• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 2.0.4 Maintenance Complete + User Data Details


Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Alright everyone, in light of the imminent re-launching of the servers, I’ve made a fresh, new post just to summarize everything all in one place.

As part of our preparations for our transition from LINE, one of the biggest challenges was migrating our backend infrastructure over from LINE servers to Amazon Web Servers that were under our control. Given that we are a small dev team with grand aspirations, we made sure to enlist the aid of a dedicated, experienced, highly-regarded backend partner to help build, manage, and maintain our servers.

Unfortunately, on Friday morning at around 7:30 AM PST, one of their employees made a mistake and wiped the User Database. Furthermore, due to a separate set of internal complications, their regular backups were also not available.

I know - that confluence of events still doesn’t seem possible to us either - but here we are.


As a result, we had to use our last snapshot of the game (from the LINE Migration on January 15th) and our Activity Database (basically a record of EVERY account action every player has taken since the relaunch of the game in early January) and reconstruct every user’s player data since then.

The good news
is we have successfully reconstructed everyone’s data.

The bad news is that we are unable re-create the authentication data needed to auto-login users to their Google or Facebook accounts.

As such, the only users that will be able to immediately access their data are:
  • Migrated LINE Skullgirls Players
    • Your existing Skullgirls Login email/password will grant you access to your data.
  • Users with a local authorization token on their device
    • This means any Skullgirls Login or Guest Login users who have NOT deleted the app on their device since 7:30am PST 2/2/18
    • NOTE: These tokens expire 30 days after they were created, so make sure to login to re-authenticate ASAP!
Below is a table that should help your determine if you are able to immediately get access to your data:


Yes and no. Your data still exists, but we will need your help to access it.

If you want to recover your data, you can email restoredata@hiddenvariable.com with as many data points below as you can manage, and we will try to manually re-grant you access to your account:
  • Most Reliable
    • Google Play Purchase Receipts
  • Semi Reliable
    • Apple Store Purchase Receipts
    • Display Name in Prize Fights
    • Collection details (namely top X Fighters)
    • Any other details you have to share about your account!
We will be doing everything in our power to help you recover your data ASAP. That said, we are a small team and handle every issue personally so it may take a little longer than usual for us to address your requests.

Also, if you have made in-app purchases, you can send us your receipts and we will work to restore the value of those purchases to your new account.

However, since this mostly impacts new users who have only had the last 2-3 weeks to generate progress, you may instead want to create a new account given our compensation packages!

We have two Compensation Packages that will be waiting for you as soon as you login. Full details on each below:

For any players who lost their data, when you login you will be treated as a brand new player. As such, for the next 3 days, we will be granting ALL new players the following compensation package in the mail to help get you back into the game as quickly as possible. Yes, feel free to tell your friends!
  • 2x Gold Fighter Relics
  • 5x Silver Lining Relics
  • 10x Bronze Move Relics
  • 10x Silver Move Relics
  • 10x Gold Move Relics
  • 3x Bronze Keys
  • 3x Silver Keys
  • 3x Gold Keys
  • 1000 Theonite
  • 250,000 Canopy Coins
For all the players that survived The Great User Database Wipe of 2018 but have been without Skullgirls in their life for the last 4+ days, we’ve prepared a compensation package that should cover players as though they were extremely active during that period (including Prize Fights, Daily Missions, Daily Relics, etc). In addition, we’ve included a Gold Fighter Relic for your trouble. Thanks for your support!
  • 1x Gold Fighter Relic
  • 1x Silver Lining Relic
  • 3x Bronze Keys
  • 3x Silver Keys
  • 3x Gold Keys
  • 5x Daily Relics
  • 5x Gold Move Relics
  • 5x Silver Move Relics
  • 5x Bronze Move Relics
  • 500 Theonite
  • 500,000 Canopy Coins
For those of you who HAVE been able to recover your data, you’ll notice a few things when you login:
  • All Moves will be unequipped from your Fighters
  • Your last default team will not have been saved
  • Non-CPU Prize Fight teams will need to be re-registered
  • Any unclaimed rewards that were delivered to your mail in the last 2 weeks will be lost
  • Any Valentine Prize Fight Rewards you may have been due to get will not be granted
  • All Offers in the Store will be available again for all users
We know that many of you missed out on completing the Valentine Prize Fights and may now want to purchase Character Relics.

As such, expect the following changes to our event schedule:
  • All Character Relics will be available every day through Sunday Feb 11th
  • On Thursday Feb 8th, in addition to the currently scheduled Big Band Prize Fights, we will also be offering the Valentine Prize Fights
Whew. It’s been an… interesting 4 days.

