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Wolf's Beowulf Tier List


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2018
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Wolf's Beowulf Tier List

Before Reading

The reason I made this list was because I really like Beowulf and thought I should try to explain my thoughts on the variants.

*Both Lists Automatically assumes you put effort into having +50% defense move stats on your Moves as it is necessary in general, and variant stats are considering maxed level diamond. Assume patch version 3.1*

I also made 2 Tier lists, one list for offense and one for defense. They are general lists and some variants may be more useful when in certain prize fight conditions. Also, please be reminded that this list is formed from my own thoughts, and it’s important to consider your own opinion and style when using the character.

-This list will update with any changes-


Character Ability: Hype Mode

Get 1 Hype Charge with every THROW and every 30 seconds. 3 Hype Charges lets you trigger HYPE MODE! During HYPE MODE, THROWS cannot be broken, and many attacks feature surprising upgrades.


1. Wulfsbane
View attachment 3468
FS: 24,295

Attack: 12,960

HP: 54,874

SA: Force Choke

THROWS have a 50% chance to inflict CRIPPLE and HEAL BLOCK for 10 seconds

50% bonus damage against enemies suffering from a DEBUFF

Recommended moves to have on this variant:

BB3- 3 Wulf Moon Sault (For survival purposes)


BB3- Wulfamania! (For damage purposes)

BB Lupine Pummel- 35% chance to inflict cripple

BB AirWulf- 35% chance to inflict armor break

SM- Wulf Shoot

SM-Wulf Blitzer- 25% chance to inflict armor break on hit

Recommended stats on moves based on order of importance:



3.%Meter Gain

Thoughts: Wulfsbane is the ultimate attacker, his ability to not only decrease damage capacity on opponents, but to also deny them healing, and if any debuff is inflicted he gets +50% boost on his already high attack, this means you’ll be able to deal a lot of damage consistently it also helps that his juggle consists of throws and his Blockbusters also consists of unblockable throws. The main thing you’ll have to worry about is survivability, his hp isn’t as high as the others so make sure to keep an eye on it. Also any moves with armor break make his ability even more powerful!

2. Dark Might
View attachment 3477
Fs: 27,481

Attack: 13,152

Hp: 71,117

SA: Grave Injustice

Damage dealt is increased by 50% for each teammate defeated.

LEVEL 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 35% chance to instantly defeat enemies if Beowulf has no remaining teammates (Note: This only applies to the LAST HIT of the blockbuster)

Recommended Move set

BB3- Three Wulf Moon Sault

BB- Airwulf

BB- Lupine Pummel

BB-Gigantic Arm

SM-Aroo Ready?

Also, in consideration:

SM Wulf Blitzer

BB- Geatish Trepak

Recommended stats on moves in order of importance:


2. Meter Gain

3. Hp%

Thoughts- Our new Diamond Beowulf is really powerful when on his own, but that’s his only downfall, that his SA requires that his other team mates are dead. Because of this he’s a high risk, high reward type of fighter. His attack is already high and skyrockets when both his teammates are dead leading to a lot of damage, adding damage will prove very useful. His second SA is very valuable as it gives you the chance to kill the enemy character on the spot, that when procured is useful against every defensive variant so meter gain will be highly useful with this variant, the only downside is that it only has a 1/3 chance of happening. Due to his high-risk SA he falls just under Wulfsbane. I'd suggest having him on point, build up his meter and swap out so he can apply his SA later on if a teammate should die. Extra: Turns out his SA can go over 100% added damage if you have Dead of Winter Squigly or Revive teamates with Forbidden procedure by valentine and they die again you also keep any damage from any felled teamates that gets revived, so pairing him with either is great for his damage boost SA.

