Myst-Match's rework sounds like lots of fun, but as an avid Double player, this rework won't do a lot for her. She gains buffs at the cost of losing the element advantage, rendering chaos worthless. More often than not, the trade-off is not worth it. The only good buffs you could end up getting would be enrage and haste. I'd say unflinching but then no one can attack unless they use a BB or something.
Curse may be powerful and heal block does come in clutch more often than not, but Graveyard's damage output is still far too low to take advantage of this. Her use will be very limited.
Dragon Brawler's rework is the one I'm most hyped for. Previously his crit damage boost was sometimes not enough and his SA2 was strangely unrelated to his SA1. Not like it proccs enough for him to take advantage of it anyway. Now he'll gain an even better damage boost AND 5 stacks of precision, all of which will ignore defensive SAs and gurantee crits. He'll probably now be a great fighter to bring against stuff like RE and AF.
Raw Nerv was in dire need of a buff. She's much better considering she doesn't have to be so low for the buffs and inflicts a death mark. But she's still mediocre at best since she still has to lose health for her SA to procc, which is the WORST thing you can have happen with Painwheel. Though I suppose Grudge pairs even better with her now.
Idol Threat's buff is nice, but evading is something the A.I will actually succeed at with like, once a match. And its very short. 5 seconds is basically nothing. The armor break is situational since it relies a lot on how good your ability to intercept is. Its particularly awful when against a Big Band. Overall, a nice buff, but sadly its on a mediocre fighter.