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Characters Robo Fortune - Reimaged [BUFF]


Nov 16, 2019
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Reimaged currently only works as a defender. You can say that detonating works on offense too and while that is true, that whole move's effect is to reduce meter in the first place, so the ability doesn't add much.

We've gotten Hex Calibur that works as both offense and defense. Why isn't reimaged the same? She currently has no use offensively, and it is to be seen how well she does defensively though early opinions aren't very promising of her.

The 1st COMBO HIT landed on Robo-Fortune converts 1 opponent BUFF into a random DEBUFF and grants ARMOR for 10 seconds each.

When defeated or DETONATING, reduce the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER by 100%. Also once per match, RESURRECT with 25% HEALTH and gain permanent REGEN and ENRAGE.


new 1st ability:
The 1st COMBO HIT landed on either fighter converts 1 opponent BUFF into a random DEBUFF and grants ARMOR for 10 seconds each.

new 2nd ability:
When defeated or DETONATING, reduce the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER by 100%, and gain permanent REGEN and ENRAGE. Also once per match, RESURRECT with 25% HEALTH.

The change of the first ability makes her usable on offense too like mentioned before, being able to remove debuffs from defenders herself.

for the second ability, the gaining of the two buffs has been moved to the 1st condition. This enables the player to gain the effect without letting her die, while arguably being the same on defense (CPUs rarely use the detonating bb2). It might be seen as too good considering that she could gain 5 regen. However, this would take such a long time to achieve it will most likely be balanced that way.

Want to add that the enrage isn't actually permanent but just timeless, which may be an oversight.

Thanks for your time.
Nice rework you got there!
Yes, I totally agree that Reimaged needs buff. Since her current detonating abilities does not works as really offensive, I personally think it needs a dynamic change. Here’s my suggestion.

Sig1 - The 1st COMBO HIT landed on either fighter converts 1 opponent BUFF into a random DEBUFF and grants ARMOR for 10 seconds each.

Sig2 - When defeated or detonating, reduce opponent BB METER by 100%, remove all BUFF and inflict DISABLE BB for 5/7/10 seconds. Also once per match, resurrect with 25% health and gain 2 stacks of permanent ENRAGE and REGEN.

- It seems that there are no problems in new sig1. Good suggestion! This will make her much easier to use in offensive side.

- Reduce BB meter by 100% is surely powerful, but no matter how much you reduce the gauge, all your efforts will be for nothing if your opponent has increased meter gain or haste. Since detonating needs much time to activate, the benefits should be commensurate with the risks. Adding buff removal and disable BB allows her to completely stop opponents that rely on BB for long time and It will be easier to disrupt the opponent's pace.

- Also, it would be a good idea to increase the regen and enrage stack by 1. This opens up the possibility of being a threat on both the offensive and defensive. Permanent 2 regen seems really strong in defense, but since it can be easily countered by inverse polarity or heal block, I think it makes sense.
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Sig2 - When defeated or detonating, reduce opponent BB METER by 100%, remove all BUFF and inflict DISABLE BB for 5/7/10 seconds. Also once per match, resurrect with 25% health and gain 2 stacks of permanent ENRAGE and REGEN.
Removing all buffs would certainly be cool and aligns with her 'no buffs allowed' plan! good argument for the disable BB debuff, think it goes hand in hand with the buff wipe too.

- Also, it would be a good idea to increase the regen and enrage stack by 1. This opens up the possibility of being a threat on both the offensive and defensive. Permanent 2 regen seems really strong in defense, but since it can be easily countered by inverse polarity or heal block, I think it makes sense.
I thought so too, but I went with the route that she can trigger the buffs multiple times to gain multiple stacks instead of a doubling of the buffs given!

On that note: I think since the enrage is not permanent (and can therefore be removed) and otherwise not really interesting in her gameplan, it could be swapped with miasma to more lean into the annoying healer route. Might be way too strong, but would like to hear your thoughts on that.
Hey there, I can understand wanting her to be more viable for offense but on defense she is already very annoying as-is. Don’t forget that Robo on def is a nightmare once the PA is triggered, so giving her more stacks of buffs easily will very quickly charge her PA…

Agreed that her SA2 is redundant since BB2 already drains. What I’d like to see is for offense is maybe something like Neuro and Frostbite PW.. detonating damages the entire team/those on reserve, and it burns the corpse.
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Hey there, I can understand wanting her to be more viable for offense but on defense she is already very annoying as-is. Don’t forget that Robo on def is a nightmare once the PA is triggered, so giving her more stacks of buffs easily will very quickly charge her PA…

Agreed that her SA2 is redundant since BB2 already drains. What I’d like to see is for offense is maybe something like Neuro and Frostbite PW.. detonating damages the entire team/those on reserve, and it burns the corpse.
I guess that is too be seen, and therefore its indeed safer to just not make her better in defense for now. Do you think my first suggestion would make her much better on defense?

I dont see the damaging of the entire team being helpful in many cases if its tied to a single tier 2 blockbuster without even a way to charge it faster (Blue screen could as she in most cases explodes at least once). Burning the corpse sounds helpful but also that is very tedious if you could just charge the bb3 instead (much easier to time the kill with the specific blockbuster that way).
Yeah, don’t think your suggested SA1 is too broken. Since it’s either fighter, maybe make it 2nd hit instead so you can’t trigger it with Theonite beam.

It’s not too hard to charge up BB2, especially if you go with combo playstyle rather than spamming beams. If that’s of concern, can always give her gain haste instead of armor from BB1.