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Rainbow Blight or Xenomorph?


Active Member
Jul 24, 2018
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I might be an avid Double player (as anyone whose seen my Xenomorph can tell), but I still gotta ask this question: Rainbow Blight or Xenomorph?

I could make an argument for both of them. Rainbow Blight has good attack and her SA gives her excellent utility. She gains powerful buffs when transmuting while also inflicting powerful debuffs when transmuting. These effects make her strong against a lot of fighters. The hex from transmuting to light makes her great against fighters such as Bio-Exorcist, Love Crafted, Dread Locks, Resonant Evil, Armed Forces and several more. The disable BBs from transmuting to wind makes her great against fighters such as Toad Warrior or other fighters that like abusing BBs. The cripple from transmuting to water makes her strong against fighters such as Buzzkill and Ultraviolent. The bleed from fire can help her to chip out your opponents while heal block prevents them from regaining lost health. The buffs also help her. The immunity can help her resist powerful debuffs such as curse and wither, the heavy regen can keep her healthy and in the fighter longer, the 2 stacks of armor also help to keep her alive, the 2 stacks of enrage can help her deal more damage and the haste can let her gain meter faster, allowing her to go for Nightmare Legion sooner, letting her gain even MORE buffs. Overall, she's a very versatile fighter who can do lots of things and is strong against lots of fighters.

Now for Xenomorph. She lacks the versatility that Rainbow Blight has, but makes up for with sheer power and by inflicting one of the most powerful debuffs in the game: DOOM. Prior to Squigly's introduction, Xenomorph was unique for being the ONLY fighter that could inflict such a potent debuff. She performs well in most situations despite lacking Rainbow's versatility. Her excellent damage stat lets her mow through most opponents without the need for DOOM. Her primary strength is being able to take out beefy tanks while the player does nothing more than sit and block. DOOM is a debuff that sticks to someone until Xenomorph is defeated. It instantly kills after 30 seconds. And it does NOT care how much defense and health you have. Yes, her power comes from the player's patience, but its a fatal power that should not be laughed at. She can easily annihilate powerful defenders such as Dread Locks, RE, AF, and Heavy Metal.

TL;DR: I want to see how you guys feel about these two. Rainbow Blight has loads of versatility, but Xenomorph is just damage and OHKO'ing opponents with little action taken. Personally I feel Xenomorph is better for her sheer damage output, but that doesn't mean Rainbow's weak, They're both VERY powerful fighters who are very close to each other in terms of how good they are (which is very).

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I prefer rainbow mostly because she's real fun to use.I also have xenomorph and she's not bad though her sa feels like a waste to me if i'm fighting someone who isn't that annoying to deal with.Also think that rainbow's palette is better
I have Rainbow, but can't get around actually upgrading and using her. For me she's low priority coin spending wise.

Xeno I have fully upgrades sans marque. Because doom. It's just too good. Especially in rift battles. I feel like you can always find someone better for a specific job than rainbow, but you can't replace xeno. She's like SG of doubles.
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Both fighters are great, but I think it depends on the modifiers of the fight.
Also I don’t have rainbow so I may not be accurate.

Xenomorph in particular is excellent on the boss node in rifts. Since DOOM is unaffected by Sacrosanct, Xeno can cheese through the boss node if well invested in defense and/or block proficiency. I also find her on defense but not for the doom. Three stacks of bleed can actually mean a lot especially if the player is solo carrying. Just like DOOM, those three stacks also are unaffected by Sacrosanct. Really the only thing I can think negative for Xeno is turtle game could potentially lead to the increased chance of being bb3’d

Rainbow Blight looks better when it comes to general fights. Reading up on the wiki, and having fought her on defense teams, she’s pretty tough. The two stacks of armor from water element really reduces the damage she takes and she hits pretty hard to though has less attack than Xeno. If she inflicts HEX, she has the advantage against people like Resonant and Armed Forces.

However I don’t have Rainbow, so I’m basically using Xenomorph primarily. But even then, i’d Probably used Xeno more but Rainbow is by no means bad.
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I prefer rainbow mostly because she's real fun to use.I also have xenomorph and she's not bad though her sa feels like a waste to me if i'm fighting someone who isn't that annoying to deal with.Also think that rainbow's palette is better

Fun fact: I call Rainbow Blight LSD Double
Looking at her makes me feel like I'm on LSD xD
I have Rainbow, but can't get around actually upgrading and using her. For me she's low priority coin spending wise.

Xeno I have fully upgrades sans marque. Because doom. It's just too good. Especially in rift battles. I feel like you can always find someone better for a specific job than rainbow, but you can't replace xeno. She's like SG of doubles.

Oooo I like that analogy
My Xeno's MA is level 7 I think. I have to check again
Both fighters are great, but I think it depends on the modifiers of the fight.
Also I don’t have rainbow so I may not be accurate.

