• [2018/06/22]
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Marquee Ability: Untethered Entity

Which MA will you pick?

  • Spectral Spite - give me more attack!

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Wraith's Wrath - stop hitting me!

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Both, depends on the variant!

    Votes: 11 50.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
Deal 1% bonus damage for every 5% HEALTH missing.

Reduce damage taken by 1% for every 5% HEALTH missing.

The Marquee Ability selections for Fukua are framed as a simple choice between offense and defense, but is it that simple? Which variants would benefit most from which MA?

Thought Experiment #001: Two Failing Fukuas
Living up to her unstable (and non-canon!) clone status, Fukua's marquee activates when she is dying. Whereas Filia will cut you regardless if she is winning or losing, Fukua needs to start losing to see any benefits. Let's have two Fukuas with different MA choices in the same situation: cornered with 20% health left.

Spectral Spite Fukua
80% HEALTH lost
80/5 = 16
16% bonus ATK

Wraith's Wrath Fukua
80% HEALTH lost
80/5 = 16
16% bonus DEF​

In this situation, both Fukuas with only one-fifth of life left have a chance for a comeback. The Spectral Spite Fukua has an edge not unlike the X-Factor damage boost seen in Marvel vs.Capcom 3, to quickly end the fight. The Wraith's Wrath Fukua can now... die after 3 punches instead of 2?

In the battle between MAs for the dying, one would assume when given a chance for a comeback, one would want to be attacking to win instead of continuing to die and hoping it won't hurt as bad.

How far these Marquee Ability choices can level up is vital for making a decision between SS and WW. If you have begun to level your Fukua's MA, please let us know how far those numbers go!

What is your opinion of the Fukua Marquee Ability Untethered Enitity?
I do agree attack is generally better although I'm thinking that the more defensive variants might benefit from wraith's wrath. The main two that come to mind is vaporware and splitting image since both have an easy way to regain some of their health.
My first thought was that since every Fukua has access to healing through her character ability and Miasma taunt, Wrath is still a good choice for defense variants since sometimes having a little extra defense is enough to prevent you from getting KO'd so you can start healing it all back. Especially if you throw in some defense catalysts. On the other hand, Spectral only matters if you can manage to get a hit in, but Fatigue can help a lot with that, and she's got some good unblockable attacks to get a comeback started as well.

In general, I'm probably going to put Spectral on attack variants and Wrath on defense variants, but there's some definite synergy between Spectral with Fatigue / her unblockable attacks / command grabs and Wrath with Miasma / her character ability / certain SAs that's worth considering outside of the basic attacker / defender stuff.
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I feel like variants that have easy access to Miasma from their SA will benefit more from Wraith. Damage wouldn't matter when you're main strategy is simply draining the life of the opponent with multiple stacks!

With that said, I'm probably going for Wraith for the Fukua variants that may see play defensively in Rift. And I'll go for Spectral for variants like Soul Sisters that seems to have very little defensive capability but might be fun to play offensively in PF.