3. Cold stones
View attachment 3472
FS: 19,685

Attack: 10,522

HP: 44,333

SA: Out Cold

Throws have a 20% chance to inflict STUN on the enemy for 6 seconds

50% bonus damage against STUNNED opponents

Recommended move set

BB3- 3 Wulf Moon Sault (For survival purposes)


BB3- Wulfamania! (For damage purposes)

BB Lupine Pummel- 35% chance to inflict cripple

BB AirWulf- 35% chance to inflict armor break

SM- Wulf Shoot

SM-Wulf Blitzer- 25% chance to inflict armor break on hit

Recommended stats on moves in order of importance:

1. Attack%

2. HP%

3. Meter Gain%

Thoughts: Cold stones may be naturally bronze, but there’s diamonds within some stones! His stats are naturally low, but his long stun duration with a 50% increase in attack makes up for it which allows him to overtake dragon brawler in offense since his SA is a bit more reliable. Just keep using unblockable grab moves and blockbusters (such as lupine pummel/wulf shoot/air wulf) for a lot of damage! Along with any armor break moves that would increase it more. Just try not to get hit since he has a lower HP pool.

4. Dragon Brawler
View attachment 4282
FS: 23,553

Attack: 11,271

HP: 60,960

SA: Wulf Fang Fist

Gain 5 stacks of PRECISION when activating HYPE, and gain 100% increased CRIT DAMAGE while in HYPE MODE.

Gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS when defeating an opponent with a BLOCKBUSTER

Recommended Move set:

BB3 Wulf Moon Sault

BB Airwulf

BB Geatish Trepak

BB Gigantic Arm

SM- Aroo Ready

Other moves into consideration:

Gigantic arm sweep

SM-Hurting Hurtle

SM- Wulf Blitzer

Recommended Move Stats in order of importance:

1. Attack%

2. Critical Rate%

3. HP%

Thoughts: Dragon Brawler's update gave him a good upgrade on his SA, now he gains 5 stacks of precision which allows him to deal absolute certain damage with an upgraded 100% crit rate. His 2nd SA is the same. This upgraded SA makes it useful to gain his hype charge more often so his Aroo ready? Taunt is recommended since precision ignores Defensive SA's, you'll want to use it as often as possible especially with fighters like Dreadlocks/Armed Forces/Resonant Evil/ and Untouchables, Stay away from Tainted Blood Painwheels! Because of this upgrade this elevates him above Wrestler X now in terms of offensive abilities. This however also makes his Crit rate more important if you wanna get more damage out of his SA1.

5. Wrestler X
View attachment 3475
Fs: 20,789

Attack: 11,079

Hp: 47,021

SA: X-Factor

Gain REGEN for 10 seconds for every 10% HEALTH lost.

While in HYPE MODE, all HITS have a 25% chance to inflict BLEED for 5 seconds

Recommended move set:

BB3- 3 Wulf Moon Sault

BB- Lupine Pummel

BB-Geatish Trepak

BB-Gigantic Arm


Moves to take into consideration-

SM- Aroo Ready?

SM- Wulf Blitzer

Recommended Move stats in order of importance:

1. HP%

2. Attack%

3. Meter Gain%

Thoughts: Wrestler X has pretty nice stats, his SA allows him some leniency to getting hit, it seems like a SA that should bring you back to 100% hp if done correctly, but sometimes it doesn’t. Like you could get hit by a Diamonds are forever by a Cerebella that takes half your hp bar away and only get one stack of regen so it’s a bit untrustworthy for me, also it’s countered by applying bleed but it also counters any bleed characters since the regen procures automatically. His second SA is pretty good against a lot of characters considering the effects of bleed, unfortunately combo string isn’t long so you will maybe inflict 2 or 3 stacks depending on your luck. Which is why I put lupine pummel and Geatish trepak as his recommended moves because those inflict the most hits in the shortest amount of time. Overall a pretty solid fighter worth evolving to gold or higher.

6. Number One
View attachment 3471
FS: 19,561

Attack: 8,218

HP: 57,485

SA: Red Alert

Gain HASTE for 10 seconds on opponent TAG IN

20% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds if HASTED

Recommended Move Set:

BB3 Three Wulf Moon Sault (Survival purposes)

BB Lupine Pummel

BB AirWulf

BB Geatish Trepak

SM Aroo Ready?