Xenomorph in particular is excellent on the boss node in rifts. Since DOOM is unaffected by Sacrosanct, Xeno can cheese through the boss node if well invested in defense and/or block proficiency. I also find her on defense but not for the doom. Three stacks of bleed can actually mean a lot especially if the player is solo carrying. Just like DOOM, those three stacks also are unaffected by Sacrosanct. Really the only thing I can think negative for Xeno is turtle game could potentially lead to the increased chance of being bb3’d

Rainbow Blight looks better when it comes to general fights. Reading up on the wiki, and having fought her on defense teams, she’s pretty tough. The two stacks of armor from water element really reduces the damage she takes and she hits pretty hard to though has less attack than Xeno. If she inflicts HEX, she has the advantage against people like Resonant and Armed Forces.

However I don’t have Rainbow, so I’m basically using Xenomorph primarily. But even then, i’d Probably used Xeno more but Rainbow is by no means bad.

I didn't think about the boss node. That's a good point which I didn't mention
Rainbow's a fighter that is incredible when it comes to versatility. Which is why I was unsure which one is better. They're both so good
I have both and I prefer Xeno. Rainbow is nice but I wouldn't take her into a fight against vastly superior opponents, like in a Rift boss node. Even with all the buffing/debuffing, her base stats can get her into trouble with one bad mistake.

Xeno, on the other hand, has more utility when severely disadvantaged. Doom can get rid of even the toughest opponents if you can survive long enough, and if you can't, 3 stacks of bleed effectively give one opponent another <30 second timer until death. You can apply bleed and then tag in a new fighter to turtle until Doom hits. I like to apply Doom to one enemy, then force a tag out and apply Doom to the next enemy, then sit back and wait for someone to die. I generally have pretty good luck applying Doom, even when an enemy team has a Surgeon General in the back.
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I think part of what makes them impossible to tell who is better is there's next to no bad matchups for either of them. Rainbow's bad matchup is... PurrD and Sketchy? Xeno's is... Revival fighters? Even then, they can both just brute force their way around them, and that's *before* you look at chaos. I don't think there's anyone you run into and say "Welp bringing (Rainbow or Xeno) absolutely won't work here, better get (the other one)".

I love my diamond Rainbow. Being able to easily obtain some of the best buffs in the game and inflicting some solid debuffs (Bleed and Hex are the big two, but Heal Block and BB disable has come in clutch often). Cycling these takes little effort and even when you don't get the buff/debuff you're looking for, you can fall back on chaos to do what you need. All of her bad MUs can be practically ignored with enough stalling for the right cycles, which there are often many options for.

Xeno I have no experience with but she seems solid in theory. She's much more glass cannon and less safe with her peak damage being below rainbow with Enrage 2x (which is really easy to get by accident honestly), but she has one massive advantage in the current meta: Doom. Doom cannot be transferred by Sancrosact, which is important for two reasons:
  • Doom is hella scary
  • Jinx means if it did transfer, you'll be taking 100% more damage
While anti-doom comps exist, Xeno has the power to brute force through many of them if built for power, so even if you're not getting through them outright, you can fish for chaos or punch it hard. So many points are locked behind the rift boss (2k from the boss itself, 5k for map completion) that having a single 95% consistent fighter is insane. While Rainbow can rely on RNG to work though many of these comps, it's hard for her (or any fighter) to reach the consistency Xeno has, simply because her debuffs will likely drop on her and she'll be more prone to chip. Rainbow is near perfect for every other node you might struggle with, but Xeno is only significantly worse off if you have to rely on the doom (you probably don't) and leagues ahead of *any* fighter in rift boss, let alone Rainbow.

In PFs, I genuinely have no idea. You can clear about anything with either of them. I guess put Xeno on top still cause she's a slightly better defense (Premableed or Doom can cause much bigger issues than anything Rainbow can do) and I think you don't separate your tier list into offense and defense.
I finally pulled RB, and honestly, I'm unimpressed. Granted I haven't leveled her too much yet, when bringing her into daily fights where she should be closely matched, I find her stats to be nothing special. Her buffing and debuffing doesn't really seem to be all that amazing till you've reached five transmutations, (even then you're probably only getting the temporary 40% attack boost). That means five uninterupted seconds of blocking. While that can be achieved through some BBs (namely Catellite), it's unrealistic for the rest of the fight. So, instead of any useful attack boost, I'll end up with like, a heavy regen and then I have to either throw the opponent and hope they turtle for a second or go into a combo and dash away to block for a chance at the exact buff I need. I wanted to like her more, but realistically, could I see her holding up in prize fights? With work, yes, but I'll definitely not be reaching for her first.

