• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 4.0.2 Update Notes (Available now!)


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

UDPATE (10/29/2019) a 4.0.2 hotfix has been released! You can find the update notes for this update below, in pink.

- Fixed an issue where the ARMOR BREAK Modifier wasn't providing bonus damage.
- Fixed an issue where THRILL SHRIEKER's SA2 wasn't activating when using an OUTTAKE on the opponent.
- Fixed an exploit with unintended Moves being allowed in competitive VERSUS.
- Numerous server stability improvements.

The update notes for our 4.0.1 hotfix can be seen below, in yellow.

- Fix for an issue where Fighters have less health that expected. This is affecting Rift Battles, Story Mode, Origin Stories, Prize Fights, and Daily Events.
- Netcode improvements when two devices are not running at the same frame rate, which happens pretty often. Hopefully, matches should be much smoother in low latency connections.
- Fix for an issue where players are getting reconnected into a new chat every time they finish a fight.
- Fixed an issue where Beast of Gehenna displays a "0%" chance.
- Fixed an issue where Last Hope's SA2 says she resurrects with 0% health.
- Robo-Fortune - Prototype is going to be disabled in public Free for All. You are welcome to continue using her in Private Matches.

To celebrate the arrival of REAL-TIME PvP, we're proud to introduce Skullgirls 4.0! As many of you know, we've been building towards this day for a LONG time - so we've added a slew of additional goodies for everyone to enjoy.

This update will be arriving THIS WEEK, possibly as early as Tuesday... Fingers crossed!

Without further ado, let's run through all the fancy new goodness we have in store for you all!




At long last, VERSUS mode is arriving in our 4.0 update! VERSUS will be available to any player who is at least level 10.



There are two major types of modes for VERSUS - COMPETITIVE and FREE FOR ALL. Neither of these modes will require Energy, so feel free to play as much as you like!



In Competitive, you'll use pre-balanced Fighters and Moves to fully level the playing field. Signature Abilities, Marquee Abilities, Critical Hits, and Modifiers are disabled!

All Fighters have the same health, but damage has been tuned per Fighter depending on their combo-ability and fighting tools to make things as balanced as possible.

Whether you're a seasoned pro with a stacked Collection or a brand new player looking to try Skullgirls mobile on for size, this is the mode for you!


In Free For All you can use any characters from your current Collection with all their bells and whistles intact. Although Competitive is always available, Free For All will cycle between variations every hour:

Bronze Only > Silver Only > Gold Only > Diamond Only > Pure Free for All > Bronze Only > ...

This event schedule will help maximize the odds of players being able to find a match in Free For All. We may tune this schedule further after release. Additionally, Fighter Score based matchmaking will be in effect so that players queuing with Bronze Fighters are not paired with players queuing with Diamonds in Pure Free for All.


Although we unfortunately will not have Friends Lists in for our next update (one of the next features on our list!) you can still match up with your friends by having one of you host a Private Match and then sharing the 5-character lobby code with them so they can join.




Versus mode features some new twists in additions to the classic gameplay formula that you're already familiar with!

Check out the new additions below!



VERSUS mode features a new "GUARD METER" system. Blocking hits will damage and reduce your Guard Meter. When your Guard Meter empties, you'll be vulnerable, and your opponent can get an easy combo on you! This is known as a "GUARD CRUSH."


The Guard Meter will slowly regenerate over time when you haven't blocked a hit in awhile. Bring the fight to your opponent to prevent yourself from getting GUARD CRUSHED! Check out an example of this in action below:



Charge Attacks are never unblockable in VERSUS mode. Instead, they do massive damage to the opponent's Guard Meter - 80%! This means you only need to do a small amount of Guard Meter damage before getting a guaranteed Guard Crush (the term for when you break through the opponent's block) if you use a Charge Attack.


This also allows all Fighters to combo off their Charge Attack, assuming it performs a Guard Crush.


While we all agree that using a Special Move or Blockbuster throw (frequently referred to as a "command grab" in other fighting games) feels GREAT against the AI, it feels very cheap and frustrating when you're on the receiving end of it in a VERSUS match.

As such, there are special scenarios in VERSUS mode where you Special Move and Blockbuster throws will fail to connect.

First, if the opponent is recovering from a blocked hit, and they cannot act, then you cannot hit them with a Special Move or Blockbuster throw - these will be automatically blocked. Example below!


