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Ol Suity is back with another post lol. This time a Fortune tier list.
Tap the HEAD GAMES button to enter HEADLESS MODE. Ms. Fortune's head can attack independent of her body. But be careful: Ms. Fortune will also suffer any additional damage inflicted to her head!
STATS: When it comes to stats, Ms. Fortune's health, although higher than most Painwheel and Double variants, is still one of the most fragile characters in the game. To make up for this, Ms. Fortune is one of the heaviest hitting characters in the game. Most of her moveset is capable of doing serious damage to opponents.
All stats shown in the post is at maxed out level 60 diamond.
1. Claw & Order
FS: 23,532
ATK: 12,519
HP: 53,357
SA1: CRITICAL HITS have a 50% chance to reset the timers of all opponent DEBUFFS except STUN and DOOM.
SA2: HITS that deal at least 5% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH set their SPECIAL MOVES on cooldown and DISABLE their BLOCKBUSTERS for 15 seconds.
Claw & Order is easily the best Ms. Fortune in the game. As a Fortune, her attack is naturally high which helps with her SA2. Her SA1 also applies to any debuff in the game. Meaning she pairs extremely well with fighters such as Sketchy or Sundae School who inflict debuffs allowing her to synergize well with them. Her only flaws include a only okayish health pool and a terrible match up for Tainted Blood Painwheels, some Valentines and Dreadlocks.
VERDICT: Worth evolving into Diamond.
2. Purrfect Dark
FS: 21,091
ATK: 12,327
HP: 41,184
SA1: After facing Ms. Fortune for 10 seconds, the opponent suffers DEATH MARK and CURSE.
SA2: HEAD HITS have a 10% chance to instantly defeat enemies if they are suffering from DEATH MARK and are below 50% HEALTH.
Purrfect Dark is a Fortune worth buying from the Cabinet if you see her there. Death Mark is an okay debuff but what really makes her shine is her Curse. Purrfect Dark's curse is essentially a psuedo-permanent one as the opponent can only remove it by tagging out, dying or if they can find some way to remove it (Like Silent Kill or Doublicious). SA2 is mostly situational as Ms. Fortune's head is not easy to use but it can come in handy when in the right hands and can mean alot. She also can be pretty supportive if her stats are not enough. As she can block for awhile before tagging out to a carry once the curse is inflicted. (Thanks @Reshiram18 !)Her biggest issue is her abysmal health pool which means you cannot afford to make a mistake. She is also mostly outclassed in the regard of Curse with the Sketchy + Claw combo with a few exceptions. Despite these issues, Purrfect Dark is a pretty cheap fighter to invest in and works pretty well in late streaks.
VERDICT: Worth evolving into Diamond.
3. Furry Fury
FS: 27,439
ATK: 14,592
HP: 62,247
SA1: HEAD HITS have a 15% chance to inflict BLEED for 10 seconds.
SA2: Gain ENRAGE every 1 second(s) while near an opponent suffering BLEED. The ENRAGE is removed when no longer near the opponent.
Furry is one of our natural diamond pals. Her SA1 is a high risk high reward as the head is hard to use. Her SA2 however applies to any kind of bleed. This means you can offset the issue of depending on SA1 by simply giving her the Hit-Paws blockbuster which inflicts bleed. Once you get your enrages, enjoy. As Furry Fury has one of the highest attack stats in the game. Only behind Fly Trap and Jawbreaker. She has the most health out of the Fortunes but still try not to make mistakes. She also posses a bad matchup against fighters who can remove their bleed such as ICU Valentines (Especially Assassin's Greed) and Bloodbath.
VERDICT: A good fighter worth investing in if resources are available.
4. Hack N' Splash
FS: 24,563
ATK: 14,343
HP: 48,039
SA1: A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
SA2: Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.
Hack N Splash's SA1 has been buffed and her SA2 reworked as if 3.4. Her SA1, though needing to be specific on the block, is now much more rewarding as precision stack helps with adding towards her already Buzzkill-level attack. Furthermore, the fact that she no longer removes debuffs on her head crits means her head hits are far more rewarding. However, Hack N Splash still requires you to be attacked first which is usually not a good thing and she notably still struggles against fighters such as Brain Freeze and Scared Stiff and SA2 still requires that the opponent suffers a debuff. Despite these huge issues, If you do manage to pull off the timed block, you'll deal even more serious damage and possibly even break an opponent's armor if your lucky. Overall, shes a good candidate if none of the other options above are available for you.
