• [2018/06/22]
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Fights Sekhmet and the Show Me Your Moves PF


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
New England
I think the Show Me Your Moves PF is interesting. The new modifier that prevents standard attacks from causing damage is a novel idea and really changes up how you think about the fight. But, it doesn't feel unfair because both you and the opponent are affected.

However, I've noticed something in this PF with Eliza. Most of Eliza's BBs (and BBs are crucial to this PF) involve her changing into Sekhmet. I noticed that after the initial strike, Sekhmet's attacks do not hurt the opponent. I'm guessing that this is because attacks by Sekhmet still qualify as "standard attacks" under the Silver Bullet fight modifier. I disagree with this decision. Eliza's Sekhmet BBs are only on par with other BBs when she is able to deal continued damage in Sekhmet mode. I think that Sekhmet attacks should count as BB damage under the Silver Bullet modifier.
I’ve noticed this too and pondered it a bit but personally I think I’m going to have to disagree with you. The main issue is that this would make Eliza rather overpowered, as a good chain of those attacks can easily shred through 50% of a basic opponent’s HP. They are standard attacks, just for Sekhmet. This could also become a slippery slope and the next person might ask, “If Eliza’s special mode counts as a non-standard attack, why doesn’t Beowulf’s Hype Mode count as a non-standard attack? He uses exclusive attacks like Eliza does.”
Besides, Eliza still has Nekhbet Breaker, Khepri Sun and Lady of Slaughter as very strong choices and enough special moves to choose from.
There are some fight modifiers, especially ones that apply to non-character-specific prize fights, where you will simply have to change your loadout/build and think more carefully in order to get a high streak and score. This was what shocked people a little bit the first time Gene Therapy came around because they couldn’t rely on debuffs as much as they used to.
I’ve noticed this too and pondered it a bit but personally I think I’m going to have to disagree with you. The main issue is that this would make Eliza rather overpowered, as a good chain of those attacks can easily shred through 50% of a basic opponent’s HP. They are standard attacks, just for Sekhmet. This could also become a slippery slope and the next person might ask, “If Eliza’s special mode counts as a non-standard attack, why doesn’t Beowulf’s Hype Mode count as a non-standard attack? He uses exclusive attacks like Eliza does.”
Besides, Eliza still has Nekhbet Breaker, Khepri Sun and Lady of Slaughter as very strong choices and enough special moves to choose from.
There are some fight modifiers, especially ones that apply to non-character-specific prize fights, where you will simply have to change your loadout/build and think more carefully in order to get a high streak and score. This was what shocked people a little bit the first time Gene Therapy came around because they couldn’t rely on debuffs as much as they used to.
I get what your saying and agree that those Sekhmet BBs could be too powerful in the context of the Show Me Your Moves PF if every hit got that 100% bonus. However, as things stand, I don’t think it’s enough. Eliza only has 2 (out of 6) normal BBs that don’t involve Sekhmet, and both are lvl 2. That means they take longer to charge than lvl 1 BBs. So any Eliza character will be at at disadvantage because every other character has lvl 1 BBs that completely benefit from the bonus damage modifier. So maybe there is a compromise that could be found for this that makes those Sekhmet BBs more effective without making them OP (for this PF).

I do not think that Beowulf’s hype mode is a good comparison because Beo doesn’t trigger it through a BB. Sekhmet, on the other hand, only comes out during a BB. I don’t think changing Eliza’s mechanisms for Show Me Your Moves would be a slippery slope, because Eliza is the only one with this kind of B.B.-related fighting style.
Sekhmet Mode attacks don’t count as blockbuster damage after the initial hit when using the blockbuster.

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, Bloody Valentine is still somewhat viable enough with these modifiers. As I used her to effortlessly beat one of the most despicable teams in this PF.