Secondly, if the opponent is recovering from a knockdown, or falling in after a previous character is defeated (also known as "incoming"), they will be invincible to these types of throws, and they will fail to connect.

These windows are clearly marked by a white flashing effect. Example below!


Keep an eye out for the floating "TOO SOON!" text. When you see this text, it means you activated one of these throw protection rules. Remember, these protection rules do NOT apply to regular throws, since those can be defended against.



In the event of a time out, the winner is decided by the player who has highest total health percentage between all of their Fighters. This can be anywhere from 0% to 300%!


For those of you who participated in the VERSUS beta, we heard your feedback about Burst frequency loud and clear! In COMPETITIVE ONLY, Bursts can only be used ONCE per Fighter.


Once they are used, they will retire to a locked state, and they cannot be used again that round. This persists even after tag out, revives, etc.

In Free for All, Bursts behave as normal.



As mentioned in our previous social post, there will be a brand new 4th Daily Mission that will always grant you 15 Theonite for winning 3 Versus Mode matches of any type. Private Match wins will also count as progress towards finishing this mission!



If you've been following our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you've likely seen some videos teasing the upcoming Fighters in our 4.0 update over the last week or so. The following Diamond Fighters (plus one Silver/Gold) can be found in ALL Standard Relics when 4.0 launches:



Yup! That means you can find these Fighters in Premiere Relics, Elemental Relics, Jackpot Relics, Silver / Gold Relics, etc. Enjoy!



For those of you with duplicate Natural Diamonds and no way to make use of them, you'll now be able to convert Diamond Fighters into one whole Elemental Essence, Skill Points, and Diamond shards.


Look out for the CONVERT option in the bottom left of the POWER UP screen!



By popular demand, we're starting the process of releasing MASTER difficulty for Origin Stories, starting where it all began - with Peacock!


While MASTER Story Mode had many restrictions on which Fighters you could bring to every node, Peacock's Master Origin story will be much more lenient. However, you'll run into a certain Modifier that will prevent your ATTACK STAT from going beyond a certain threshold. As such, everyone should be able to experience this content at the desired difficulty while using their favorite Fighters.



Last year's HAUNTED RELIC is no more, long live the SPOOKY RELIC!


The SPOOKY RELIC will be available in OFFERS (10/25 - 11/4) and in the RELIC STORE (10/28 - 11/4). Here's the full list of Fighters you can find in the SPOOKY RELIC:


The NEW NIGHTMARE RELIC guarantees one of the new Diamond Fighters introduced in 4.0!
This Relic can be purchased ONCE PER PLAYER, in a 10,000 Theonite Offer available from 10/25 - 11/4.



Everyone’s favorite Prize Fight (and more importantly its TRICK OR TREAT modifier) from last year is back! However, compared to last year, we’ve made a number of improvements:
  • By popular demand, this year the Prize Fight will run for 4 DAYS instead of 1 DAY (10/31 - 11/3)
  • New BUFFS and DEBUFFS will be triggered by the Modifier, including Blessing, Thorns, Power Surge, Inverse Polarity, and Barrier. Plan accordingly!
  • All of the rewards have been updated (don’t worry, SQUIGLY - NECROBREAKER is still available!)
As a first, we’ve also added some MEGA milestone rewards to GUARANTEE some really juicy prizes for players ready to really give it their all. You're going to want to clear your calendar for this one!



Check your mail after you login for a special thank you gift from all of us at Hidden Variable! ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

3.4 Relic exclusive Fighters have been added to the general Relic loot tables. This includes:
Numerous offers have been updated to include a 10+1 Relic Voucher, which can b e redeemed in the Relic store for the equivalent of a 10+1 Relic purchase. This includes the BONUS Relic which features increased odds at rare rewards.
  • All Robo-Fortune Fighters have been reduced to standard prices.
  • Parasoul - Shadow Ops, has been added to the Cabinet of Curiosities.
  • Character upgrade offers now feature Special Moves and Blockbusters for that Character type.
  • New offers available on completion of Advanced/Expert/Master difficulty of Who's the Boss and Ascent of a Woman.
  • Move Relics have had their prices reduced:
    • Bronze: 10 > 5 Theonite
    • Silver: 20 > 10 Theonite
    • Gold: 50 > 25 Theonite (!)
  • Fighters: 500 > 600
  • Moves 1000 > 1200


As a special thank you to all of the amazing players who have supported Skullgirls mobile over the years, we've spruced up our Daily Login Bonus Calendar to grant even juicier rewards!