VERDICT: Worth taking into Diamond. If atk% is invested in enough.
5. Ms. Trial
FS: 20,128
ATK: 10,695
HP: 45,716
SA1: When HITTING a DASHING opponent, remove 1 of the opponent's BUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.
SA2: PRECISION HITS have a 100% chance to ignore the opponent's DEFENSE and ARMOR.
Wowzas! Ms. Trial got buffed! No longer must she rely on the worst charge attack in the game. Hitting a dashing opponent is actually really easy for Ms. Trial as with most Ms.Fortunes. As you can actually jab most opponents with ease with her. If that feels too risky, specials such as Fibre Upper are also good choices to use on her. Furthermore, her SA2 remains the same so she can do some serious damage in the right hands. She is still below Hack n Splash and Furry Fury because she is outclassed by them in sheer raw damage, but she's still worth using if you have her now. If timed right, she could do pretty well against Resonant Evil provided the catalyst isn't Futile Resistance.
VERDICT: Thanks to her buff, she is worth taking to Gold and possibly Diamond if the other options are not available.
7. Meow & Furever
FS: 22,424
ATK: 10,618
HP: 58,714
SA1: Gain FINAL STAND for 10 seconds and 5 Stacks of PRECISION for every 10% HEALTH LOST.
SA2: Enemy is inflicted with DEATH MARK for 15 seconds and STUN for 4 seconds when FINAL STAND expires.
For a mostly defensive fighter, Meow actually isn't too awful for offense. Most SAs that involve losing health is pretty much a bad thing. And for Meow it still kinda is. However, it doesn't matter how she loses her health to proc the SA. So bleed, blocking while about to lost the health, etc all proc her Final Stand. Her Health is the second highest and the Final Stand works well as a safety net. Lastly, her SA2 can help her make a quick comeback if the situation calls for it. Still, her only okay attack stat for a Fortune means that she may tire out quite easily.
VERDICT: A decent Diamond candidate for offense. But better to diamond her if you're looking for a defender.
8. Hellcat
FS: 18,025
ATK: 10,522
HP: 35,271
SA1: Gain permanent ENRAGE while HP is above 50%.
SA2: Gain 5 stacks of PRECISION when defeating an opponent while benefitting from ENRAGE.
On paper, Hellcat sounds great. Having a natural atk boost at the beginning of the match and as long as you don't make mistakes, you should be fine. On practice its a whole another story. Hellcat's health is the worst out of all the Fortunes in the game. Meaning she can lose her enrage and effectively, her SA2 just by one mistake. Because of this, it may be more wise to get her the MLEM marquee or pair her with a Surgeon General for maximum success. Overall she isn't worth the investment.
VERDICT: Shes nice taking into silver and that is about it.
9. Just Kitten
FS: 17,265
ATK: 9,178
HP: 39,188
SA1: 50% chance when suffering a DEBUFF to immediately convert that DEBUFF to a stack of PRECISION.
SA2: 15% chance to EVADE any non-projectile HIT and gain HASTE for 10 seconds.
Just Kitten received a minor nerf to her SA2 as if 3.4. However, this doesn't really change her placement anyways offensively. Just Kitten's attack is just abysmally low for a Fortune, and her health isn't doing her any favors either. However, she is still above Ms. Trial and Feline because SA1 is like a mini Private Dick. It can prevent certain otherwise game ending debuffs such as permanent bleeds or Doom. In the case of Xeno, she may even get three stacks of precision if her rng is on her side. Meaning she is at least a great choice for clearing out Daily Events and some modifiers. Yet she still remains here for her low attack and bad health count.
VERDICT: Silver evolution (Gold if planning to take her to Daily Events; Diamond for looking for a defender)
10. Feline Lucky
FS: 19,199
ATK: 9,082
HP: 50,324
SA1: Gain 3 stack(s) of PRECISION every 7 seconds.
