On offense
- Volatility
Every 30 seconds, gain a random BUFF for x seconds

Starting seconds: 10 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 20 sec

Recommmended Use: Universally applicable

Further Comment:
Volatility is always usable as it doesn't rely on elemental advantage
Chaos is usable if you're confident in your ability to keep the elemental advantage


- Blood Oath
Whenever a teammate is defeated, Eliza regains x% health

Starting %: 30 | Increments: 2% | Max: 50%​

- Ritual Sacrifice
Whenever a teammate is defeated, Eliza gains x% METER for all BLOCKBUSTERS

Starting %: 50 | Increments: 5% | Max: 100%​


- Leech
x% of the DAMAGE Filia inflicts is regained as HEALTH

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%

Recommended Use: Filias without bleed on hit
- The First Cut
Every HIT has a x% chance to convert all active BLEEDS to permanent BLEEDS

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%

Recommended Use: Bleed-heavy Filias
(Bad Hair Day, Parasite Weave)

Further Comment:
The First Cut is the strongest ability as of right now.
Ms Fortune

- Mlem
Gain REGEN for x seconds after every 10 seconds of not suffering a hit (includes blocked hits)

Starting seconds: 10 | increments: likely 1 second | Max: 20 seconds
- Boop
Gain Enrage for x seconds after every 10 seconds of not suffering a hit (includes blocked hits)

Starting seconds: 10 | increments: likely 1 second | Max: 20 seconds​


- Tainted Blood
When an opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT, x% of the damage will be reflected back

Starting %: 50 | Increments: 5% | Max: | 100%

Recommended Use: Defense

- Grudge
When the opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT, gain ENRAGE for x seconds and Armor for 5 seconds

Starting seconds: 10 | Increments: 1sec | Max: 20 sec


- Critical Thinking
Parasoul gains a x % bonus to CRIT RATE per ACTIVE TEAR

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%​

- Critical Mass
Parasoul gains a 20% bonus to CRIT DAMAGE per ACTIVE TEAR

Starting %: 20 | Increments: 2% | Max: 40%

Recommended Use: Parasouls that benefit from and have a high crit rate
(No Egrets, Heavy Reign)


- Special Feature
When Peacock uses a SPECIAL MOVE, there is a x% chance
that the COOLDOWN will immediately reset

Starting %: 10 | Increments: 2% | Max: 30%

Recommended Use: Peacocks with bonus on projectile damage and many special moves
(Pea Shooter, Ultraviolent)

- Cast Party
When Peacock or any teammate uses TAG IN, there is a x% chance
that the attack will be UNBLOCKABLE

Starting %: 30 | Increments: 2% | Max: 50%

Recommended Use: Defense

Further Comment:

Special Feature is always the better option when playing in offense. With Cast Party you risk getting hit and potentially getting K.O.d.


- Evil Dead
While enemies are nearby Squigly's dead body, teammate's HITS inflict
CURSE and WITHER for x seconds

Starting seconds: 5 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 15 sec

- Dead Alive

While teammates are near Squigly's dead body, suffering a hit will grant them
FINAL STAND for x seconds

Starting seconds: 5 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 15 sec


- Trauma Center
While Valentine is alive, teammates gain FINAL STAND for x seconds when suffering an attack that deals more than 10% HEALTH

Starting seconds: 5 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 15 sec

Recommended Use: High Prize Fight Streaks

Valentine gains HEAVY REGEN for x seconds when suffering a DEBUFF

Starting seconds: 10 | Increments: 1 sec | Max: 20 sec

Recommended Use: Accursed Experiments, Defense

Further Comment:
Trauma Center can save you in a lot of situations.
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Filia's is easily the strongest for offense simply because of how strong bleed is right now.

Double should always go Entropy or else you can never safely use her for Squigly's prize fight.

Beowulf is the interesting one because it comes down to when you want your damage and how well you avoid opponents attacks.
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Parasoul critical mass i'd say Primed and No Egrets, for a destructive build or nice control one; and beware with those painwheels D:

Is nice to see how cerebella gets some control effects, that plus raw stats keeps her in my top rank :)
How often do passive Marquee Abilities proc? Like ICU, for instance; do you get Heavy Regen every time you suffer a debuff and don't have heavy regen? Is there a cooldown for it? Like, I get hit with Wither and ICU gives me Heavy Regen for 10 sec; 11 sec later, Heavy Regen is gone, and a get another debuff. Do I get another Heavy Regen?
How often do passive Marquee Abilities proc? Like ICU, for instance; do you get Heavy Regen every time you suffer a debuff and don't have heavy regen? Is there a cooldown for it? Like, I get hit with Wither and ICU gives me Heavy Regen for 10 sec; 11 sec later, Heavy Regen is gone, and a get another debuff. Do I get another Heavy Regen?

