The new 1.4.0 update will be going LIVE within the next couple of weeks. Notes on the changes you can expect below!
- We’ve spent a significant amount of time and energy reworking and optimizing our existing systems and memory usage to hopefully increase stability and performance across all devices
- There are still additional optimizations we plan to make, but this should be a significant step in the right direction
- Now, every day that you login, you get a free reward!
- Rewards include Coins, Theonite, Move Relics, Premium Relics and - if you login for 24 days in a given month, you will receive a new SILVER LINING Relic that guarantees a Silver Fighter with DOUBLE the odds of getting a Gold (compared to the Shard to Get Relic)
This is a story all about how Ben Birdland’s life got flipped, turned upside down...
- Like Peacock’s Origin Story:
- Requires Player Level 20 to Unlock
- Every Fight within an Origin Story requires that you use a Fighter of that story’s character type
- Origin Stories are NOT EASY, especially in Advanced and Expert mode. Get ready for a challenge!
- UP NEXT: Painwheel, Valentine, and many more!
- Beowulf Fighters & Moves Added to Standard Relics
- You can now get Beowulf Fighters and Moves from the standard non-exclusive Relics (Premiere, Shard to Get, Bronze/Silver/Gold Move Relics, etc)
- Better Theonite > Canopy Coin Exchange Rate
- We have increased the “BONUS” Canopy Coins you can get by trading in Theonite by 300%:
- 40 Theonite → 8,000 Canopy Coins
- 120 Theonite → 27,000 Canopy Coins (was 25,000)
- 280 Theonite → 80,000 Canopy Coins (was 64,000)
- 640 Theonite → 224,000 Canopy Coins (was 160,000)
- 1,600 Theonite → 620,000 Canopy Coins (was 420,000)
- Replaced $29.99 HC IAP with $19.99 IAP
- There is now a new $19.99 USD IAP that grants 1,225 Theonite (the $29.99 USD IAP has been removed)
- Increased Max Move Cap
- The maximum number of moves increased from 300 to 400
- We plan to allow players to increase this cap via Theonite in the future, but in the meantime - hopefully this helps to alleviate some of the Move Cap pressure
We have added two new types of Medici Prize Fights (in addition to the one every weekend). These events will alternate weekly:
- Bonus Medici Shakedown
- Every other week, there will be an ADDITIONAL 48 hour Medici Prize Fight in the middle of the week (Wednesday/Thursday)
- This event will have a new modifier, but the same rewards as the weekend event
- New 24-hour Medici Event
- Every other week, one day will feature a 24-hour Medici Event (ex: Medici Heist) that offers the same amount of Canopy Coins as a Medici Shakedown event, but in half the time!
- These events will feature one-sided (opponent only) modifiers that are more challenging than Medici Shakedown
- In addition to Canopy Coins, you can also earn Gold Move Relics as Milestone and final rewards (for the Top 100 players)
NOTE: All these changes apply to players as well as AI opponents
- Increased Blockbuster Tier 3 Meter Requirements
- We have increased the amount of meter it takes to trigger a BB3 by 25%
- This is NOT intended to be the be-all-end-all solution to BB3 balancing, but rather a short term step in the right direction pending other adjustments. Stay tuned!
- Special Move Damage Revisions
- After getting some reports of Special Move damage not lining up with their listed tier, we did some investigation and found a number of issues that were causing those values to not be aligned
- We have made a pass on all Special Moves in the game to ensure that they now properly align to their damage tier - specifics on which moves were affected in the Character section below
- Disable Modifier Updates
- Fixed a bug where the Disable modifier would not properly freeze Move access or cooldown
- When DISABLED, Special Move, Blockbuster, and Tag In icons will now feature a LOCK icon
- Modifier Timers will Pause during Blockbuster Startup Frames
- All Modifier Timers will be paused during the SuperFlash that triggers at the beginning of BBs to allow more time for pre-Blockbuster modifiers to apply during the Blockbuster animation
- Fight Timer will Pause during Blockbusters
- The Fight Timer will now pause during Blockbusters
- This also means that a fight will not 'time out' until after Blockbuster moves have finished
- Blockbuster Queueing
- You can now queue a Blockbuster to fire during an existing Blockbuster
- NOTE: Your opponent may still have the opportunity to perform another action in between (Tag Out, a Blockbuster of their own, etc)
- AI Improvements
- After successfully blocking a BB, enemies should block for the remainder of the BB. This was most noticeable versus moves like Argus Agony, where the AI would block the laser, then charge into the “bullets”.

- Fixed some issues with irregular AI blocking behavior
- Random Modifier Lists Updated
- Any event that triggers "Random" modifiers (ex: OFF TEMPO, EVIL PRESENCE or THOUSAND PLAGUES), now includes SLOW, HEAL BLOCK, HASTE, and LAST STAND)
- Daily Events - First Aid Modifier Adjustment
- The First Aid modifier (present in many Daily Event fights) has been changed from granting Heavy Regen permanently after the Fighter drops below 10% to granting Heavy Regen for 10 seconds if the Fighter is below 10%
- Misc Fixes
- Fixed bug where fighters would 'teleport' back several steps at the start of the fight
- Stun logic updated so that characters can be stunned immediately after a given stun expires
- Standardized Stagger hit reaction animation duration
- Fixed bug that prevented the DEFENSE % stat from being properly capped at 50%
- Beowulf
- SM Wulf Blitzer damage reduced by 20%
- SM Wulf Shoot damage increased by 20%
- SM Gigan Arm Sweep damage reduced by 20%
- Penguin Referees may now make an appearance under particular fight completion circumstances
- Big Band
- SM Brass Knuckles damage reduced by 20%
- Epic Sax’s Circular Breathing SA can now trigger "Heavy Regen"
- Fixed issue with 1st level of Private Dick’s Stunning Performance SA that would cause him to stun himself by accident
- Fixed bug where the camera would continue to follow enemy character's movements if BB1 Beat Extend move was interrupted
- Fixed issues with Big Band’s Dash attack (after unlocking his Character Ability) to prevent unintended Unflinching status after connecting with the attack
- Cerebella
- SM Merry Go Rilla is now punishable during its recovery
- SM Merry Go Rilla is now listed as LOW damage instead of MED
- Fixed non-progression that can occur when Cerebella dies while performing SM Battle Butt attack
- Eliza
- SM Chaos Banish damage increased by 33%
- Filia
- SM French Twist damage increased by 60%
- Increased reliability of BB2 Widow's Peak
- Increased reliability of BB3 Fenrir Drive to help ensure that it never whiffs
- Fixed issue that would cause Filia’s Crit Rate to drop to 0% after successfully Evading an attack via her Character Ability
- Painwheel
- SM Violet Grudge damage increased by 60%
- SM Pinion Dash damage increased by 33%
- SM Cruel Lily damage increased by 15%
- SM Gae Bolga Stinger damage reduced by 20%
- Increased reliability of BB2 Fracture Reaper (including while enemy is already launched)
- Parasoul
- SM Egret Moto damage reduced by 33%
- Improved reliability of BB2 Canopy Bounce
- Peacock
- SM Boxcar George damage reduced by 20%
- SM Air Show George damage reduced by 20%
- SM George’s Day Out is now listed as LOW damage instead of MED
- BB1 Argus Agony is now invincible until the initial laser fires
- Valentine
- SM Dead Cross damage increased by 5% (GAME CHANGER)