In 4.0, some of our older less useful sub-stats (looking at you, CRIPPLE RESIST...) have been retired in favor of new and improved sub-stats.

First, here's what the new sub-stats do!

PIERCING is a direct counter to DEFENSE. If your opponent has 50% DEFENSE, but you have 50% PIERCING, then your opponent won't reduce any incoming damage! Note that ARMOR also affects the DEFENSE stat, so 50% PIERCING will nullify 2 stacks of ARMOR.
ACCURACY and RESISTANCE counter each other directly.

ACCURACY increases the percent chance of a Fighters Signature Ability activating, up to a cap of 50%. For example, INKLING has a 25% chance for Special Moves to be UNBLOCKABLE. With 50% ACCURACY, INKLING now has a 37.5% chance to activate UNBLOCKABLE Special Moves.

RESISTANCE provides a percent chance to resist any DEBUFF applied by the opponent, which caps at 50%. For example, if the opponent applies a stack of BLEED on your Fighter, and your Fighter has 50% RESISTANCE, then you'll have a 50% chance to block that DEBUFF from being applied.

But wait, there's more! RESISTANCE will counter ACCURACY'S bonus Signature Ability activation chance. If your opponent has 25% ACCURACY, and you have 50% RESISTANCE, then your opponent's total ACCURACY is 25% - 50% = 0%. (ACCURACY cannot be negative.)

ACCURACY will also counter RESISTANCE. If you have 25% ACCURACY, and your opponent has 50% RESISTANCE, then their chance to resist your DEBUFFS is [50% (RESISTANCE) - 25% (ACCURACY) = 25% (TOTAL DEBUFF RESISTANCE CHANCE).]

Note that RESISTANCE does not resist Match Modifiers. For example, you can't resist the permanent bleed from HEMOFILIA in Filia's Prize Fight any more.
Previously, when a Fighter had Tag In Cooldown Reduction, it would reduce the time required for that Fighter to tag OUT to a teammate after they tagged in. Now, Tag In Cooldown Reduction is tracked separately for every Fighter, and when this stat is increased, it will reduce the duration required for that Fighter to tag back in once they are tagged out.

For example, a Fighter with 100% Tag In Cooldown Reduction (thanks to PEACOCK - RERUN) can now tag back in the moment they leave the screen after their tag out!
You guessed it - this stat reduces the cooldown time on your Special Moves after they are activated it. Simple!

"What about my moves with old sub-stats?"

Great question! When you login post 4.0, you'll find the following Move sub-stats will be automatically converted:
  • Bleed Resist > Resistance
  • Armor Break Resist > Accuracy
  • Stun Resist > Piercing
  • Cripple Resist > Special Move Cooldown
  • Disable Resist > Tag In Cooldown



You may have noticed that some of our older Move Abilities aren't quite as punchy as our most recent Move Abilities. This update, we've taken some time to touch up some of our older Move Signature Abilities to reflect the state of the current metagame. The changes are below in this spoiler tag!


BB2 Geatish Trepak
  • OLD - Deals 2/5/8% bonus damage per COMBO HIT
  • NEW - Deals 15/20/25% bonus damage per HIT if used in HYPE MODE.
BB2 Airwulf
  • OLD - 25/50% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK and SLOW for 10 seconds.
BB2 Lupine Pummel
  • OLD - 25/50% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE and SLOW for 10 seconds.
BB3 Wulfamania
  • OLD - If used to defeat an opponent, gain HASTE for 5/8/10 seconds.
  • NEW - If used to defeat an opponent, gain HASTE for 10/12/15 seconds.
Big Band

SM Burst
  • OLD - On HIT, inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • NEW - On HIT, inflict CRIPPLE for 5/7/10 seconds.
BB1 Beat Extend
  • OLD - 15/25/35% bonus damage if opponent is in the air
  • NEW - Deals 2/5/8% bonus damage per COMBO HIT.
BB2 Take the A Train
  • OLD - 25/50% chance on HIT to gain ARMOR for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to gain ARMOR for 10 seconds.