Other Moves into consideration:

SM- Wulf Blitzer

Recommended Move stats in order of importance:

1. Attack%

2. HP%

Thoughts: Number One is pretty good considering you’ll want to use haste, which can fill up meter quickly, and if lucky, you can get multiple stacks of enrage which helps his attack. You’ll want to equip his taunt so you can proc the second SA more often. He’s a pretty standard attacker, the only thing is that you need haste to activate his SA, which is why Aroo Ready? Will be a necessary move on the variant.

7. Hype Man
View attachment 3470
Fs: 20,167

Attack: 9,639

Hp: 52,263

SA: Hype Train

While in HYPE MODE, DRAIN the meter of all opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by 10% per landed HIT.

When activating HYPE MODE, teammates in reserve gain 50% METER for all BLOCKBUSTERS.

Recommended Move set

BB3 3 Wulf Moon Sault

BB Airwulf

BB Lupine Pummel

BB Geatish Trepak

SM- Aroo Ready?

Recommended Move stats in order of importance:

1. Attack%

2. HP%

Thoughts: Hype-man has come a way; his SA was refurnished and now allows you to drain meter from your opponent to build up your own meter! This allows you to get blockbusters pretty quickly and to make sure your opponent never gets their BB3 ready, while preparing yours. The best way to do this is using lupine pummel using hype mode to do a repeat grab combo. Try to build up his attack so he can do reliable damage too.

8. Weekend Warrior
View attachment 3474
FS: 22,811

ATK: 9,581

HP: 67,047

SA: Last Call

Gain IMMUNITY and HASTE for 10 seconds and remove all DEBUFFS when activating HYPE MODE

When activating HYPE MODE, gain FINAL STAND for 15 seconds, preventing death for the duration of the effect.

Recommended Move Set:

BB3 Three Wulf Moon Sault

BB Airwulf

BB Lupine Pummel

BB Geatish Trepak

SM- Aroo Ready?

Other Moves to take into consideration-

BB- Gigantic Arm

SM- Gigan Arm Sweep

SM- Wulf Blitzer

Recommended Move stats in order of importance:

1. HP%

2. Attack%

3. Meter Gain%

Thoughts: Weekend warrior doesn’t really provide good abilities for any offensive capabilities except being able to survive an incoming BB3 with time, he doesn’t have a high attack stat, his main purpose is to soak up all the BB3s and survive during hype mode, just watch out for Silent kill and Rusty! He can be nice to use if you use hype mode often and gain meter for his blockbusters but if you want to do damage, I suggest getting attack%

9. Underdog
View attachment 3473
FS: 17,321

Attack: 8,295

HP: 44,794

SA: On the ropes

Gain ARMOR for 15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF

Gain HASTE for 15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF

Recommended Move Set

BB3 Three Wulf Moon Sault

BB Airwulf

BB Lupine Pummel

BB Geatish Trepak

SM- Aroo Ready?

Other Moves to take into consideration-

BB- Gigantic Arm

SM- Gigan Arm Sweep

SM- Wulf Blitzer

Recommended Move stats in order of importance:

1. HP%

2. Attack%

Thoughts: Underdog, while is good for surviving characters with debuff inflicting abilities (like wulfsbane) his attack is simply abysmal and would be hard to defeat any characters with a higher hp range so the SMs that cause bleed and armor break should help him out a lot. Watch out for Rustys and Silent Kills!

Defense Tier List (Assuming CPU Behavior and Same optimal move set)

1. Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior has a large HP pool and with the changes to Beowulf’s character ability, he’s more able to reliably survive things. Due to his immunity he'll be able to survive most things except Silent Kill, Rusty, and Doublicious.

2. Underdog

Ability to gain armor and haste which can drastically increase his survival rate, also his haste will allow him to gain his blockbusters faster.

3. Wrestler X

His ability to gain regen helps him maintain his hp especially if he has a high hp. Paired with a Surgeon General, it might keep him alive for a very long time. Only silent kill, rusty, and doublicious are able to effectively counter this.

4. Wulfsbane

Best Defense is a good offense! Wulfsbane can basically K.O things pretty easily since he has a high attack.