SA2: 2% chance on CRITICAL HIT to gain IMMUNE, INVINCIBLE, FINAL STAND, and UNFLINCHING for 25 seconds.
Oh boy Feline Lucky. Are you feeling lucky pardner? Hope you do because SA2 has an extremely low chance of procing if at all. And even then, none of her buffs give her any kind of boost to her abysmal attack for a Fortune, the lowest of them all. Meaning unlike most Ms. Fortunes, she may even time herself out. Yes if you get the SA2 to work, you'll pretty much have only the timer to worry about and her SA1 is actually not too bad since its a steady amount of Precision. Still, your best chances is to pair her with Sheltered. And even then, you min swell use Sheltered since at least she can actually pull off with the crits. Feline is not worth it at all.........Unless your one of those 100% crit rate dudes in which case shes better than Trial lmao.
VERDICT: Not worth the Investment at all.
1. Meow & Furever - Despite having more counters, Meow edges over Just Kitten at times because her of higher hp and a more likely chance of timing out opponents. Honestly I do feel like this can be equal depending on the circumstance.
2. Just Kitten - If your a Squigly, Big Band, Another Ms. Fortune or Valentine user, shes one of the most pesky annoying opponents to fight. However thanks to her 3.4 nerf, she no longer is in an equal footing with Meow & Furever. She still has the potential to be dangerous however.
3. Furry Fury - Almost every Fortune by this point is going to spell doom for you only if they get the drop on you. Furry is no exception to this and even higher because of her attack which may or may not get the enrage stacks.
4. Purrfect Dark - Her health is abysmal and it is likely that she'll either be killed or tag out before her SA1 can proc. In the off chance it does however, the curse can be seriously detrimental to numerous fighters that depend on buffs such as Epic Sax, Rainbow Blight, etc and a Surgeon may not help in this case. Be careful with her head to as it will have an possible chance of one shotting you. I decided to rank her higher than most due to this but a bit lower than Furry due to low health and using a buff independent fighter such as Harlequin can offset this issue a little bit. Alternatively, utilize immunity taunts from Peacock, Squigly and Parasoul can help to.
5. Rogue Agent - If she does get her head off and hit you, she can be pretty tough to handle. But otherwise, treat her as any other Fortune.
6. Claw & Order - A similar case to Furry Fury. Except saying goodbye to you blockbusters. Despite that, you can usually kill her quick. But shes above Feline because of her slightly better hp and much dangerous attack.
7. Feline Lucky - If she gets her SA2 proc, your in huge trouble as you'll have to rely on the usually unreliable outtakes to get rid of it before the timer runs out. However her atk isn't that good so she may not kill you fighters easily and may even get killed before she makes her presence known.
8. Hack N Splash - A lesser Furry Fury. It is quite easily to avoid an SA of well timed blocks and her hp isn't doing her favors either in this regard. Her 3.4 Buff doesn't really do much for her defensively but it does make Cripple Decker a little more threatening to you and that's it.
9. Hellcat - Enrage is not too dangerous on a fighter if they're defending and Hellcat's hp is low enough that you can easily remove it with ease.
10. Ms. Trial - Her 3.4 buff does not really improve her offensively, as you typically won't be hit while dashing..
Thanks for reading yall! In due time i'm going to write up a strategy for Rift 3.2 as I feel it is much better than 3.1.
Tap the HEAD GAMES button to enter HEADLESS MODE. Ms. Fortune's head can attack independent of her body. But be careful: Ms. Fortune will also suffer any additional damage inflicted to her head!
STATS: When it comes to stats, Ms. Fortune's health, although higher than most Painwheel and Double variants, is still one of the most fragile characters in the game. To make up for this, Ms. Fortune is one of the heaviest hitting characters in the game. Most of her moveset is capable of doing serious damage to opponents.
All stats shown in the post is at maxed out level 60 diamond.

1. Claw & Order
FS: 23,532
ATK: 12,519
HP: 53,357
SA1: CRITICAL HITS have a 50% chance to reset the timers of all opponent DEBUFFS except STUN and DOOM.