BB1 Diamond Drop
  • OLD - If used to defeat an opponent, gain REGEN for 5/8/10 seconds.
  • NEW - If used to defeat an opponent, gain HEAVY REGEN for 5/8/10 seconds.
BB3 Grab Bag
  • OLD - If used to defeat an opponent, gain ARMOR for 5/8/10 seconds.
  • NEW - If used to defeat an opponent, gain 2 stacks of ARMOR for 10/12/15 seconds.
BB3 Ultimate Showstopper
  • OLD - If used to defeat an opponent, gain ENRAGE for 5/8/10 seconds
  • NEW - If used to defeat an opponent, gain 2 random BUFFS for 10/12/15 seconds.


BB2 Gun Blades
  • OLD - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED and HEAL BLOCK for 7 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED and HEAL BLOCK for 10 seconds.
BB2 Bandwagon Rushdown
  • OLD - 25/50% chance on HIT to inflict HEX for 8/12 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict HEX for 10 seconds.


SM Burst

  • OLD - On HIT, inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/7/10 seconds
  • NEW - On HIT, inflict CURSE for 5/7/10 seconds.
BB1 Sekhmet's Turn
  • OLD - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 8 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED and HEAL BLOCK for 10 seconds.
BB1 Sekhmet's Bite
  • OLD - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 5 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK and CURSE for 10 seconds.
BB1 Sekhmet's Fury
  • OLD - 25/35/50% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 8 seconds
  • NEW - 25% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE and HASTE for 10 seconds
BB2 Khepri Sun
  • OLD - Deals 2/5/8% bonus damage per COMBO HIT
  • NEW - Deals 25/35/50% bonus damage if the opponent is suffering a DEBUFF.
BB3 Lady of Slaughter
  • OLD - 50/75/100% chance to set opponent's SPECIAL MOVES and TAG INS on COOLDOWN
  • NEW - 50/75/100% chance to inflict a random DEBUFF for 10 seconds and set the opponent's SPECIAL MOVES and TAG INS on COOLDOWN.

BB2 Widow's Peak
  • OLD - 25/50% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 50/75/100% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
Ms. Fortune

BB3 Fifth of Dismember
  • OLD - Deals 50/75/100% bonus damage if the enemy is below 50% HEALTH. Sacrifices 50% of your remaining HEALTH.
  • NEW - Deals 50/75/100% bonus damage if the enemy is below 50% HEALTH. Sacrifices 25% of your current HEALTH.

SM Burst

  • OLD - On HIT, inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/7/10 seconds
  • NEW - On HIT, inflict DEATH MARK for 5/7/10 seconds.
BB1 Hatred Install
  • OLD - 25/50/100% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 5 seconds
  • NEW - 25/50/100% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds.
BB2 Fracture Reaper
  • OLD - 10/15% chance to on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 15/20/25% chance to on HIT to inflict DEATH MARK for 10 seconds.
BB2 Buer Overdrive
  • OLD - Reduces opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER by 15/25/35% per landed HIT
  • NEW - Reduces opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER by 3/5/7% per landed HIT.
    • For those wondering, at max level, this BB3 will fully deplete the opponents Blockbuster Meter.

SM Egret Call
  • OLD - Gain ENRAGE for 10/12/15 seconds
  • NEW - TAUNT your opponent to gain 1/2/3 stack(s) of PRECISION.
SM Burst
  • OLD - On HIT, inflict CRIPPLE for 5/7/10 seconds
  • NEW - On HIT, DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS for 5/7/10 seconds.
BB3 Inferno Brigade
  • OLD - 15/25% chance to on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 5/10 seconds
  • NEW - 50/75/100% bonus damage while at least 3 TEARS are active.


SM Burst
  • OLD - On HIT, inflict CRIPPLE for 5/7/10 seconds
  • NEW - On HIT, inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/7/10 seconds.
BB2 Lonesome Lenny
  • OLD - On HIT, inflict 1/2/3 random DEBUFFS for 6 seconds. This SA was unfortunately not functional due to a bug - this has been fixed!
  • NEW - On HIT, inflict 1/2/3 random DEBUFFS for 10 seconds.

BB1 Checkmate Incision

  • OLD - 15/25% chance to on HIT to inflict BLEED for 5/8 seconds
  • NEW - 25/35/50% chance to on HIT to inflict BLEED for 5 seconds.
BB2 Laryngectomy
  • OLD - 15/25% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 5/7 seconds
  • NEW - 10/15/20% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 10 seconds.
BB3 Dead on Arrival
  • OLD - If used to defeat an opponent, gain REGEN for 5/8/10 seconds
  • NEW - If used to defeat an opponent, gain HEAVY REGEN for 10/12/15 seconds.


