• [2018/06/22]
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"Moonstruck" - Strategy & Discussion


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
Variant: Gold
Palette: Sailor Moon, Sagan = Luna
First Appearance: 4.4 (fourth quarter of 2020)
Twitter Demo: https://twitter.com/sgmobile/status/1313980059724713992

Signature Ability

  • Inflict WITHER for 10 seconds and gain 15% STAR POWER meter when landing a CRITICAL HIT with a projectile.
  • Once per match when activating STAR POWER at full meter, REVIVE and HEAL teammates by 100% of Annie's missing HEALTH.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
Catch phrase Sailor Moon would issue before dispatching an enemy.
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Is it just me or, this Moonstruck works as a Support fighter? I mean, she is not like most Valentines where we can just put her on the last slot and she will work of wonders with their SA. But this one, in order to make her 'Supportive' SA works, we have to use her personally, on 2nd or as the last fighter. My speculation will be...

Gold Annie - MOONSTRUCK (Total ECLIPSE) SA: BLOCKBUSTER HITS has X% inflicts WITHER for X seconds, gives X% STAR POWER METER // Once per match, activating STAR POWER at when fully charged revives teammates at X% HP. X% of damage dealt by blockbusters heals teammates.

What you guys think??

Regarding her SA2, does anyone know if the Health regained by her teammates is based on % or amount of HP moonstruck has?
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Reactions: Hall☆weenQueen
Regarding her SA2, does anyone know if the Health regained by her teammates is based on % or amount of HP moonstruck has?
I'd be curious about this too. I pulled her today and she looks rather tricky to use (or maybe I'm dumb haha) but I'm not sure if she's a worthwhile investment. Any advice?
I'd be curious about this too. I pulled her today and she looks rather tricky to use (or maybe I'm dumb haha) but I'm not sure if she's a worthwhile investment. Any advice?
I'd say all her Golds are probably worth an investment (not sure on Ageless Wonder though)

Moonstruck shouldn't be too tricky, investing in crit and projectile attacks is all you need.
Just being able to inflict wither reliably is always a massive plus

Timeless and Materia are better at dealing pure damage probably, but she's safe from BB3s and is able to heal/revive on top
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Reactions: Hall☆weenQueen
I'd be curious about this too. I pulled her today and she looks rather tricky to use (or maybe I'm dumb haha) but I'm not sure if she's a worthwhile investment. Any advice?

I already invested in mine, and she has saved me few times when her teammates died, I think she's straight forward, but needs some getting used to. I tend to forget that she revives and then got surprised when she did actually revive.
I was wondering about the HP regained by the revived teammates because if it's not percentage based, then maybe I need to increase Moonstruck's HP.
It also seems she needs to have taken some damage before being able to revive at all
Just tried reviving my other 2 fighters the second Moonstruck tagged in (with full HP), but nothing happened

Not sure if intended, but would make sense, since the healing scales with missing HP and all that