5. Dark Might

He’s a pretty good stat-wise character, but his SA allows him to deal massive damage and K.O your characters if given the chance and depending on his situation.

6. Cold Stones

Ability to stun allows him to have the chance to K.O your characters if he gets the chance. Paired with unblockable throws can be a very scary defensive variant if you’re not careful!

7. Hype Man

Ability to take away Meter allows him to make sure you don’t easily K.O him, depending… if he gets it in time.

8. Dragon Brawler

Good attack and HP Pool, nothing too spectacular, if he does get his blockbuster and K.O you, hope you can defeat him before he recharges his BB3 again.

9. Number 1

Ability to gain meter quickly… which doesn’t do much except give him the ability to get his Blockbuster fast, but… that’s only if A. You switch out B. He defeats your character or C. Has aroo ready? in his move set.

For all variants Three Wulf Moon Sault is generally the default BB3 to put on Beowulf since it does a lot of damage AND reduces your opponents Blockbuster meter which denies them their blockbusters for a while longer. Wulfsbane and Coldstones are the only two that would benefit from having Wulfamania! For damage purposes instead of Three Wulf Moon Sault.


Underdog: +x attack% when you are below enemy hp

Reigning champ: +x attack% when you are above enemy hp

These two abilities are vastly dependent on your playstyle, if you know you’re going to get hit a lot or your opponent hp will be higher for a lot of the match, choose underdog.

For those that play safely and like adding damage since you know you’ll be above hp of the opponent for a lot of the match, choose reigning champion.

In my opinion it’s better to choose reigning champion for a lot of match ups since Beowulf generally has more hp than most of the characters and you want to keep the damage going if you’re already taking a lot of their HP away.


Thanks for reading! If there’s anything you want to change and argue please post your opinion below! (Try to keep it civil)

Image Sources: https://sgm.netlify.com/ Done by Krazete in the Skullgirls Discord! They're amazing for making that fighter gallery with all information available!
Thanks for Reading!
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After reading through this, I agree with mostly everything mentioned here. But there's one big thing I do NOT agree with:
Thoughts- Our new Diamond Beowulf is really powerful when on his own, but that’s his only downfall, that his SA requires that his other team mates are dead. Because of this he’s a high risk, high reward type of fighter. His attack is already high and skyrockets when both his teammates are dead leading to a lot of damage, adding damage will prove very useful. His second SA is very valuable as it gives you the chance to kill the enemy character on the spot, that when procured is useful against every defensive variant so meter gain will be highly useful with this variant, the only downside is that it only has a 1/3 chance of happening. Due to his high-risk SA he falls just under Wulfsbane.
I would have to say that Dark Might falls below Dragon Brawler in terms of performance. Anything that involves losing teammates and/or taking damage to be able to perform well on offense is automatically mediocre. Raw Nerv is a prime example of this. She may gain 2 very powerful perma buffs, but she has to lose health in order to gain them. Which is something you do NOT want considering her character. Dark Might suffers from a similar issue, but its not as bad. However, its complicated to get him to lose teammates in a way which won't screw you over. And Cold Stones, Wrestler X, Dragon Brawler and Wulfsbane all beat him thanks to having simplier SAs which don't force you to dig your own grave. Also, only the FINAl hit on either BB3 has that 35% chance to procc his SA2, making things worse for himself.
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Anything that involves losing teammates and/or taking damage to be able to perform well on offense is automatically mediocre.
You have a very good point there, to me pinpointing Dark Might's place in offensive was on a matter of, in our own opinions, can the benefits outweigh the risks?

In regular matches below 20 streak... not really but it's in higher streaks where I think this variant can really shine. At 30+ streak, you're really going to need all the damage you can get. To me, coldstones has a limit of far his stuns can go and how much damage he can cause, and truthfully, sometimes you can use all your available grabs and not stun someone (the downfall of chance SAs) .Some characters are going to die in that high pf range. Because we make mistakes. And enemy BB3's are going to come at you regardless.