SA2: HITS that deal at least 5% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH set their SPECIAL MOVES on cooldown and DISABLE their BLOCKBUSTERS for 15 seconds.
Claw & Order is easily the best Ms. Fortune in the game. As a Fortune, her attack is naturally high which helps with her SA2. Her SA1 also applies to any debuff in the game. Meaning she pairs extremely well with fighters such as Sketchy or Sundae School who inflict debuffs allowing her to synergize well with them. Her only flaws include a only okayish health pool and a terrible match up for Tainted Blood Painwheels, some Valentines and Dreadlocks.
VERDICT: Worth evolving into Diamond.
2. Purrfect Dark
FS: 21,091
ATK: 12,327
HP: 41,184
SA1: After facing Ms. Fortune for 10 seconds, the opponent suffers DEATH MARK and CURSE.
SA2: HEAD HITS have a 10% chance to instantly defeat enemies if they are suffering from DEATH MARK and are below 50% HEALTH.
Purrfect Dark is a Fortune worth buying from the Cabinet if you see her there. Death Mark is an okay debuff but what really makes her shine is her Curse. Purrfect Dark's curse is essentially a psuedo-permanent one as the opponent can only remove it by tagging out, dying or if they can find some way to remove it (Like Silent Kill or Doublicious). SA2 is mostly situational as Ms. Fortune's head is not easy to use but it can come in handy when in the right hands and can mean alot. She also can be pretty supportive if her stats are not enough. As she can block for awhile before tagging out to a carry once the curse is inflicted. (Thanks @Reshiram18 !)Her biggest issue is her abysmal health pool which means you cannot afford to make a mistake. She is also mostly outclassed in the regard of Curse with the Sketchy + Claw combo with a few exceptions. Despite these issues, Purrfect Dark is a pretty cheap fighter to invest in and works pretty well in late streaks.
VERDICT: Worth evolving into Diamond.
3. Furry Fury
FS: 27,439
ATK: 14,592
HP: 62,247
SA1: HEAD HITS have a 15% chance to inflict BLEED for 10 seconds.
SA2: Gain ENRAGE every 1 second(s) while near an opponent suffering BLEED. The ENRAGE is removed when no longer near the opponent.
Furry is one of our natural diamond pals. Her SA1 is a high risk high reward as the head is hard to use. Her SA2 however applies to any kind of bleed. This means you can offset the issue of depending on SA1 by simply giving her the Hit-Paws blockbuster which inflicts bleed. Once you get your enrages, enjoy. As Furry Fury has one of the highest attack stats in the game. Only behind Fly Trap and Jawbreaker. She has the most health out of the Fortunes but still try not to make mistakes. She also posses a bad matchup against fighters who can remove their bleed such as ICU Valentines (Especially Assassin's Greed) and Bloodbath.
VERDICT: A good fighter worth investing in if resources are available.
4. Hack N' Splash
FS: 24,563
ATK: 14,343
HP: 48,039
SA1: A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
SA2: Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.
Hack N Splash's SA1 has been buffed and her SA2 reworked as if 3.4. Her SA1, though needing to be specific on the block, is now much more rewarding as precision stack helps with adding towards her already Buzzkill-level attack. Furthermore, the fact that she no longer removes debuffs on her head crits means her head hits are far more rewarding. However, Hack N Splash still requires you to be attacked first which is usually not a good thing and she notably still struggles against fighters such as Brain Freeze and Scared Stiff and SA2 still requires that the opponent suffers a debuff. Despite these huge issues, If you do manage to pull off the timed block, you'll deal even more serious damage and possibly even break an opponent's armor if your lucky. Overall, shes a good candidate if none of the other options above are available for you.
VERDICT: Worth taking into Diamond. If atk% is invested in enough.
5. Ms. Trial
FS: 20,128
ATK: 10,695
HP: 45,716
SA1: When HITTING a DASHING opponent, remove 1 of the opponent's BUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.
SA2: PRECISION HITS have a 100% chance to ignore the opponent's DEFENSE and ARMOR.
