• [2018/06/22]
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  1. BlueG

    A question

    Hi Brian! Also, i tap sbo during the juggle, acroding to the game's mechanics, sbo should be activate as soon as squiggly lands Another note: if ms.fortune somehow manages to bounce during my G5, the hit stun animation would have been different I think this is because of lag Did you experience...
  2. BlueG

    A question

    I do G5-juggle-SBO on headless Ms.fortune but the SBO didn't connect Here:
  3. BlueG

    A question

    Can the opponent bounce on the ground during G5? (I know it's spercific but...i had some troubles during PvP)
  4. BlueG

    Terms help

    More terms i don't know..... -ToD (touch of death), is this a combo that so strong it can finish an opponent? -guard break setup , is this a combo that take advatages of guard break?(can s.o give me an example?) Thanks in advance Happy Christmas And....happy New Year (soon)
  5. BlueG

    Other Total Damage Done counter in addition to Combo Hits counter

    I agree with you I too am struggling with damage counter and optimizing combos
  6. BlueG

    Terms help

    Strange, i first heard the term in one of Oddlegend's combo guide Merry Christmas to you too!!
  7. BlueG

    Preventing infinite combos

    How about special moves?
  8. BlueG

    Preventing infinite combos

    I wonder what did devs do to prevent infinite combos from happening aside from the one bounce system?
  9. BlueG

    Terms help

    So.....what is interupt? Also, what is guard cancel? These are fairly new concept to me as a new player
  10. BlueG


    Nevermind, turning on direct connection works wonder
  11. BlueG

    Bug - Normal Wrong text

    I notice this on my characters when i checked their stats. Is it supposed to say "decreases" instead of "increases"? Android 8.0.0 Samsung J5 prime
  12. BlueG


    So......What is consider a projectile?
  13. BlueG


    Is using a vpn cosidered cheating? (My current location sucks at finding anyone in versus mode, rift works fine though)
  14. BlueG

    Bug - Normal game starts vertically

    If i don't lock the phone's position, the game can be turned and from then, i locked my phone's position to prevent that (it's quite annoying when you fight and the phone turned)
  15. BlueG


    Um....is this means i lost or i won?
  16. BlueG

    Bug - Normal game starts vertically

    Do you position your phone horizontally?
  17. BlueG

    Do SAs stack?

    Um....if each peashooter's effect activates independently, the chance for the SA2 to activate will increase (or i'm probally wrong) Let's say each peashooter's SA2 make projectiles have a 10% chance to inflict armor break SA2 of each one will activate independently, checking the SA2 requirement...
  18. BlueG

    Um...is this a glitch ?

  19. BlueG

    Um...is this a glitch ?

    Help,pls! Squigly can combo her juggle into squigly's battle opera,right? Why can't i do that in my footage? I even check my oponents position relative to the ground and it still works if my opponent is lying flat (right after a juggle)