• [2018/06/22]
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Other New Accolades


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
Accolades were added in 4.3 (30 June 2020) nearly 2 years(!) ago. If you are like me, you happily achieved them all* in a few months. There should be more! Here are some suggested new accolades. Reply with your own ideas too!

*well, maybe not all. Like 100% Match Challenges in Story Mode...

World Warrior​

Parts: 16/16
Hint: Collect a gold fighter from every Character Prize Fight. Includes:

Ageless Wonder Annie
Wulfsbane Beowulf
Epic Sax Big Band
Harlequin Cerebella
Immoral Fiber Double
Diva Intervention Eliza
Parasite Weave Filia
Vaporwave Vixen Fukua
Claw & Order Ms. Fortune
Raw Nerv Painwheel
Primed Parasoul
Untouchable Peacock
Blue Screen Robo-Fortune
Poltergust Squigly
??? Umbrella
Silent Kill Valentine

(this will of course increase to 17/17 when Black Dahlia appears)

Pinnacle Prestige​

Parts: 4/4
Hint: Achieve maximum level prestige for each tier.
50 Bronze
25 Silver
10 Gold
5 Diamond

Example: Using 50 Bad Hair Day Filias to power up a Bad Hair Day Filia would achieve the Bronze section.

Journey's End​

Parts: 1/1
Hint: Evolve a level 1 Bronze fighter to a level 60 Diamond.

Marquee Master​

Parts: 32/32
Hint: Unlock every Marquee Ability. 2 per each of the 16 characters.

High Roller​

Parts: 3/3
Hint: In a Prize Fight win a huge amount of points.
3 levels: A) 500,000 B) 1,000,000 C) 2,000,000

The Underdog​

Parts: 100/100
Hint: Against the odds, win a match while below 60% enemy team's Fighter Strength.

Catalog Collector​

Parts: 16/16
Hint: Collect every fighter in every character group.
Example: Getting all 11 Filias (2 bronze, 3 silver, 4 gold, and 2 diamond) will grant you one node 1/16 and one prize.


Parts: 1000/1000
Hint: Finish a thousand matches with a blockbuster super.

Sharp Shopper​

Parts: 3/3
Hint: Buy rare items from the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Trinket = gold move, Treasure = diamond key, Tribute = gold fighter
More Accolades:

Rift Revenge
Win a Revenge battle in the Rift

Tis the Season
Give 100 gifts to a friend (one person past 100)

The Merchant of Canopolis
Parts: 3/3
Sell useless moves! Sell 10, 100, and 1000 gold moves.

Character Collection
Parts: 16/16 (after Black Dahlia and Marie, it will be 18/18)
Acquire every fighter for a character. For example, get all 11 Filias to complete the Filia track, 1 of 16 characters. Clear all 193 for an extra special prize (Number Cruncherrrrrrr?!)

Test Your Might
Defeat a Hidden Variable dev in a Prize Fight (their nametag is purple and has the HVS logo)
Struck By Lightning
With incredible luck, acquire the ultra-rare Number Cruncher Robo-Fortune

The Need For Feed
Snack = consume 1000 small (2,000) XP treats
Meal = consume 1000 medium(10,000) XP treats
Banquet = consume 1000 large (50,000) XP treats

Tinkerer = use 100 move retakes
Blacksmith = use 500 move retakes
Anvil-breaker = use 1000 move retakes

Blunder Accolades:

You Fool!
Sacrifice a silver to power up a bronze fighter
Sacrifice 5 golds to power up a silver fighter
Sacrifice a diamond to power up a bronze fighter

What Are You Doing?!
Level up a special move to 15 and then sell it
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Reactions: Wulfden
I have played for years and NEVER seen a dev in a PF...
(I have seen them a couple of times, but it is still super rare sooo here´s an idea!:)

There should be a "just once per PF", 100% chance to face a DEV account at streak 50, with a x5 multiplier, but with a 1000% atk and 1000% hp bonus***...
(*This because DEV´s "defense" teams are not always that invested, because, you know, they play or they work, because responsabilities)

and this take us to:

"My little Bonny"
-Defeat a Dev account at streak 50 and claim the bonus!.


(Wait, the HP and ATK bonus also works in the multiplyer bonus, right? so... we´re talking a + 5 million or way more bonus! >XD)