As you might expect, all of us at Hidden Variable have been working day and night (literally) to get to the bottom of the issue and limit its impact on all of you as much as possible. We all care so much about this game, it pains us greatly even when the smallest issue pops up so you can imagine how all this has affected us.

That said, we’re hopeful that - regardless of how you have been affected by this crisis - you find the resolution and compensation appropriate. As noted before, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please don’t be shy about reaching out to us at skullgirls@hiddenvariable.com or restoredata@hiddenvariable.com and we’ll do everything in our power to help you out.

We really appreciate how understanding, patient, and supportive you all have been during this period. It goes without saying, but we are going to do everything in our power to ensure nothing remotely like this ever happens again. We’ve taken our lumps, but we’re going to learn from it and come back better than ever.

We’re still extremely excited about all of the things we talked about in our 2018 feature post, and are looking forward to sorting out all of the issues surrounding this scenario. The sooner we can get all this taken care of the sooner we can dig back into development on new features, characters, and more.

Thanks so much for all your support. We couldn’t do it without you! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Incredibly Grateful,
Charley (MightyZug) and the rest of the Skullgirls Mobile team
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does that means facebook login user still have to wait for another update or send a email ?
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Reactions: David Mendez Gurra
does that means facebook login user still have to wait for another update or send a email ?
If you are unsatisfied with the following compensation package found in your inbox:
  • 2x Gold Fighter Relics
  • 5x Silver Lining Relics
  • 10x Bronze Move Relics
  • 10x Silver Move Relics
  • 10x Gold Move Relics
  • 3x Bronze Keys
  • 3x Silver Keys
  • 3x Gold Keys
  • 1000 Theonite
  • 250,000 Canopy Coins
Then you will have to send us an email at restoredata@hiddenvariable.com so we can attempt to restore your previous data.
That is correct.

Really sorry for the inconvenience!
I lost everything from my gold characters to my gems and my level. How do I recover everything?
If you are unsatisfied with the following compensation package found in your inbox:
  • 2x Gold Fighter Relics
  • 5x Silver Lining Relics
  • 10x Bronze Move Relics
  • 10x Silver Move Relics
  • 10x Gold Move Relics
  • 3x Bronze Keys
  • 3x Silver Keys
  • 3x Gold Keys
  • 1000 Theonite
  • 250,000 Canopy Coins
Then you will have to send us an email at so we can attempt to restore your previous data.
That is correct.

Really sorry for the inconvenience!
Although I have just ply this game for 2-3 weeks , I already spent endless hours on it and have more thn 7 gold and highest being harle with over 6000+ fs , I had send an email to you guys and hope my account will be able to recover as soon as possible.
Really appreciate if you are able to recover it , Thanks
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Reactions: Liam
I only lost what is in the files that I am uploading but I am satisfied with the compensation for players with an account. But no way. Time to get back Silver Cerebellas and the lost Beowulf's Skill Points. Congratulations for the excellent work. Good Night (They need sleep, they deserve it). :)


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Even lost my skullgirls account with 200$ worth of gems
Man thats ****'up
Its The same whit all my data
Gracias! :) Everything is fine. Can I link my account back to fb or could there be a problem?
Although I have just ply this game for 2-3 weeks , I already spent endless hours on it and have more thn 7 gold and highest being harle with over 6000+ fs , I had send an email to you guys and hope my account will be able to recover as soon as possible.
Really appreciate if you are able to recover it , Thanks
Same :(
what should I do with the new account while pending for recovery of account? can I login or logout ? does tht mess things up?
im serious mad i have Skullgirls Login and didnt deleted the app since 7:30am PST 2/2/18 and im still lost mine acc
Glad everything is a-nyaok!
el juego me dice que mi cuenta de skullgirls no está en la base de datos, ¿qué debo hacer?
If you are unsatisfied with the following compensation package found in your inbox:
  • 2x Gold Fighter Relics
  • 5x Silver Lining Relics
  • 10x Bronze Move Relics
  • 10x Silver Move Relics
  • 10x Gold Move Relics
  • 3x Bronze Keys
  • 3x Silver Keys
  • 3x Gold Keys
  • 1000 Theonite
  • 250,000 Canopy Coins
Then you will have to send us an email at so we can attempt to restore your previous data.
That is correct.

Really sorry for the inconvenience!
and also I do get the compensation reward after my facebook account is recovered am I right?