• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

Thanks Devs, for yet another great update. You guys have been talking about the replay for so long and it’s finally a dream come true! So helpful for bug reports but makes sharing much easier for all! Does it let you watch how someone clear your rift base, or that’s something for the future?

Thanks for making the menu music selection option come true! Really missed the old one and now we can even listen to 2e version which is cool.

Band rework looks good! I never used him much but that giant step is definitely giant! Finally a way to deal with buff removal - does it work on block like Chaos Banish? Hope its consistent (or nerf banish a little by not removing buff on block)

The reworks mostly look good. Glad to hear that forum suggestions are being reviewed and considered - some of us did put in quite some thoughts.

Star Spangled seemed like the big miss with no substantial improvement… I think you guys are still struggling to balance water variants where they’re only half useful both offensive and defensive and ending up very mediocre.

Most importantly - why did you decide to buff corrosive element catalyst when it’s the most toxic that should be nerfed? The red text suggests that it’s a nerf but I’m just not seeing it.. can someone explain?

As for the Shard exchange, I actually think 5k shards for a targeted exchange is fair. Game won’t be healthy if you can just grind the new exclusive every month. At least you can target one new exclusive every 3 month so be strategic and choose wisely!

That said, I do think you need to revisit the Convert output of diamonds to match this economy adjustment. Getting 40 diamond shards for sacrificing a diamond dupe is just beyond sad. At least make it 300 shards… and, I would’ve hoarded more diamond relics had you announce d this with the roadmap instead of pulling 25 diamond relics dupes (past PA100)… or give us something to do with dupes after PA100 please!
Bro el nerfeo a caballeroisa es muy injusto, literalmente es la única variante para poder contrarrestar a las variantes rotas de defensa que lanzan ni hablar del no mercy, porqué si van a nerfear a esa filia mínimo nerfeaban a la nueva Black dhalia que tiene la misma habilidad pero peor ya que es más fácil

3 consecutive spikes + two bb1's in one combo still possible without knocking down, so it is not that devastating. Tremendously bad, but not devastating. I guess now we move back to Star Shine build with Destruction Tower spam.
Death Wish, sadly, still counters everybody, so there's no nerf, because she is not a defensive palette.
I found hilarious Robocopy's step back in his abilities - it's straight up undeserved nerf. He is how back to his 2021 state, where he was useless.
Also, they buffed Water Painwheel Trio - how kind of them, lol
Yeah, I'm honestly happy with a lot of the buffs here, they make some variants a lot better, I feel Robocoy was nerfed due to Big Band's overall buff, still a step back though
I cannot believe how much love this game has been given lately. I am amazed at the devs for this :') you are a true example of what a good a team can do, no matter how small or big it is, to make a game keep going after a rough patch or bad previous direction, I hope we have SGM for many more years to come! <3 you guys are doing things RIGHT! keep it going!
3 consecutive spikes + two bb1's in one combo still possible without knocking down
the first hit of ringlet spike instantly uses a knock down so this isn't possible.
I'm reeeeeally happy with the balance adjustments, so here’s my feelings of these!
Hellcat - This is the first time I've seen a status adjustment!
Robocopy - Again, it is good decision to make him closer to previous one (There were a lot of criticisms, also from the JP community too!). I really understand how much devs cares about players.
Tomb and gloom - First quietus user other than Marie. It's great that no longer need to equip a lot of BBs, and you have more freedom with move choices.
Big top - The same can be said for other fighters, combining abilities into one and eliminating waste is a great way to make adjustments! I'm excited to see how sig2 will be a threat in defense.
Rage appropriate - Still defensive, but better than before. (Painwheel is a fighter that shines in offensive, so)
Windswept - Among the permanent precision users, the activation conditions and duration were outstanding, the nerf is really make sense. We will need to be more technical approach when using her.
Ultlaviolent - YES! Ultraviolent with deadeye! That what I suggest in my reworking suggestion. And also add in barrier and haste!? Wow! I'll start leveling her up right away!!💕
Private dick - Didn’t expect that he became really offensive. (It's a little shame that Stun is gone from Supersonic Jazz…) I wonder if sig1 will no longer overlap with resistance status… Well, he has enhanced marquee, so it would be plausible if it didn't.
GI jazz - It's a shame that permanently effect and hex didn’t added. Although the early game durability has increased, it is still easy to counter by curse,hex or buff removal.
Tidal traveler - I can expect great things for her in lift.
Materia girl - It has become more aggressive and easier to get star power meter and permanent precision! It feels that she can use kind of same way as Moonstruck. Has good synergy with PA!!
Time thief - The feeling of use doesn't seem to change much.
Raw nerv- YES! FINAL STAND!! just as I suggested!!💕 This will make the final sprint easier and entrust to the successor without leaving any regret!! Combined with the recovery effect, it is expected to be even more shine in many situations.
Star shine - It hurts that the precision removal condition for sig2 was nerfed. but other than that, good adjustment.
Heart of darkness - It feels that reworked sig2 is really similar to my custom fighter “Bountiful Harvest” s sig2!!! I’ll use her a lot from now! Thanks devs😊
Star-spangled - No stun… Is it better now? For me, hmmm… It’s doubtful.
Death wish - Good nerf!
Megalomaniac - Finally! She got buff!! Especially “her opponent” removal effect and increased stuns duration is completely matches my reworking suggestion!! Evasion and BB drain is unexpected, but Now she's a better fighter both offensive and defensive!
Most importantly - why did you decide to buff corrosive element catalyst when it’s the most toxic that should be nerfed? The red text suggests that it’s a nerf but I’m just not seeing it.. can someone explain?
They tightened which elements get drained -- it's now much easier to bring a fighter that can kill her without taking damage.
OLD: Attackers of 5-out-of-6 elements get drained. Only Advantage makes you safe, Neutrals are always drained.
NEW: Attackers of 2-out-of-6 elements get drained (1/6 if Double is Light/Dark). Advantage/Disadvantage are the only unsafe elements, so Neutrals are never drained.
Windswept and Star Shine did NOT need to be gutted like that. Do they counter a majority of the defensive variants in the game? Yes, but that's the point of Precision. It's supposed to counter defensive SAs like that. Naturally it's extremely strong when it's permanent, but there's still stuff that punishes landing critical hits and doing too much damage. (e.g. Biofeedback modifier, Painwheel MA, Black Dahlia MA)
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Overall quite suprised at how well put together this update was, some buffs were suprising but not too much (stares at windswept, my beloved)