It says "when suffering a debuff", so yes. no cooldown. the heavy regen is there immediately after suffering a debuff when no heavy regen is present.
It says "when suffering a debuff", so yes. no cooldown. the heavy regen is there immediately after suffering a debuff when no heavy regen is present.
Wow. That's a stupidly powerful passive ability. Especially when fully leveled.
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Wow. That's a stupidly powerful passive ability. Especially when fully leveled.
Not really. Heal Block still destroy this and Heavy Regen doesn't stack. Also, heal is not that good in this game. Her other ability, Trauma Center, is way better in almost every scenario.
Peacock moves seem wayyy weaker than others

I'm not disagreeing, but I've fought against a defensive team with Cast Party, and that is a real pain in the butt. Not sure that's enough to really make is stand out though.

Hmm, I guess it could make a strategy with some tagging-in more appealing though, because it's less likely to be punished, and more likely to let you get a free hit.
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I'm not disagreeing, but I've fought against a defensive team with Cast Party, and that is a real pain in the butt. Not sure that's enough to really make is stand out though.

Hmm, I guess it could make a strategy with some tagging-in more appealing though, because it's less likely to be punished, and more likely to let you get a free hit.
Haha true these teams are amazingly annoying, hell when I face a team with ict hot, surgeon general and a butthurt armed force in the front, I felt utterly irritating as that team was almost invincivle lmao. But that makes peacock a defensive player, not a damage focusing character anymore considerig how powerful and damage centric her BBs and SAs are. That tag in usually require strong health regen with icy hot or surgeon general, and the fight is too grinding to even enjoy it. I mean peacock was made as a damage focus charactee, when wher Marquees now is for defensive only. And I bet we can even risk tag in that much at streak 20 and above because if we miss the enemy will unleash a BB3 immediately.

Btw where have you been all this time, long time no see
Icy Hot Valentine with Trauma Center and Rerun Peacock with Cast Party are a nightmare when paired together. Like, I still won, but I was using a gold team and it was nowhere near as quick as you'd expect. It was just constantly bringing people down to one hit point, then having them tag out, unblockably hitting me, rinse and repeat.

Peacock does have a lot of tag in abilities at lower levels, so it kinda makes sense that she has an ability to support those. But the specials one feels weird to me, because I don't use any more specials with her than average. I mean, if you got the ability up to 30%, you could probably endlessly loop all her ranged special attacks, which would be neat, but that is a crazy huge investment for what seems like a so-so strategy.

Nice to see you Khanh. I've been taking a little break from the game. I had a couple weeks where I couldn't play, then I just couldn't get back into the grind of making it through the early Prize Fights. The new update has fixed a lot of that though.
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Squigly's Marque abilities seem like they're the worst, seeing as they depend on her being dead first, and even then are very context dependent. I can't imagine buying them.
Squigly's Marque abilities seem like they're the worst, seeing as they depend on her being dead first, and even then are very context dependent. I can't imagine buying them.
I'd wager Painwheel being the worst, considering as PW being hit is the last thing you want, sincew you are squishy as heck.

Considering her aggressive nature i'd have hoped for passives aplying when she attacks, not being attacked :c
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Painwheel's are also pretty bad. Having to be dead seems worse than having to be hit, but you make a fair point. Squigly's seem marginally more powerful, provided that things are already going wrong.
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Squigly's Marque abilities seem like they're the worst, seeing as they depend on her being dead first, and even then are very context dependent. I can't imagine buying them.
squiggly's marquee seems like pretty bad, but the second one(giving final stand for 15 sec with no cooldown) would be awesome for 'Dead of Winter'

cuz it would make her teammates much more sustainable to hang till she revives.
Icy Hot Valentine with Trauma Center and Rerun Peacock with Cast Party are a nightmare when paired together. Like, I still won, but I was using a gold team and it was nowhere near as quick as you'd expect. It was just constantly bringing people down to one hit point, then having them tag out, unblockably hitting me, rinse and repeat.

