• [2018/06/22]
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Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

This is some knee jerk reaction due to a bunch of people being loud. We don't have much hex-using fighters to begin with. Could've played with the duration or activation criteria so it is much harder to have the effect up all the time.

Meanwhile high FS AI Neuromancer will shoot spikes right at battle start and then use a BB3 hitting all your fighters. UHost with the same FS still need time to drain you.
Normally, we aim to make balance adjustments for several Fighters at once rather than singling out specific Fighters, however, Black Dahlia - Unholy Host in particular has been dominating in all modes, so we’ve made some targeted adjustments that will go live in our next major update.
Finally, Devs did it. I literally have suffered her in rifts (especially air week boss node).
So, iam mad, rlly mad lol, bc i invest so much time on her, Uhost is the top tier fighter rn, BUT you can easily counter her: rose tinted, model leader or a Black Dahlia with "Tea Slip". The nerf is rlly awfull in my opinion, if you guys gonna remove the hex, at least let her regen from any debuff, she will keep easily to counter, A LOT of fighters are broken and do not receive a nerf, assasins greed that do not lose HP, model leader with her 5 auto block, split image with inf HP regen and imunity, these are just some defenses that are broken
Her Nerf is not so terrible (She is now Purrfect Dark but better). Hex was ridiculous on her coz it was unavoidable, the only solution was a debuff cleanse which only 2 fighters had Model and Rose. The fighters you mentioned have many counters and one can brute force through them if it is not rifts.
This is some knee jerk reaction due to a bunch of people being loud. We don't have much hex-using fighters to begin with. Could've played with the duration or activation criteria so it is much harder to have the effect up all the time.

Meanwhile high FS AI Neuromancer will shoot spikes right at battle start and then use a BB3 hitting all your fighters. UHost with the same FS still need time to drain you.
Drain matters a lot in Rift and 20 sec is equivalent to 40% HP drain plus 3rd highest HP plus 20-sec hex and curse on a tag in and NTTD for regens so one can not bleed and buff removal all in one fighter, this was necessary.
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I like this.

Curse is annoying but that hex was the hugest barrier to fighting her. Now it’s possible to take her on with bleeders and inverse-polarity fighters instead of praying you can last 20 seconds with your lead.
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Damn I actually did not expect unholy host to get nerfed. Still have mixed feelings that y'all decided to nerf her AFTER she had a spotlight relic and right BEFORE she was announced to be in summer breeze relics, but I'm glad she got retouched nonetheless.
Este cambio hace que Unholy Host deje de ser importante como jefe final y sea una más del montón... Estaba esperando tenerla sencillamente por lo única que era... Pero ahora estoy decepcionado... Gaste muchos recursos para obtenerla sin resultados .. ahora el juego se volverá aburrido para mí.. solo tengo esperanzas en la siguiente personaje MARIE y MOLLY..
"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all the people some of the time, but you CAN'T please ALL of the people ALL of the time."

OP fighters put the Devs in a difficult situation; you appease the 'have nots' but upset the 'haves' and vise versa.

Everyone has their own perspective on what makes UH so 'broken'. IMHO, it is that SA1 triggers even on the opponent TAG IN, which counters the one 'benefit" that even the in-game 'tips' recommends "Suffering from a nasty bleed? TAG OUT (which essentially means 'TAG IN another fighter') to clear harmful debuffs".

Now, I know other fighters have 'on TAG IN/OUT' Abilities that give or transfer debuffs, but those have either very specific triggers to give the debuffs or ways for the opponent to remove them before they expire. But with UH, having no way for the opponent clear debuffs (now curse), it makes SA2 a guaranteed bleed/regen effect.

That aside, some ask if changes to UH was really the best 'fix'?
It certainly was the easiest.
If the OG UH was problematic in say just Rifts, due to the combination of node and catalyst modifiers, then maybe some new tools/changes to those interactions would have been the better option? Maybe, maybe not. Fixing the fighter is easier than making new or reworking catalysts or 30 possible nodes across all Rift maps.