  • Rather than use its own version of the AI which cannot Block or use Special Moves and Blockbusters, Fight Assist now uses mid level AI, taking advantage of BLOCKING, MOVES, and BLOCKBUSTERS!
  • Using Fight Assist to clear Daily Events and Story Mode content should be much easier now!



Network Connection Errors

  • We've hopefully fully resolved an issue where the game would get stuck infinitely waiting after you finished a fight. This bug would leave you with an image of George walking in the lower right... forever. Now, you should have the option to RETRY sending a message to the server. Our sincere apologies to those who were impacted by this bug! Please let us know if you get it again.
Rift Battles
  • General
    • While we haven't implemented any major Rift Battle changes this update, we did want to let you guys know that we will be looking into some (likey) major changes for Rift Battles in the near future. We hear your feedback loud on clear on what you'd like to see changed, and we can't wait to dig into improvements and tuning now that VERSUS mode is finally released!

  • Catalysts

  • Futile Resistance
    • OLD - Opponents suffer DEATH MARK for 10 seconds and take 1/6% damage when landing a HIT that deals less than 1% of Big Band's MAX HEALTH
    • NEW - While Big Band is above 50% HEALTH, opponents suffer 1/6% damage when landing a HIT that deals less than 1% of Big Band's MAX HEALTH
  • Special Exception
    • OLD - 25/100% chance when HITTING the opponent with a SPECIAL MOVE to DISABLE the opponent's SPECIAL MOVES for 5/15 seconds.
    • NEW - 25/100% chance when using a SPECIAL MOVE to DISABLE the opponent's SPECIAL MOVES for 5/15 seconds.
  • Great Escape
    • OLD - Filia gains a 50% chance to EVADE every 15/5th combo HIT.
    • NEW - Filia has a 50% chance to gain 1 stack of EVASION for every 15/5th combo HIT suffered.
  • Electrostatic Field
    • OLD - While benefitting from BARRIER, Robo-Fortune gains a 25% chance when HIT to inflict POWER SURGE and INVERSE POLARITY for 5/15 seconds each.
    • NEW - While benefitting from a BUFF, Robo-Fortune gains a 25% chance when HIT to inflict POWER SURGE and INVERSE POLARITY for 5/15 seconds each.
  • Auto Immune
    • OLD - 25/100% chance when suffering a DEBUFF to gain IMMUNITY for 5/15 seconds.
    • NEW - 25/100% chance when suffering a DEBUFF to gain IMMUNITY for 1/6 seconds.
  • Bleed
    • Fixed an issue where a Fighter suffering from BLEED could sometimes die from hits that weren't supposed to kill. This was most noticeable when Peacock used BB3 - Deadly Airport, and one of the earlier planes kills the opponent.
  • Armor
    • ARMOR damage reduction has gone from 25% per stack to 20% per stack (to mirror ENRAGE). ARMOR BREAK damage increase is now 20%, down from 25%.
  • Bursts will now put the opponent into a "sliding knockdown" instead of a regular knockdown. This prevents them from bouncing off the ground when they land, removing combo opportunities afterwards.
    • No more Burst followed by Diamonds are Forever in the corner!
  • You can no longer activate a Burst while staggered. This applies to all stagger sources, like SM Pummel Horse, SM Silver Chord, and even staggers from Guard Crushes in VERSUS. You can now always follow up a stagger with a launcher or Blockbuster to prevent the opponent from bursting.
  • Fixed an issue where Robo-Fortune's Fight Assist AI could use her Character Ability even when it's locked.
  • The AI will now fight back if you continue to loop a barrage of "safe" attacks against them. For example, performing L1 > L2 ... L1 > L2 ... L1 > L2 ... L1 > L2 ... would previously never provoke a response outside of a rare random Blockbuster. Now, the AI will attempt to use various Moves if they have been blocking attacks like this for awhile. With good timing, you can bait the AI into attacking you, and trap them as the attempt to punish you.
  • The AI will no longer react instantly to the player performing an attack while they are blocking.
    • The most familiar example of this is attempting to throw a blocking AI opponent, only to have them activate a Blockbuster the moment your throw is about to connect. Now, the AI will only consider using Blockbusters defensively like this when they have recently been attacked.
Master Story Mode
  • In light of the recent Weekend Warrior SA buff in 3.4, we've updated the triple Beowulf node in Ascent of a Woman - MASTER to feature a Freedom Fighter instead of a Weekend Warrior.
  • VFX
    • Fixed a bug where visual effects from moves were sometimes appearing in the wrong location for a split second as they began.
    • Fixed an issue where "Super Shadows" (the after image effects that appear during Blockbusters) would sometimes face the wrong way for P2.
  • Character Ability Button