Peacock does have a lot of tag in abilities at lower levels, so it kinda makes sense that she has an ability to support those. But the specials one feels weird to me, because I don't use any more specials with her than average. I mean, if you got the ability up to 30%, you could probably endlessly loop all her ranged special attacks, which would be neat, but that is a crazy huge investment for what seems like a so-so strategy.

Nice to see you Khanh. I've been taking a little break from the game. I had a couple weeks where I couldn't play, then I just couldn't get back into the grind of making it through the early Prize Fights. The new update has fixed a lot of that though.
Haha, glad a veteran is back,the old grind is over, but with this new elemental PF, I think the grind would get intensified when everyone want those new units.
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Not really. Heal Block still destroy this and Heavy Regen doesn't stack. Also, heal is not that good in this game. Her other ability, Trauma Center, is way better in almost every scenario.
ICU is good for defense where the bleed meta still runs rampant
Thx for the list! Just noticed a mini spelling error : ss+(2018-07-24+at+02.44.53).png
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- Critical Thinking
Parasoul gains a x % bonus to CRIT RATE per ACTIVE TEAR

Starting %: 5 | Increments: 1% | Max: 15%
- Critical Mass
Parasoul gains a 20% bonus to CRIT DAMAGE per ACTIVE TEAR

Starting %: 20 | Increments: 1% | Max: 30%

Recommended Use: Parasouls that benefit from and have a high crit rate
(No Egrets, Heavy Reign)

So, overthinking things, I built a spreadsheet to calculate Parasoul's average damage with these two Marquee abilities under various circumstances (number of tears, marquee level, base crit and +crit damage % including move bonuses) and came to the surprising conclusion that in almost all circumstances Critical Mass gives better damage than Critical Thinking. I had thought there'd be some difference for crit based and non-crit based Parasouls, but there's not.

The exception seems to be if you're in the range of having only 20% crit chance, just from just being a character with a full tree, and then +45% crit damage from moves on top of the base +35%. Then Critical Thinking will deal more damage on average.

Maximum possible damage also seems to come from focusing on +crit% over +crit damage from moves and picking Critical Mass.

As for whether it's worthwhile to invest in more than 1 level in the marquee ability, that really depends on your investment in +crit% and the number of tears you typically have out. If you have a 50% crit rate and 3 tears out, it's like a +15% bonus to damage to have a level 11 marquee rather than a level 1. If you have 1 tear out and a 20% crit rate it's closer to a +2% bonus to damage.

I suppose there might be some reason to take Critical Thinking if you wanted to build a crit-based Parasoul without +crit% moves, because you can get so much more +attack% from moves than you can from Critical Mass.

Anyway, that's what I see. If there's some interest, I can try to figure out how to share my spreadsheet.
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So, overthinking things, I built a spreadsheet to calculate Parasoul's average damage with these two Marquee abilities under various circumstances (number of tears, marquee level, base crit and +crit damage % including move bonuses) and came to the surprising conclusion that in almost all circumstances Critical Mass gives better damage than Critical Thinking. I had thought there'd be some difference for crit based and non-crit based Parasouls, but there's not.

The exception seems to be if you're in the range of having only 20% crit chance, just from just being a character with a full tree, and then +45% crit damage from moves on top of the base +35%. Then Critical Thinking will deal more damage on average.

Maximum possible damage also seems to come from focusing on +crit% over +crit damage from moves and picking Critical Mass.

As for whether it's worthwhile to invest in more than 1 level in the marquee ability, that really depends on your investment in +crit% and the number of tears you typically have out. If you have a 50% crit rate and 3 tears out, it's like a +15% bonus to damage to have a level 11 marquee rather than a level 1. If you have 1 tear out and a 20% crit rate it's closer to a +2% bonus to damage.

I suppose there might be some reason to take Critical Thinking if you wanted to build a crit-based Parasoul without +crit% moves, because you can get so much more +attack% from moves than you can from Critical Mass.

Anyway, that's what I see. If there's some interest, I can try to figure out how to share my spreadsheet.
This makes sense because all calculations of overall crit damage would just be crit rate * crit damage. So whichever one with the highest increase is going to be better.

I'd still love to take a gander at that spreadsheet though!