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"POLTERGUST" - Speculation and Discussion


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
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This thread is for discussing the upcoming Gold Squigly variant, "POLTERGUST"
Feel free to speculate to your heart's content, and make sure to keep on eye on our social media for some clues on how her Signature Ability functions!
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My dreams have been fulfilled. We have been blessed with translucency. Shame about no Zone palette, but hey, what can ya do? There will have been a good reason for its exclusion, and if not, it might still be up in the air for the future!
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Shame about no Zone palette, but hey, what can ya do?
Indeed, friend. I like to think they'd have named that skin "Dead Zone"...sounds like the kind of awful pun they'd make. Though I do think it would have been one too many Dark elements in her set, what with Stage Fright and Bio-Exorcist existing.
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Indeed, friend. I like to think they'd have named that skin "Dead Zone"...sounds like the kind of awful pun they'd make. Though I do think it would have been one too many Dark elements in her set, what with Stage Fright and Bio-Exorcist existing.
It probably would’ve been a neutral, considering how pale Zone’s actual skin is.
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I think that the SA of this character will be something with removing buffs from opponent since the Poltergust is the name of the vacuum that Luigi uses in Luigi's Mansion to suck up ghosts. The SA2 could be after you remove a certain amount of buffs you recieve a 2 stack (maybe perma) of a random buff, referring back to Luigi's Mansion, sometimes when you suck up certain ghosts you recieve rewards.
So I could be wrong but I thought this pallet was based on BeetleJuice? But I don' really see the connection.. (plus they have a Lydia pallet which they did not use)
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So I could be wrong but I thought this pallet was based on BeetleJuice? But I don' really see the connection.. (plus they have a Lydia pallet which they did not use)
Actually, Poltergust is Dead Master from Black★Rock Shooter. The Beetlejuice skin they used is Bio-Exorcist.
Actually, Poltergust is Dead Master from Black★Rock Shooter. The Beetlejuice skin they used is Bio-Exorcist.

AHA thank you!!! Although that pallet doesn't really look it either, I really appreciate you clearing that up for me!
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Her SA could be to steal other fighters SA for 3-10 seconds. Also her second one can be move debuffs to the victim and steal buffs to put them on her self when she steals fighters SA.
I suspect that rather than stealing buffs from an enemy, it takes effect when it disappears. Notice that it does that, instead of going early. In other words, I bet this ability fills squigly’s blockbusters by a certain amount once the enemy’s buff expires.
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After playing polterghust in training mode.
I can say her signature ability is destructive but also risky.
The best blockbuster for her SA on on my eyes is battle opera since it multihits.
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Which blockbusters are recommend to use as polterghust?
Which blockbusters are recommend to use as polterghust?
you got Rage of the Dragon, Daisy Pusher, & DragNDrop at your disposal. play around with them to find a suitable combo for this variant

off the bat, jab (full) → DragNBite Seria → jab (full) → DragNDrop → The Silver Chord Seria → jab (full) → Daisy Pusher should work
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DragNDrop I 100% agree with Cartouche!! It's easily works with her SA and it combos very well with her abilities.

Rage of the Dragon because of the SA.

After that, it's preference to me, since I run RoL and Battle Opera even if it works against her SA (If they have high disable resistances it actually helps you).

Always go with Silver Chord. That special move is mandatory on all Squigly's it helps with meter building and combos way too much to not have it.
you got Rage of the Dragon, Daisy Pusher, & DragNDrop at your disposal. play around with them to find a suitable combo for this variant

off the bat, jab (full) → DragNBite Seria → jab (full) → DragNDrop → The Silver Chord Seria → jab (full) → Daisy Pusher should work
Just an add-on the armor break from DragnDrop synergizes well with Poltergusts SA too.
how about using taunt? would it be worth for replacing DragNBite to taunt to use her second SA?
how about using taunt? would it be worth for replacing DragNBite to taunt to use her second SA?
You could... but it takes up a valuable move slot, and waiting 10 seconds for a buff to expire is impractical. If it has good stats and better moves are unavailable to you; I'd say sure, use it. Otherwise, fill up with BBs so you can slam your opponent.
If an enemy buff is removed via Drag N Bite, does it trigger Poltergust's SA? In other words, does buff removal count as buff expiration?