rexturtle1120 Sep 28, 2020 Why did the devs say they won’t make more story mode at the moment. Was it more because of tech issues or creating character accurate- 1/2
Why did the devs say they won’t make more story mode at the moment. Was it more because of tech issues or creating character accurate- 1/2
rexturtle1120 Aug 18, 2020 We got Annie? Alright cool. Sniff, Next time Andy, Next time. Oh and, where’s George?
rexturtle1120 Aug 10, 2020 7 stages, Depression: Maybe Decrypted will never get her SA back. All of a sudden I feel like taking a break. There’s no point anymore....
7 stages, Depression: Maybe Decrypted will never get her SA back. All of a sudden I feel like taking a break. There’s no point anymore....
rexturtle1120 Jul 28, 2020 7 stages, Bargaining: if you give decrypted her old SA back, I promise I’ll play all the rift you want! I will watch all the ads you want!
7 stages, Bargaining: if you give decrypted her old SA back, I promise I’ll play all the rift you want! I will watch all the ads you want!
rexturtle1120 Jul 13, 2020 Remember those days where everyone and their mother was using big top? She’s still used today but she was everywhere back then. Scary times
Remember those days where everyone and their mother was using big top? She’s still used today but she was everywhere back then. Scary times
rexturtle1120 Jul 10, 2020 Huzzah! With my 63 points I am now a well known member.... but am I really? Do YOU know me? Do I know YOU? More importantly, where’s George?
Huzzah! With my 63 points I am now a well known member.... but am I really? Do YOU know me? Do I know YOU? More importantly, where’s George?
rexturtle1120 Jul 6, 2020 With the reduction in gift rewards is anyone really longing for a bigger friend list?I can’t get rid of any more, they’re all so good to me.
With the reduction in gift rewards is anyone really longing for a bigger friend list?I can’t get rid of any more, they’re all so good to me.
rexturtle1120 Jul 3, 2020 New rift says I must fight 5 battles and have a score of 3000 (what?!) for rewards. Did they forgot to change this or is it serious?
New rift says I must fight 5 battles and have a score of 3000 (what?!) for rewards. Did they forgot to change this or is it serious?
rexturtle1120 Jul 2, 2020 So many gold relics and they were all dupes.I did get a class cutter though! Not my favorite diamond, but I’m still happy. Oh dream band....
So many gold relics and they were all dupes.I did get a class cutter though! Not my favorite diamond, but I’m still happy. Oh dream band....
rexturtle1120 Jul 1, 2020 7 stages, Anger:No decrypted buff in 4.3?! She better get buffed soon or I’ll tell everyone the devs hate babies, and never play rift again!
7 stages, Anger:No decrypted buff in 4.3?! She better get buffed soon or I’ll tell everyone the devs hate babies, and never play rift again!
rexturtle1120 Jun 30, 2020 The time is now. Is your body ready to handle the massive undertaking that is 4 . 3
rexturtle1120 Jun 25, 2020 Get the “Shard to get” relic back! It needs 10X shards of regular relics, but rarer fighters. AND takes all fighter ranks as essence.
Get the “Shard to get” relic back! It needs 10X shards of regular relics, but rarer fighters. AND takes all fighter ranks as essence.
rexturtle1120 Jun 23, 2020 Deployments! In a game with unlimited fighters, why does it matter if some of them are gone for 15 minutes? Maybe I’ll make a post....
Deployments! In a game with unlimited fighters, why does it matter if some of them are gone for 15 minutes? Maybe I’ll make a post....
rexturtle1120 Jun 22, 2020 Seven stages of grief, Denial: Decyrpted still has her SA, if I trigger sehkmet I will still inflict bleed. Decrypted is a powerful fighter!
Seven stages of grief, Denial: Decyrpted still has her SA, if I trigger sehkmet I will still inflict bleed. Decrypted is a powerful fighter!
rexturtle1120 Jun 18, 2020 If you want Fukua in the next update but don’t want to spend theonite,don’t forget that you can get bronze from Daily Relics. Start Saving.
If you want Fukua in the next update but don’t want to spend theonite,don’t forget that you can get bronze from Daily Relics. Start Saving.
rexturtle1120 Jun 18, 2020 Seven stages of grief, Shock: I can’t believe Eliza Decrypted still has her bad SA change. The Devs are nice people, why would they do this?
Seven stages of grief, Shock: I can’t believe Eliza Decrypted still has her bad SA change. The Devs are nice people, why would they do this?
rexturtle1120 Jun 15, 2020 Accolades sure sound cool! What achievements would you like? I’d like to see some great challenges. I wonder what accolades they’ll have.
Accolades sure sound cool! What achievements would you like? I’d like to see some great challenges. I wonder what accolades they’ll have.
rexturtle1120 Jun 9, 2020 While we’re waiting, anyone else want a harder Accursed experiments? The current one becomes easy mode and so on. Rewards would be tweaked.
While we’re waiting, anyone else want a harder Accursed experiments? The current one becomes easy mode and so on. Rewards would be tweaked.