Didn't expect certain feautures and this was certainly a delight to come back to as well!


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Do ppl realize that jun 23rd to July 31st Is physically not enough time to grind 5000 diamond shards for people that don't make a habit of hoarding relics?? And they gave us three days notice before this update. This is completely out of touch with what is realistic, since a fully engaged active player can make around 500 diamond shards in a week, from doing all content. And there is no other way to earn diamond shards without the random gold fighter pull.
This seriously needs to be addressed sooner rather than later for this first wave of diamond shard purchase.
We do Ami, but not much we can do about it I am afraid, unless the devs seek to tweak the system to make it easier to gain shards, but I obviously doubt that'll happen especially when its just this aspect of the game that is the issue, and not the game as a whole when it comes to getting diamond/gold fighters.
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You guys just can't make update without **** ups, why did you kill windswept, it should be nerfed same softly as Death wish, remove thing that need to evade hit to get precision, let her get it just by "1st COMBO HIT against an attacking opponent"
Cerebellas buffs looks average, heavy handed keep sucking for another year
Star shine isn't become better, you need to remove 5 seconds from required time to get precision after each defeated enemy
Time Thief, what does it mean? looks like joke, maybe give her buff remove by that hit at least
Tidal Traveler looks average, she needs a bit more like quetus instead of disable bb`s
Also why did you back up robocopy? just improve that ability by remove possibility to disable it by special move. Holy host can inflict 20 seconds curse but 20 second of disable bb's is too much?
Tomb and Gloom would be much better if you also removed needless for Elize wither
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I adjusted my build from 70% CC and 50% CD to full 120% CC because of Wind. Now it's useless build.
What scares me is thinking about the next good characters that HIDDEN will nerf, changing their characteristic skills.

soon HIDDEN will start nerfing good and cheap characters like the Purrfect Dark.
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Huge update! I can see from the patch notes and all the recent updates that the devs have been paying close attention to the players' feedback, and I'd like to say that it's really appreciated!
SA adjustments are always easily my favorite part of any update, and I'm really excited to see that many variants getting changes at once. I'm particularly happy to see Windswept receive some nerfs since I was beginning to think that overtuned offensive variants can never be expected to get toned down. A slight nerf to Death wish is also very welcome, since both of these variants were incredibly strong (I'd even say overpowered).

Really nice to see Big Band finally getting some love! The changes look pretty promising, and the moves alone are certainly going to bring a lot of utility to his kit. I also like that fact that he'll now have a clear offensive MA. One thing that would be nice to get some clarification on is how his defensive MA is going to work. Does the 30% bonus resistance go over the cap of 50%? Or does that mean that a defensive Big Band now only needs 20% resistance from moves? Is the bonus resistance countered by accuracy as usual or is it just a flat 30% chance to resist any debuff that can't be bypassed?

Replays are a really exciting and also very ambitious feature for a mobile game. I'd honestly have never expected to see something like this in the game. However, since it was announced I was wondering if it would allow us to see the replays of our opponents fighting against our defenses. It's a little disappointing that it doesn't seem like it's going to be the case, but maybe it's planned for the future. I have personally always wanted for there to be a way to know how well each node on my rift base did against my opponent. If there aren't any plans for defense history replays, then it would be really nice to see the opponent's score against each individual node on your base in the future.