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes a "hold" input on the Character Ability button would be discarded when the opponent was tagging in or out. (most noticeable with Squigly)
  • BB3s
    • Fixed an issue where the game could soft lock if a Fighter got behind an opponent using a BB3, and the Fighter using the BB3 had 0 health.
  • Resurrections
    • Fixed numerous scenarios where a Fighter could be instantly killed after they revived, if they revived in the middle of a few select throws. Ex: Beowulf's Hype Throws, Robo-Fortune's BB2 Magnetic Trap, Squigly's BB3 Rage of Leviathan.
  • Tombstone
    • Slight logic changes to make sure that her Tombstone moves the exact same distance between all devices of different aspect ratios.
  • Marquee Ability - Dead Alive
    • Fixed an issue where hitting a dead enemy near a corpse would revive them, even if they were actually dead.
    • Dead Alive will no longer save a Fighter from death on a hit that should be fatal, unless they already had FINAL STAND. This is consistent with how Valentine's Marquee Ability - Trauma Center works.
      • TL;DR: Standing on top of a teammates corpse in the corner will no longer make you invincible!
  • Fixed an issue where activating BB1 Checkmate Incision and dying at the same time would soft lock the game. This was most noticeable when Last Hope used Checkmate Incision while dying from Power Surge.
  • Fixed a bug where BB2 Forbidden Procedure would activate Match Modifiers that were supposed to only trigger on hit, if it made contact with the opponent's BLOCK, but also hit a corpse at the same time.
  • Brain Freeze
    • Fixed an issue where Brain Freeze could make Painwheel inflict negative damage on her in some rare scenarios.
Ms. Fortune
  • Just Kitten
    • Fixed an issue where her EVADE Signature Ability was activating versus projectiles. It now correctly will not activate against projectile hits.
  • Head Games (Character Ability)
    • Ms. Fortune's head will now stay in cooldown and not recover if the opponent is in blockstun. This addresses several of Ms. Fortune's potentially infinite blockstrings. You can use the head to extend your blockstring once, but you must give the opponent a chance to breathe for at least a moment before being able to use the head again. This change only applies to blocking and blockstrings, so Ms. Fortune's combos are unaffected.
    • Small logic changes to make sure that Ms. Fortune's head runs back on screen at the same time, for the same distance, across devices of various aspect ratios. Previously, the threshold for when the head would run back on screen could vary depending on device aspect ratio.
  • Blue Screen
    • Blue Screen's explosion on death no longer counts as a Blockbuster. It will not activate Blockbuster finish VFX or provide a Blockbuster finish bonus in Rift Battles.
  • Queuing a Blockbuster will no longer block or delay the activation of BB2 Systemic Circuit Breaker's explosion. She will now always explode the second she has a free moment to do so, as long as she and her opponent are not already performing a Blockbuster.
  • Stand Out
    • Fixed an issue where Stand Out would sometimes not heal any health when using BB2 Nekhbet Breaker.
  • Sekhmet mode will now end if Sekhmet is hit with a Blockbuster hit.
  • Fixed an issue where Eliza's launcher would sometimes put the enemy into a knockdown, preventing a combo. This could happen if Eliza attacked an opponent who was previously hit with an outtake during a combo after they landed when falling back into the stage.
    • This could also happen with her BB3 Lady of Slaughter. It should now always launch the opponent.
  • Fixed a bug where Beowulf's Hype Mode confetti VFX was spawning off screen sometimes.
  • Dark Might
    • Fixed an issue where Dark Might's SA2's activation chance was WAY higher than it should be. Whoops!
  • BB1 Death Crawl will no longer move behind the opponent unless it has made contact with them. This prevents issues where she can sometimes slide underneath an airborne opponent without hitting them.
  • Fixed an issue where SM Egret Dive would not activate its stun if she was interrupted on the very first frame of her animation.
Match Modifiers
  • Mimetic Polyalloy (Robo-Fortune's Daily Event)
    • Fixed a bug where Fighters could sometimes die and then stand right back up again, reviving, if they were under the effects of both BLEED and BARRIER when dying.
  • Shared Suffering (Master Story Mode)
    • Fixed an issue where this Modifier was activating when owner gained a BUFF. Now it should only activate when the owner is inflicted with a DEBUFF!
  • If a Fighter is now thrown while they are starting up their own throw, they will now automatically break that throw. Previously, a second throw input was required to break out of a throw which interrupted your own throw's startup.

