• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Tympani Drive doesn't combo the same for everyone


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
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New England
I've noticed something interesting and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not. When using Tympani Drive against Big Band and Beowulf, I can launch (standard up-swipe) an enemy into the air and activate Tympani Drive as they fall, and after they land they bounce up into the Blockbuster. So against these two characters, this combo works.
Against every female character I've tested this against, big or small (from Peacock to Eliza), this combo doesn't work. I can't chain the launch into Tympani Drive against the female characters. It looks like they simply don't bounce as high, and so their hitboxes don't reach the strike zone for the BB.

I'm wondering if this is intentional. When Double joined the roster, the normal "ground combo into Merry Gorilla" for Cerebella didn't work on her (until Double, it was a universal combo that worked on every character), but then an update came out that let Double be grabbed by Merry Gorilla after finishing a Cerebella ground combo. If some combos aren't meant to work on some characters, I understand, but it just seems odd that the "launch into Tympani Drive" only works on 2 characters (who happen to be the only males) out of the whole roster.
i think it is intentional. different characters have different “weights” (i.e. a Big Band is heavier than Filia) and thus different combos work differently for specific characters. i’ve done this same combo before and it does depend on the character whether they get hit by Tympani mid-knockdown animation or if you have to wait for them to get up from the knockdown. it only works with Beo and Big Band because they are “heavier” characters and thus their hit boxes work differently... or something like that. i don’t really know how the weight system works, but i just know it works something like that.
i think it is intentional. different characters have different “weights” (i.e. a Big Band is heavier than Filia) and thus different combos work differently for specific characters. i’ve done this same combo before and it does depend on the character whether they get hit by Tympani mid-knockdown animation or if you have to wait for them to get up from the knockdown. it only works with Beo and Big Band because they are “heavier” characters and thus their hit boxes work differently... or something like that. i don’t really know how the weight system works, but i just know it works something like that.
Yeah I saw such replies in the discord. I'm hoping Liam or someone else can address the issue since changes have been made in the past to make certain combos more universal.
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