Wowzas! Ms. Trial got buffed! No longer must she rely on the worst charge attack in the game. Hitting a dashing opponent is actually really easy for Ms. Trial as with most Ms.Fortunes. As you can actually jab most opponents with ease with her. If that feels too risky, specials such as Fibre Upper are also good choices to use on her. Furthermore, her SA2 remains the same so she can do some serious damage in the right hands. She is still below Hack n Splash and Furry Fury because she is outclassed by them in sheer raw damage, but she's still worth using if you have her now. If timed right, she could do pretty well against Resonant Evil provided the catalyst isn't Futile Resistance.
VERDICT: Thanks to her buff, she is worth taking to Gold and possibly Diamond if the other options are not available.
Element: DARK
FS: ???
ATK: ???
HP: ???
SA1: Each HEAD HIT has a 25% chance to TRANSFER 1 opponent BUFF and convert it into 1/2/3 stack(s) of PRECISION.
SA2: PRESICION HITS grant EVASION and inflict DEATH MARK for 5/7/10 seconds. Each stack of PRESICION is removed after and evaded HIT
I don't know what to say about Rogue Agent. Shes the only Fortune I do not have and her stats are still largely unknown. Looking at her SA however, I can say she is at least pretty decent. Though head hits are risky, being able to transfer and therefore steal an opponent buff is actualyl really useful. Her SA2 is mostly defensive in a way but can work in a pinch if I had to guess. However, as mentioned, Head Games is risky to use and other than Precision and Death Mark, there doesn't seem to be much of a way to boost her atk potentially. High or not, she possibly could struggle in late game.
FS: ???
ATK: ???
HP: ???
SA1: Each HEAD HIT has a 25% chance to TRANSFER 1 opponent BUFF and convert it into 1/2/3 stack(s) of PRECISION.
SA2: PRESICION HITS grant EVASION and inflict DEATH MARK for 5/7/10 seconds. Each stack of PRESICION is removed after and evaded HIT
I don't know what to say about Rogue Agent. Shes the only Fortune I do not have and her stats are still largely unknown. Looking at her SA however, I can say she is at least pretty decent. Though head hits are risky, being able to transfer and therefore steal an opponent buff is actualyl really useful. Her SA2 is mostly defensive in a way but can work in a pinch if I had to guess. However, as mentioned, Head Games is risky to use and other than Precision and Death Mark, there doesn't seem to be much of a way to boost her atk potentially. High or not, she possibly could struggle in late game.
FS: 22,424
ATK: 10,618
HP: 58,714
SA1: Gain FINAL STAND for 10 seconds and 5 Stacks of PRECISION for every 10% HEALTH LOST.
SA2: Enemy is inflicted with DEATH MARK for 15 seconds and STUN for 4 seconds when FINAL STAND expires.
For a mostly defensive fighter, Meow actually isn't too awful for offense. Most SAs that involve losing health is pretty much a bad thing. And for Meow it still kinda is. However, it doesn't matter how she loses her health to proc the SA. So bleed, blocking while about to lost the health, etc all proc her Final Stand. Her Health is the second highest and the Final Stand works well as a safety net. Lastly, her SA2 can help her make a quick comeback if the situation calls for it. Still, her only okay attack stat for a Fortune means that she may tire out quite easily.
VERDICT: A decent Diamond candidate for offense. But better to diamond her if you're looking for a defender.
8. Hellcat
FS: 18,025
ATK: 10,522
HP: 35,271
SA1: Gain permanent ENRAGE while HP is above 50%.
SA2: Gain 5 stacks of PRECISION when defeating an opponent while benefitting from ENRAGE.
On paper, Hellcat sounds great. Having a natural atk boost at the beginning of the match and as long as you don't make mistakes, you should be fine. On practice its a whole another story. Hellcat's health is the worst out of all the Fortunes in the game. Meaning she can lose her enrage and effectively, her SA2 just by one mistake. Because of this, it may be more wise to get her the MLEM marquee or pair her with a Surgeon General for maximum success. Overall she isn't worth the investment.
VERDICT: Shes nice taking into silver and that is about it.
9. Just Kitten
FS: 17,265
ATK: 9,178
HP: 39,188
SA1: 50% chance when suffering a DEBUFF to immediately convert that DEBUFF to a stack of PRECISION.
