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That's All Folks rework


May 15, 2024
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Getting HIT has a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds and grant 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and 1 stack of EVASION.
While Peacock is alive, enemies have 50/60/75% reduced CRIT RATE.

Projectiles have a 40/45/50% chance to inflict FATIGUE
Projectiles have a 40/45/50% chance to inflict QUIETUS for 10 seconds

While peacock is alive all teammates have a 10/15/20% increased crit damage

This variant is inspired by classic slapstick cartoons, so it doesn't make sense for it to be defensive when classic slapstick characters are typically offensive. 'That's All Folks' is too similar to 'Untouchable,' making it feel uninspired and boring. I believe this rework gives her a more unique playstyle, adds variety to Peacock variants in general, and makes her a strong offensive and support option.
As for why I think Fatigue and Quietus are the best debuffs, Fatigue has a 50% chance to stun, and in classic cartoons, the victim often gets hit so hard they see stars, implying they're stunned. Quietus, on the other hand, is great because so many fighters have Final Stand, and it would be fitting for this Peacock variant to deal with that and deliver a good old-fashioned knockout!
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Reactions: transalpina
Interesting. Yes, I think switching her moveset to be more offensively oriented would be great. How about a stun on a damage threshold (>= 10% in one hit?) or perhaps on her outtake use (for the next fighter to land stunned). Would be funny and definitely more cartoonish to be seeing stars after hit with a baseball bat, or just generally hard enough. Fatigue might be a bit too much to ask for, either take away her support SA or drop the extra debuff imo. Her use case now is just a mid defender which is really too bad for such a nice palette.