• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Mornedil

  1. Mornedil

    Talked about the situation live on stream & uninstalled: [MEDIA] Thank you for all the good times

    Talked about the situation live on stream & uninstalled: Thank you for all the good times
  2. Mornedil

    I read it as them patting themselves on the back and acting like they're important, and then...

    I read it as them patting themselves on the back and acting like they're important, and then blame shifting towards HVS. Complete bullshit if you ask me... "we are excited to announce that we will be lauching guilds for Skullgirls this year..." "... which is now actually in development since we...
  3. Mornedil


  4. Mornedil


  5. Mornedil

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    I'm personally a huge fan of the removed energy from story nodes. Infinite attempts without having to waste energy refills for the harder nodes is a blessing when you're limited to fighters you don't have well-invested.
  6. Mornedil

    In all my years playing Skullgirls Mobile, I think I've only ever seen Scribble Cat a single time.

    In all my years playing Skullgirls Mobile, I think I've only ever seen Scribble Cat a single time.
  7. Mornedil


  8. Mornedil

    Chat is gone

    They are working on fixing it:
  9. Mornedil

    Question about the survey rewards

    I personally don't see it as a "problem" to complete a survey after major updates, but rather an opportunity for us to communicate with the developers and give feedback on different features of the game. From my experience they're good at listening to the community
  10. Mornedil

    Bug - Normal The game does not connect to the server for some reasons

    That message can appear when the internet connection between you and the server is interrupted, or if you temporarily lose your network connection. You can tap "Retry" to try connecting again. If it doesn't work, make sure you have an internet connection and then tap "Retry" again.
  11. Mornedil

    What should I do if my account is blocked? What should I do if my account is blocked? Can it be restored?

    If they unbanned people who just say "I didn't mean to break the rules, I didn't know any better", then anyone could just say that when they get caught using an unofficial version of the game. I have learned from hosting servers myself that there are plenty of people who try to BS their way...
  12. Mornedil

    Question about the survey rewards

    Huh? As far as I'm aware, you can't request what rewards you get. I'm fairly sure everyone gets the same mail, unless i completely missed something.
  13. Mornedil

    SG Custom Profile Avatars

    It would be limited to your phone's resolution. The characters come out blurry in my screenshots too but I do some photoshop magic until they look better. Edit: Besides that, other ways to get character images that I can think of: - Use screenshots from 2nd Encore. - Google skullgirls...
  14. Mornedil

    recover account

    first thing to do after being banned is to ask yourself "why was I banned? Was it justified?" If you believe the ban wasn't justified, then you can contact customer support: https://skullgirlsmobile.com/contact/ I don't know exactly what either of you did, but downloading the game from a 3rd...
  15. Mornedil

    SG Custom Profile Avatars

    For years we've had this beautiful thread for making and sharing custom fighter cards. I figured, now that the developers introduced Exclusive Avatars, why not make a thread for making and sharing our custom avatars? I've made a photoshop template where you can easily swap the backgrounds and...