SA2: 15% chance to EVADE any non-projectile HIT and gain HASTE for 10 seconds.
Just Kitten received a minor nerf to her SA2 as if 3.4. However, this doesn't really change her placement anyways offensively. Just Kitten's attack is just abysmally low for a Fortune, and her health isn't doing her any favors either. However, she is still above Ms. Trial and Feline because SA1 is like a mini Private Dick. It can prevent certain otherwise game ending debuffs such as permanent bleeds or Doom. In the case of Xeno, she may even get three stacks of precision if her rng is on her side. Meaning she is at least a great choice for clearing out Daily Events and some modifiers. Yet she still remains here for her low attack and bad health count.
VERDICT: Silver evolution (Gold if planning to take her to Daily Events; Diamond for looking for a defender)
10. Feline Lucky
FS: 19,199
ATK: 9,082
HP: 50,324
SA1: Gain 3 stack(s) of PRECISION every 7 seconds.
SA2: 2% chance on CRITICAL HIT to gain IMMUNE, INVINCIBLE, FINAL STAND, and UNFLINCHING for 25 seconds.
Oh boy Feline Lucky. Are you feeling lucky pardner? Hope you do because SA2 has an extremely low chance of procing if at all. And even then, none of her buffs give her any kind of boost to her abysmal attack for a Fortune, the lowest of them all. Meaning unlike most Ms. Fortunes, she may even time herself out. Yes if you get the SA2 to work, you'll pretty much have only the timer to worry about and her SA1 is actually not too bad since its a steady amount of Precision. Still, your best chances is to pair her with Sheltered. And even then, you min swell use Sheltered since at least she can actually pull off with the crits. Feline is not worth it at all.........
VERDICT: Not worth the Investment at all.

1. Meow & Furever - Despite having more counters, Meow edges over Just Kitten at times because her of higher hp and a more likely chance of timing out opponents. Honestly I do feel like this can be equal depending on the circumstance.
2. Just Kitten - If your a Squigly, Big Band, Another Ms. Fortune or Valentine user, shes one of the most pesky annoying opponents to fight. However thanks to her 3.4 nerf, she no longer is in an equal footing with Meow & Furever. She still has the potential to be dangerous however.
3. Furry Fury - Almost every Fortune by this point is going to spell doom for you only if they get the drop on you. Furry is no exception to this and even higher because of her attack which may or may not get the enrage stacks.
4. Purrfect Dark - Her health is abysmal and it is likely that she'll either be killed or tag out before her SA1 can proc. In the off chance it does however, the curse can be seriously detrimental to numerous fighters that depend on buffs such as Epic Sax, Rainbow Blight, etc and a Surgeon may not help in this case. Be careful with her head to as it will have an possible chance of one shotting you. I decided to rank her higher than most due to this but a bit lower than Furry due to low health and using a buff independent fighter such as Harlequin can offset this issue a little bit. Alternatively, utilize immunity taunts from Peacock, Squigly and Parasoul can help to.
5. Rogue Agent - If she does get her head off and hit you, she can be pretty tough to handle. But otherwise, treat her as any other Fortune.
6. Claw & Order - A similar case to Furry Fury. Except saying goodbye to you blockbusters. Despite that, you can usually kill her quick. But shes above Feline because of her slightly better hp and much dangerous attack.
7. Feline Lucky - If she gets her SA2 proc, your in huge trouble as you'll have to rely on the usually unreliable outtakes to get rid of it before the timer runs out. However her atk isn't that good so she may not kill you fighters easily and may even get killed before she makes her presence known.
8. Hack N Splash - A lesser Furry Fury. It is quite easily to avoid an SA of well timed blocks and her hp isn't doing her favors either in this regard. Her 3.4 Buff doesn't really do much for her defensively but it does make Cripple Decker a little more threatening to you and that's it.
9. Hellcat - Enrage is not too dangerous on a fighter if they're defending and Hellcat's hp is low enough that you can easily remove it with ease.
10. Ms. Trial - Her 3.4 buff does not really improve her offensively, as you typically won't be hit while dashing..
Thanks for reading yall! In due time i'm going to write up a strategy for Rift 3.2 as I feel it is much better than 3.1.
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