• [2018/06/22]
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  • Ayy, the character reveal just dropped! Looks like it's one of the Big 3 this time, so now I'm wondering who will be filling out the last two slots in the first DLC pass.
    Well, bringing Umbrella to the roster was surely predictable. Can't say that I don't like her, but I always wait to be surprised (like with Annie's announcement) - not this time...

    I really doubt that Marie would be in the list, since new characters are supposed to be introduced to both SGM and SG2E, and I can't really remember a successful attempt of making a playable boss in a fighting game.
    I am waiting for Black Dahlia most of all (because I want to play a cold-hearted mercenary who shoots her opponent with snarky comments), then D. Violet (long-ranged normals, sexy puns, two huge advantages). Maybe Stanley (brandishing some high-tech firearms) and Ileum (bloody anatomy animation in action, yum!).
    I think brain drain also has a good chance, but I kinda want them to pick an obscure character we all forgot about
    All of us trying to get into the game right now:
    Hmm, if the PF starts on the actual holiday I don't think staff will have time to reveal the other two new fighters separately. I wonder if the update is today or tomorrow.
    Yeah, I was thinking similar. I guess, 1 reveal today, 2nd Tuesday? The update can't be too late on Tuesday, so it's gotta be soon, right?
    Probably, though they have to post the usual Monday PF scores as well. I hope they've already submitted the update to the app stores for approval, otherwise it won't arrive in time for the holiday.
    Could I ask folks to submit photos of their shiny collections to the Relic Odds thread? I suspect shiny odds are broken, but I need more data to know for sure.
    You might get more response in discord. Also I wonder if devs wouldn’t mind posting the odds since they have the % for each relic in game.
    Starting to wonder about the roadmap again, since it should be arriving soon. Wonder if staff is trying to get some plans finalized before releasing it or something like that.
    Should I make a thread compiling all the odds calculations I've done for relics? It shouldn't be too hard now that we can make tables.
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    Please, do. Also, you can suggest anyone who is planning a big relic opening to contribute and post their results.
    Alright, I made a thread for it! The three posts right now are for Elemental Exclusives, the special character release Premieres and Jackpots, and Shiny Odds tracking.
    Great job! The next time I'll open enough relics to have at least some statistical power, you'll get the numbers.
    Was Idol Threat in any of the holiday relics this year? The last time I remember seeing her in one was last Halloween.
    I just reviewed all holiday events; I believe you are correct - Idol Threat has not made an appearance in holiday relics in 2020.
    Hmm, maybe we'll see her during Valentine's Day and Grim Fan will be moved to Cinco de Mayo? I hope so at least, the holiday relics are a more reliable way to get elemental exclusives fighters than the elemental relics are, so I hope the EE fighters keep being featured in them.
    New Fighters on the way! Starting off with a silver Squigly, so i'm curious to see if it's just her and Valentine, or if we're getting more.
    I actially would be more happy to see at least one more Bronze variant for each character. Hopefully some of them worthy of getting to Gold or Diamond, like Rusty and Sheltered.
    Agreed, more Bronzes would be nice to spice up the common pulls, but I'm happy to get more Silvers for the same reason. I feel like having more good options at the common rarities also helps newbies build up a decent starter set and get them into the game. (Plus, I'm happy to see a Miasma SA on a character other than Fukua.)
    The new gold Tracer Ms. Fortune has transformed my "ooh a new batch of silvers!" excitement into "what is happening?!" hype.
    Having a lot of fun with the Trick or Treat modifier, it's pretty chaotic but with the right fighter it's easy to get it to help you win!
    My suggestions are Toad, Neuro, or any other fighter that has an SA that gives you extra meter gain. Also, make sure you've got a Tier 1 BB, but also a few special moves, so you can either quick-change the modifier or keep it around for a bit without cutting your combos short.
    Am I the only one locked out by a bug? Should I be worried?
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    @Lililira have you tried a full reinstall? That forces a fresh log-in.
    I'm only going to try that as a last resort, since I'm not 100% sure I remember my password, but a partial reinstall while keeping documents & data didn't fix the issue. Plus, if my theory is correct, I worry that I might encounter the bug again if the servers start having problems again.
    A full reinstall fixed it! So that's the best option for everyone who has their account linked to something.
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