But Dark Might, as a last resort character, has that final hit chance to immediately defeat opponents (I'm unsure if it bypasses Invincibility/last stand) make him more highly useful especially against highly defensive variants like resonant evil/armed forces. Especially in the last stage of rift battles, that chance to immediately kill someone can be EXTREMELY useful if he's the last one standing. Especially since it's not a debuff and bypasses sancrosact. I'll concede that he fights with wrestler X and cold stones in matter of offensive performance due to his high risk nature, but I wouldn't put him underneath dragon brawler (because dragon brawler needs crit rate to become really useful for damage... for now)

Also, only the FINAl hit on either BB3 has that 35% chance to procc his SA2
Oh! I'll change that! Thanks for your information! I'll think on it and change the list if necessary.
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You have a very good point there, to me pinpointing Dark Might's place in offensive was on a matter of, in our own opinions, can the benefits outweigh the risks?

I suppose in certain situations the benefits do indeed outweigh the risk.

In regular matches below 20 streak... not really but it's in higher streaks where I think this variant can really shine. At 30+ streak, you're really going to need all the damage you can get. To me, coldstones has a limit of far his stuns can go and how much damage he can cause, and truthfully, sometimes you can use all your available grabs and not stun someone (the downfall of chance SAs) .Some characters are going to die in that high pf range. Because we make mistakes. And enemy BB3's are going to come at you regardless.

But Dark Might, as a last resort character, has that final hit chance to immediately defeat opponents (I'm unsure if it bypasses Invincibility/last stand) make him more highly useful especially against highly defensive variants like resonant evil/armed forces. Especially in the last stage of rift battles, that chance to immediately kill someone can be EXTREMELY useful if he's the last one standing. Especially since it's not a debuff and bypasses sancrosact. I'll concede that he fights with wrestler X and cold stones in matter of offensive performance due to his high risk nature, but I wouldn't put him underneath dragon brawler (because dragon brawler needs crit rate to become really useful for damage... for now)

What you said is true. At 30+ streaks, every ounce of damage is necessary. And I suppose Cold Stones has a limit with the stuns. But even still, he has great damage even for a bronze. The stun is primarily a control tool, not a consistent source of bonus damage. I suppose Dark Might does great as a last resort challenge. But it doesn't really change his performance against defensive variants. Quite a few of them have armor abilities, which he will still struggle against. The consistency with his insta kill it isn't very high. If it doesn't kill, then its kinda over.
The consistency with his insta kill it isn't very high. If it doesn't kill, then its kinda over.

Yeah, if it doesn't land it won't do anything, but to me it's the ability that he CAN kill them in that instance that makes me rely on Dark Might a bit more.
If there's an armed forces cerebella and she has 2 stacks of armor and unflinching with her BB3 coming up and both your team mates are dead, cold stones can BB3 Reduce meter, Stun, delay the inevitable, his options aren't that great. Dark might has the 35% chance to instantly kill her with his BB3. Is it good? No not really, is it better than nothing? In my own thoughts, yes it is. (I've been saved by that 35% a few times already, haha), Also that a lot of defense teams will include Surgeon General and once that Immunity hits your options with cold stones are limited and you will have to depend on other fighters to either get rid of the buffs or try to power through them.
I guess there are so many situations to think of when comparing the two variants that the lines blur to see which one will do better overall when it comes to solo style and team cooperation.
You make a good point that the control aspect of Cold Stones is what really makes him great. The ability to stun, gain meter, stun again I think I might change cold stones to be #2. I want to think on this extensively though.
Thank you again for the input!
Beast King? I pulled him recently. Is he stronger than Snake Bite?
Got a notification on this thread oh goodness I never did update it. I'll maybe update it in the near future.
I love lying. I was going to update it and then I found out there was an image limit. I'll update it though.
Beast King? I pulled him recently. Is he stronger than Snake Bite?
Yes!! He's the ultimate attacker. The best offensive beowulf. His ability to inflict curse and wither ensures that you won't have to deal with buffs from defensive fighters or a BB3 coming your way. Focus on attack% and piercing and there won't be any fighter you won't melt like butter. Use harlequin cerebella with moves like wulf shoot for an almost guaranteed curse and wither.