• [2018/06/22]
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Other SGM Chat Filtering Feedback

Al Qedic

Mar 10, 2018
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I'm sure many a Hidden Variable dev have already been notified of this by players, and I'm sure plenty of others on here have touched on this same issue by now. Maybe this will largely be patched with the next update. Regardless...the new chat feature in the game has a bit of a glaring problem. We can't even type the name of one of the game's main characters without it being censored.

Peacock is turned into ******* by a less-than-perfect profanity filter that detects those last four letters in order and does its job accordingly. This is an example of the Scunthorpe Problem, where automated filters censor perfectly innocent words because they happen to contain a word that's not so savory.

I can't blame the devs for this very much at all; it happens more than most programmers care to admit. If in some way I'm only serving to slow down the work being made to fix this, feel free to tell me as much. Let's just hope we can all come together and get these kinks ironed out in due time, eh?

For more on the Scunthorpe Problem, here's a video by a lovely British guy for your viewing pleasure. Adult language referenced, viewer discretion advised.
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Let's just hope we can all come together and get these kinks ironed out in due time, eh?
That's the plan!

We've already fixed a lot of filtering issues that will be going out in our next update.
Our chat is in its very early stages, so feel free to leave any filter suggestions for us here. =)

(Peacock was one of the ones fixed in the first few minutes, whoops!)

Edit: I've updated the thread title to be less confusing for other users.
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I mean the game is 12+ and got some Innuendos Why curse word isnt allowed.
Nah is just a meme.
good thing this community isnt THAT protective
I've got a few words I feel shouldn't be censored. First and foremost; +Rapid. Why was this censored to begin with? Lol.
+Bum. Butt is allowed so why not bum? This can also be used non offensively sometimes like when I try to say bum-rush.
+Wtf. I can kinda see why on this one, but it's an abbreviation, and theres other abbreviated curse words allowed, so why not this one?
Let me know what you think and please add if you have more. ^.^
- Mon573R
Well, "nsfw" shouldn't be censored too IMHO. And "dominate" and other forms of "domination" are not always insulting and can be used peacefully.
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+Gerber is another word with seemingly no reason to be censored. This is a brand name, not sure why it would be filtered...
+ Mono seems to be censored. Not sure why, So it's added to the list. (Hoping some devs check this thread out and maybe update filter, or give reason why some of all of these words are censored. ^.^)