IMHO, as disappointing as having a fighter that gets nerfed may be, I feel that it is better to have a fighter that is pushed at first rather than be too reserved (since it seems to take even longer to get a lackluster fighter buffed in SGM).

So, with UH's nerf, I'm afraid the pendulum will swing the other way with next new fighter(s)...And now that we'll be getting a new Gold/Diamond fighter each month with the new update...expect to see this play out again and often.
The only people who dislike the changes are people who have an upgraded UHost, funny how that works

And finally, she went from outright unkillable in high streaks and an absolute menace of an attacker to just a great all rounder, I can see Blitz & Glamour being a good and reliable counter (she literally didn't have any before, and don't reply this with "just use Eliza", I have a 26K Stand Out and she struggles to keep up, not to mention a burst leaves her useless)
You take years to buff fighters that really need it but nerf a newly released fighter... After the spotlight relics and now a monthly pf featuring unholy? Have you posted a warning for those buying the relics? Many players also invested resources in her: will they get them back? You're making the same mistakes as Epic 7 did. The nerf was obviously needed but it was done poorly: hex made her special. By this logic, let's hope "adjustments" for splitting image, assasins greed, model leader... Since they are a cancer on rifts and high streak pfs, even with "counters". You don't have to be a genius to understand this decision is rushed and plain lazy. It also gives a wrong impression to new players.
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No estoy de acuerdo con el nerfeo de Black
Osea supongo que esa es la suerte de obtenerla y maxearla
Supongo que todos los que se quejaron es por que son incompetentes y les duele perder rachas
Osea para eso es un juego no para ganar y perder
Y lo digo desde mi punto en el que yo aun no la he conseguido
Pero no hago berrinche cuando llego a perder contra un jugador que tenga ese personaje
En fin
Opinión de cada quien
Pero yo veo super inecesario el nerfeo de esa variante por algo también pertenece a la categoría diamante 🔹 por que se supone que tienen que ser superior
La verdad para ser sincero

ya era fácil derrotarla con una buena defensa, siendo un personaje de plata xd

Pero gracias de todas formas :b
This is so disappointing. Really glad I wasted resources building Host to be my main source of Hex. Tone her down sure. Make the hex once per match or something but don’t take it away. This is swinging too hard in the other direction.

what’s the point of making a strong new character if you’re just going to take away what makes them awesome later. Never gonna trust a new strong variant again. Devs just gonna nerf later anyway.

so disappointed
Seems like a sensible choice.
I found UH quite powerful in both spectrums, both for offense and defense.

At least now without the Hex there's a chance for not being entirely strip of every fighting chance.
I like it!
Why didn't you just reduce the duration of her debuffs to 10 seconds? It would have made people to think in other things to make her useful, for example investing on reduce cooldown modifier that nobody uses for example.

Or if that's not a good a idea another one would be remove her curse and keep hex, because there are more variants and movement with curse but few variants and movements that inflict hex. And she's a natural diamond, it is supposed that she has to have good abilities, not to be purrfect dark with drain.
I feel like taking away her ability to remove buffs when tagging in, and leaving her 2nd SA have it so she drains HP from enemies suffering either from curse or hex would've been a better nerf.
I would let the Hex there and just remove Curse (coz she already have a move that Inflicts it)
I hope you change her a bit again with what I said or something similar and it would be a W move
Bruh the hex was the whole problem
So, iam mad, rlly mad lol, bc i invest so much time on her, Uhost is the top tier fighter rn, BUT you can easily counter her: rose tinted, model leader or a Black Dahlia with "Tea Slip". The nerf is rlly awfull in my opinion, if you guys gonna remove the hex, at least let her regen from any debuff, she will keep easily to counter, A LOT of fighters are broken and do not receive a nerf, assasins greed that do not lose HP, model leader with her 5 auto block, split image with inf HP regen and imunity, these are just some defenses that are broken
While UHost's nerf was definitely in order, I think it is a bit convenient to release a busted variant on character release, boost sales (Dahlia bundles, monthly relics, etc.), and nerf it months after. I hope this will not become a repeating pattern for Marie and/or monthly fighters.