  • Massive improvements to the look of Fighters on most stages when LIGHTING EFFECTS is disabled in the Options menu.
Relic Opening
  • A new visual effect has been implemented when you open a Gold Fighter! Previously, the green VFX was reserved for both Silver and Gold. Now, opening a Gold Fighter from a Relic will use a Gold effect.
  • Fixed a bug where Fighters would sometimes float a little bit above the summoning pedestal after opening.
  • Talking Heads
    • Fixed an issue where Talking Heads weren't always displaying correctly.
  • Node Map
    • Whenever the player returns to the node map, the camera should re-center itself wherever the progress indicator cursor is.
  • Rift Battles
    • Fixed an issue where a temp "act select" screen for Rift Battles was showing up for some players in rare circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Match Found" toast was not appearing reliably on all screens.
  • Tooltips
    • When hovering over a move sub-stat tooltip on any screen, the tooltip box will appear higher above your finger so that it does not block the text.
    • XP Boosters now mention that you activate them in the Stash.
  • User ID
    • Your Skullgirls User ID will now have all letters printed in lowercase letters.
      • Example: 0O1I-S5Z2 is now 0o1i-s5z2.
    • This should make sharing it with us when we need it much easier and less error prone.
In App Purchases
  • Failed purchases will be automatically retried on login, so that you hopefully don't have to go hunt for the REFRESH PURCHASES button in the Options menu.
  • Increased the quality of the floor in the "Class Notes" stage on iOS devices.
App Icon
  • Resolved an issue where the App Icon was displaying as a square in a white circle on some Android devices.
PHEW. That is a LOT of stuff!

We just want to take a moment to thank you all not only for your patience with this release (which took a little longer than usual) but also regarding the addition of the new VERSUS mode feature to the game. This has been a feature we've been looking for implement ever since Skullgirls first launched on mobile years ago - and we never would have been able to do so without all of your collective support.

Although we're incredibly excited about what this means for Skullgirls (and mobile fighting games as a whole), it's only the beginning! We can't wait to share what else we have in store coming down the pipe.

If you have a friend who you think might be be interested in Skullgirls mobile (or who perhaps played a while ago, but hasn't joined in a while), please encourage them to check out the game again! If folks have lapsed, now is a great time to get back into Skullgirls Mobile. Remember, even if they are new to the game, you can play against them in an even match in Competitive Versus mode to show them how it works.

With some of the stuff we have planned in the coming months, we're only just getting started!

As always, please don't hesitate to let us know what you think of this new update here on the forums, in Discord, or via in-game chat when any of us from Hidden Variable pop-up to chat.

Here's to many more exciting things to come!

Forever grateful for your support,
All of us at Hidden Variable
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Thanks for changing bursts to be more fair to play against in Competitive. In the beta bursts severely limited how much damage a player could get for landing a hit on the opponent. Now in Competitive matches can actually run faster
Finally! The update we've been waiting for.

Just a quick question: ACCURACY will also counter RESISTANCE. If you have 50% ACCURACY, and your opponent has 25% RESISTANCE, then their chance to resist your DEBUFFS is 50% - 25% = 25%.

The calculation doesn't seem to be correct? Shouldn't it be 25 - 50 (like the previous calculation)?
HYPE MODE:ON!!!!!! amazing update! can't wait to try all those new thing!! Thanks HVS for making this game even better with every update!
Finally! The update we've been waiting for.

Just a quick question: ACCURACY will also counter RESISTANCE. If you have 50% ACCURACY, and your opponent has 25% RESISTANCE, then their chance to resist your DEBUFFS is 50% - 25% = 25%.

The calculation doesn't seem to be correct? Shouldn't it be 25 - 50 (like the previous calculation)?
Good catch, sorry about that!