Lastly, I wanted to share my thoughts about the shard exchange store. First of all, I think it's an amazing idea. I've always had an issue with the fact that the closer your collection is to completion, the more unlikely it is for you to get something new from a diamond relic since there's no pity system. That said, I personally don't like the idea of a schedule where every pair of fighters gets a month and then disappears (or at least I assume it does). What I would much rather see is the shard exchange store offer new fighters (from a select pool of new exclusives, for example, all the previous ones up to those that debuted 3 months ago) every week or so. To be more specific, my biggest issue is that, as far as I understand, the first batch of exclusive fighters will never make an appearance in this store. Here's an example: let's say I really want to get Blue Streak OR a variant that IS in the store but I can't save enough shards to get it in time. In order to maximize my chances of getting Blue Streak (or that other variant when it gets added to regular pool later) I need to keep opening every new diamond relic I have, since she's not coming to the store (or that variant is not returning). But what if there's some new variant that's yet to come to the store that I also really want? That would mean that I should abandon all hope of getting a variant I wanted from a regular diamond relic and start saving shards. Or give up on an upcoming fighter and keep opening my diamond relics. My point is that it's likely to cause unnecessary frustration. I think that older variants having a chance to make another appearance would overall be more fun. Don't get me wrong though, I like the idea and I think the prices are fair. I just think it can be implemented in a more player-friendly way.

Overall I'm really excited about the update and respect all the hard work the devs are putting into the game! Looking forward to future updates!
(P.S. Please consider adding a top 10 rank in rifts in the future! Thanks!)
You guys just can't make update without **** ups, why did you kill windswept, it should be nerfed same softly as Death wish, remove thing that need to evade hit to get precision, let her get it just by "1st COMBO HIT against an attacking opponent"
Cerebellas buffs looks average, heavy handed keep sucking for another year
Star shine isn't become better, you need to remove 5 seconds from required time to get precision after each defeated enemy
Time Thief, what does it mean? looks like joke, maybe give her buff remove by that hit at least
Tidal Traveler looks average, she needs a bit more like quetus instead of disable bb`s
Also why did you back up robocopy? just improve that ability by remove possibility to disable it by special move. Holy host can inflict 20 seconds curse but 20 second of disable bb's is too much?
Come on, it's a gold fighter. Windswept used to be "Evade once and play however you want for the rest of the match." Her new condition forces you to earn your permanent precision by evading often and well.
You guys just can't make update without **** ups, why did you kill windswept, it should be nerfed same softly as Death wish, remove thing that need to evade hit to get precision, let her get it just by "1st COMBO HIT against an attacking opponent"
Cerebellas buffs looks average, heavy handed keep sucking for another year
Star shine isn't become better, you need to remove 5 seconds from required time to get precision after each defeated enemy
Time Thief, what does it mean? looks like joke, maybe give her buff remove by that hit at least
Tidal Traveler looks average, she needs a bit more like quetus instead of disable bb`s
Also why did you back up robocopy? just improve that ability by remove possibility to disable it by special move. Holy host can inflict 20 seconds curse but 20 second of disable bb's is too much?
this is just the beginning, all the good and cheap characters HIDDEN will nerf.

In the end, you will only make a loss with the resources invested and HIDDEN doesn't give a damn about f2p.
Can you guys make you can choose any song from SG as the menu theme? like i love Dire Machinations, it would be amazing.
Vamos, é um lutador de ouro. Windswept costumava ser "Evadir uma vez e jogar como quiser pelo resto da partida". Sua nova condição força você a ganhar sua precisão permanente, esquivando-se com frequência e bem.
A maneira como você diz é que é muito fácil obter e aumentar o nível de personagens de diamante

Você tem coragem de chamá-lo de personagem de ouro

ela simplesmente ajuda muitos iniciantes e pessoas f2p, sendo uma personagem muito boa, nem todos os jogadores têm sorte e têm que desperdiçar ou gastar dinheiro para conseguir bons diamantes, então escolher uma boa variante é essencial devido ao fato do jogo dar poucos recursos.

e agora simplesmente HIDDEN muda sua característica.

Agora só temos que esperar pelo próximo personagem bom e útil como Purrfect Dark para que HIDDEN possa modificar as características com a intenção de dificultar a vida em f2p
They tightened which elements get drained -- it's now much easier to bring a fighter that can kill her without taking damage.
OLD: Attackers of 5-out-of-6 elements get drained. Only Advantage makes you safe, Neutrals are always drained.
NEW: Attackers of 2-out-of-6 elements get drained (1/6 if Double is Light/Dark). Advantage/Disadvantage are the only unsafe elements, so Neutrals are never drained.
Ah, I see. Just couldn’t wrap my head around the new wording. So corrosive is basically dead against Neutrals. Inner Pieces is easy enough to obtain if you play long enough.
I think that older variants having a chance to make another appearance would overall be more fun.
Yes, totally agree here! There should be a slot on daily rotation of older variants that you don’t own, mostly gold and occasional diamond. There’s already something similar with P Realm recruitment node, except this is you actually purchasing from shop. Daily rotation will be incentive for player login!