• [2018/06/22]
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Plot Twisted Squigly


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
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Another interesting preview


Quote is from Alice in Wonderland, but she's not the Disney Alice. I think it might be American McGee's Alice?

It looks like her SA auto-revives her with 50% life, 5 stacks of thorns and around 500% her previous damage, maybe linked to the stacks of thorns? I have to hope so, or that it has some other limit on it, or she's going to be a complete nightmare to fight against.
My speculation is that she gains 50% bonus damage for each debuff on her. She was doing around 500 at first, then 1999 with 6 stacks of debuff (400%).

The thorns seems to have a long timer, not timeless. Maybe 30s as it seems like the speed Xeno doom is on.

Unclear if she only revives once a match or whenever there’s a stack. My guess is the revive is once a match, and the stack just gives her 3 debuffs. Maybe 2 stacks would give her 6 debuffs?
Curious to see how she interacts with 'Return to Sender' given how other self-reviving SAs have issues of wasting one the cheat death mechanics (Last Hope and Last Words Cata for example).
I'd like to see Plot Twisted Squigly fight against someone other than a chaos-cursed monster like Double. To see how much she relies on debuffs to activate such a scary/weird SA.

I think it might be American McGee's Alice?
Indeed, that's palette #21, based on Alice Liddell & the Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice) - Indiegogo backer color

And please edit the thread title - the extra "g" typo in "Squigly" is KILLING me :p
And please edit the thread title - the extra "g" typo in "Squigly" is KILLING me :p

If only they hadn't taken a real word and deliberately misspelled it. It's like if Painwheel was PainWheal. Or Big Band was Big Bande.

Probably makes the google searches for Squigly easier though.
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Saw someone pull a Plot Twisted Squigly from a relic in chat and captured the SA:

Signature Ability
  • Once per match RESURRECT with 25% HEALTH. Also gain 5 random DEBUFFS for 10 seconds and 5 stacks of THORNS for 20 seconds.
  • Deal 25% bonus damage for each active DEBUFF stack applied to Squigly.
It isn't a Double Chaos MA, she debuffs herself! I can see this glass cannon style being very powerful in certain Prize Fights, the Rift, and against several debuff-inflicting fighters. If "hex" could be one of the random debuffs, then the entire SA will backfire.
Curious to see how she interacts with 'Return to Sender' given how other self-reviving SAs have issues of wasting one the cheat death mechanics (Last Hope and Last Words Cata for example).

It works, I experienced it in rift and I got blasted with the full 5 debuffs. Squigly did not revive a 2nd time, so one cheat death is wasted.
Hex needs to be removed from the pool of possible debuffs she procs with SA1. She procs so many debuffs that often my PT’s SA2 is rendered useless by SA1. Given this she doesn’t feel like a true diamond and I’m second guessing all I’ve invested in her.
Hex needs to be removed from the pool of possible debuffs she procs with SA1. She procs so many debuffs that often my PT’s SA2 is rendered useless by SA1. Given this she doesn’t feel like a true diamond and I’m second guessing all I’ve invested in her.
4.1 patch made it so that she gains thorns before gaining the debuffs. She is crazy strong on rift defense with frost armor.
Unfortunately, self-Hex still turns off her SA2, so if the attacker slips up during those ten seconds it hurts them (much) less than if Twisted had her full +250% post-revive Attack. Given how strong the SA2 makes her normals, I think I'd gladly trade almost-guaranteeing Wither and/or all the Disable debuffs to have Hex removed from the pool.
Is there a possibility that Stun could be one of the 5 debuffs she gain from her SA1?
Is there a possibility that Stun could be one of the 5 debuffs she gain from her SA1?
I'm not certain, but since other abilities like Double's Chaos exclude Stun and Doom, it's safe to assume that Plot Twisted does, too.
Has anyone else encountered her with the Return to sender catalyst to know how those two interact? I mean, it could have been a failed attempt if it only happened once that the didn't revive.
Has anyone else encountered her with the Return to sender catalyst to know how those two interact? I mean, it could have been a failed attempt if it only happened once that the didn't revive.
Only one activates, whichever the condition she is in first. She does NOT revive twice.
Does the same happens with Bio? If that were the case, it would be kind of a bummer to have two of the "main" variants of the character to simply don't get any benefits from the character cata.
Does the same happens with Bio? If that were the case, it would be kind of a bummer to have two of the "main" variants of the character to simply don't get any benefits from the character cata.
No, bio can resurrect at least twice per match, once from RTS and as many as possible from her SA as long as the conditions are fulfilled. We think PTwisted is just bugged, but devs haven’t confirmed if it’s intentional or not.