I don't have Xeno, but she seems the better option. Whether she's killed or transmutes, the opponent is given roughly only 30 seconds to live. That's deadly. It's worth the turtling for an Insta-death rather than a chance at 2 stacks of enrage like RB.
I think part of what makes them impossible to tell who is better is there's next to no bad matchups for either of them. Rainbow's bad matchup is... PurrD and Sketchy? Xeno's is... Revival fighters? Even then, they can both just brute force their way around them, and that's *before* you look at chaos. I don't think there's anyone you run into and say "Welp bringing (Rainbow or Xeno) absolutely won't work here, better get (the other one)".

I love my diamond Rainbow. Being able to easily obtain some of the best buffs in the game and inflicting some solid debuffs (Bleed and Hex are the big two, but Heal Block and BB disable has come in clutch often). Cycling these takes little effort and even when you don't get the buff/debuff you're looking for, you can fall back on chaos to do what you need. All of her bad MUs can be practically ignored with enough stalling for the right cycles, which there are often many options for.

Xeno I have no experience with but she seems solid in theory. She's much more glass cannon and less safe with her peak damage being below rainbow with Enrage 2x (which is really easy to get by accident honestly), but she has one massive advantage in the current meta: Doom. Doom cannot be transferred by Sancrosact, which is important for two reasons:
  • Doom is hella scary
  • Jinx means if it did transfer, you'll be taking 100% more damage
While anti-doom comps exist, Xeno has the power to brute force through many of them if built for power, so even if you're not getting through them outright, you can fish for chaos or punch it hard. So many points are locked behind the rift boss (2k from the boss itself, 5k for map completion) that having a single 95% consistent fighter is insane. While Rainbow can rely on RNG to work though many of these comps, it's hard for her (or any fighter) to reach the consistency Xeno has, simply because her debuffs will likely drop on her and she'll be more prone to chip. Rainbow is near perfect for every other node you might struggle with, but Xeno is only significantly worse off if you have to rely on the doom (you probably don't) and leagues ahead of *any* fighter in rift boss, let alone Rainbow.

In PFs, I genuinely have no idea. You can clear about anything with either of them. I guess put Xeno on top still cause she's a slightly better defense (Premableed or Doom can cause much bigger issues than anything Rainbow can do) and I think you don't separate your tier list into offense and defense.

Me personally, I don't like that there's almost no bad matchups for them. It makes it so difficult to tell who's better D:

I have a 8.9k Xenomorph that's still gold and I can say, she's very solid. Yes, she relies on RNG to do her job, but she does an excellent job at mowing through defensive fighters. Teams with Dread Locks, Bloodbath or Resonant Evil become laughably easy thanks to the doom. Even anti doom comps struggle because she still has a very high atk stat anyway. On defense she can be a serious threat if you're solo carrying thanks to the doom and the perma bleed.

Currently the tier lists I make are offense oriented. Though once I make one for every character I'll probably make the same lists, but for defense instead of offense.
Now lets look at this from a casuals POV. I DO NOT KNWO HOW TO USE DOUBLE UNTIL I move for move copied and trained with the double advanced combo post. That’s how bad I’m at using double. But! Before I saw that vid I already have a diamond rainbow for a long time, because it doesn’t matter how much I suck at double combos rainbow carries. I maxed my rainbows skill tree because that’s my 1st gold double, she carries so gooood she was lvl50 without me lvling her at all, witch is why she got to diamond before almost everyone else.

Now, all that time I never used xeno because not enough coins. I’m leveling xeno now thou because I want to experiment her in rift boss node. It’s all theory right now. no matter how much ppl praise xeno’s doom, doubles hp look pretty bad against all those chip dmg when I’m fighting 100k boss node and everyone have insane dmg.

We literal can’t use rainbow in rift boss node and xeno is only reserved for the pesky few. other nodes all have a few good choices so rainbow is never the “go to”. So xeno win in rift uses.

For normal pf it’s rainbow all the way. There’s only one modifier where rainbow doesn’t excel at, the one where when buff expires you lose meter and heals the opponent. A simple throw>dash is 4 hits that creats a good few seconds for transmute. Spam that combo even tainted blood painwheel dies in a few hits.

A draw then.
It’s all theory right now. no matter how much ppl praise xeno’s doom, doubles hp look pretty bad against all those chip dmg when I’m fighting 100k boss node and everyone have insane dmg.

You can turtle behind Gehenna until you land doom and then switch for a wall character. You don't have to have xeno on field to keep doom ticking. You just need her not dead.

Also double grab is god tier, and you can easily grab people out of dash with her (and her grab is a valid combo starter), so you don't even have to take much chip damage.
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You can turtle behind Gehenna until you land doom and then switch for a wall character. You don't have to have xeno on field to keep doom ticking. You just need her not dead.

Also double grab is god tier, and you can easily grab people out of dash with her (and her grab is a valid combo starter), so you don't even have to take much chip damage.
You are talking about building up bbs without my xeno dying in the mean time, and I’m telling you I’m not there yet. Maybe one day maybe one day.