I updated the example. Let me know if it's more clear now.
Does accuracy/resistance affect Marquee Abilities and effects from Special Moves and BlockBusters?

been waiting for the patch notes like some drug addict with withdrawal symptoms checking my phone constantly and dreaming about it. The hype and anxiety is not good for health but really looking forward to 4.0!! Thank you devs for all the hard work to bring us so much so frequently.
Does accuracy/resistance affect Marquee Abilities and effects from Special Moves and BlockBusters?
On discord they said accuracy counters directly resistance so if you bbutt with 50% accuracy against a 50% resistance foghter you have 100% chance to apply it but accuracy doesn't directly increase move proc chance
Great thing that every change is a positive one (looking especially at Futile nerf, thank God for that), and all additions are very welcome ones.

Here's hoping that 4.0 comes soon, for I'm excited to try PvP already.
Hi, just a little question. What would PIERCING work if it's higher than opponent's def? Like if I have 50% PIERCING when the opponent has 30% def without any armor. Do I have 20% bonus damage against him or 0% bonus damage with 0% damage reduction? Thanks!
I just have a question about the accuracy sub-stat:

When viewing fighter's profile, will we be able to visual see the SA activation chance increasing (if I'm upgrading a move from 9% to 12% on a Frayed Ends for example, will I be able to see the stat increase from 21.8% to 22.4%), or is this something we can only view once we are in a fight?

(This answers my next question but just for clarification).

In a match, can we simply just pause the game and check if the opponent's SA has increased?
I've had an issue with not being able to see the resistance of other players fighters (unless it was through a profile screen) and I'm hoping this update won't have the same scenario (especially when it comes to SA activation).
The accuracy/resistance play seems quite confusing tbh. A question: its said above that resistance does not affect match modifiers and its exemplified with a pf mod, does that include rift match modifiers as well?
Why was Inferno Brigade buffed? I just...why? I'm grateful but it seems like too much. Primed would only need to used a Napalm Shower into her BB3 to get (at least) 160% bonus damage, not including any extra damage from Critical Mass. Is this to make up for the fact that this move is likely to trigger armor in Rifts or...? Regardless, I'm excited to try this.

I'm glad to see that a lot went into balancing PvP. Very excited for this update - I've got 12 relics and 2000 theonite waiting for this!
Why was Inferno Brigade buffed? I just...why? I'm grateful but it seems like too much. Primed would only need to used a Napalm Shower into her BB3 to get (at least) 160% bonus damage, not including any extra damage from Critical Mass. Is this to make up for the fact that this move is likely to trigger armor in Rifts or...? Regardless, I'm excited to try this.

I'm glad to see that a lot went into balancing PvP. Very excited for this update - I've got 12 relics and 2000 theonite waiting for this!
Yeah but Egret Call
Yeah but Egret Call

Yeah, I have such mixed feelings about that change. I mean, it's fucking fantastic for Parasoul, but it does make my Summer Salt quite a bit less special.
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Amazing, liked for the most part. Was not interested in PvP but the mechanics sound so nice that I want to try now.
Altough the Great Escape nerf hurts so much. Also, no nerf for scratching post? It kinda seems as the best character catalyst now.
Does accuracy/resistance affect Marquee Abilities and effects from Special Moves and BlockBusters?
ACCURACY does not increase your chance of activating an SA from a Move or Marquee Ability. RESISTANCE can resist DEBUFFS from Moves and Marquee Abilities however.

As mentioned though, 50% ACCURACY will negate 50% RESISTANCE so that your Moves and Marquee Ability DEBUFFS cannot be resisted.

Do I have 20% bonus damage against him or 0% bonus damage with 0% damage reduction? Thanks!

If your PIERCING is higher than their defense, you will not do bonus damage. Their DEFENSE will just behave as if it's 0%.

When viewing fighter's profile, will we be able to visual see the SA activation chance increasing (if I'm upgrading a move from 9% to 12% on a Frayed Ends for example, will I be able to see the stat increase from 21.8% to 22.4%), or is this something we can only view once we are in a fight?
At the moment, I don't believe you can view the increased activation chances, but I'll make a note for that for a future update.

its said above that resistance does not affect match modifiers and its exemplified with a pf mod, does that include rift match modifiers as well?

Correct, you cannot resist DEBUFFS from Catalysts.