• [2018/06/22]
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Apr 6, 2024
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I've been brainstorming for a while to see what I can come up with. I can honestly go and change and even scrapped ideas, so... here's the latest version. A very long one too.


When using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER while in STAR POWER mode, gain permanent ENRAGE and 15% STAR POWER meter. ENRAGE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.​


• 2 effects that will turn her something good...? (Nothing's wrong on giving her a way to gain Permanent ENRAGE against Cripple Decker and fighters like Regally Blonde.
• Decided to remove the "STAR POWER accumulates 75% faster." Would've been nice to keep it.
• As it should, Permanent ENRAGE is better than being timed as a Diamond locked variant. Let's be fair. (I'm looking at you Rage Appropriate!)
• "X% STAR POWER meter upon using SPECIAL MOVES and BLOCKBUSTER" is ideal to keep her in the effects of the STAR POWER during the match.
• ENRAGE will disappear "when exiting STAR POWER" (like my dreams on making her become good)

TL;DR: Comparison (FE and SGM terms)
• Accelerate Special trigger (cooldown count-X) = STAR POWER meter accumulates 75% faster. (Scrapped)
• Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit = Gain Permanent ENRAGE.
• Time's Pulse 4 effect = gain 15% STAR POWER meter.

When reaching 5/4/3 stacks of ENRAGE, gain permanent DEADEYE. CHARGE ATTACK deal an additional 5% of opponent's MAX HEALTH and 5% STAR POWER meter per each stack of ENRAGE. DEADEYE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.​


• This should still stand out on the eyes of many Fire Branded fans.
• Still has 2 good effects including CHARGE ATTACK, I only added just DEADEYE this time as QOL Buff for her to improve her match up on other fighter like Hex Calibur.
• Revised to include the CHARGE ATTACK portion, then change it to "deal additional X% on opponent's MAX HEALTH" effect as the idea for it. Bleed and Stun is too stale to use on No Mercy.
• Note to point out, DEADEYE is a must to make any fighter that wants to stand out (includes rift) and it's also a unique special skill on Fire Emblem.
• I removed the "consume all stacks of ENRAGE" condition and change it to "when exiting STAR POWER" instead. (check SA1)

TL;DR: Comparison (FE and SGM terms)
• Neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" = Gain DEADEYE.
• Unit deals +X damage when special triggers = "CHARGE ATTACK deal an additional 5% of opponent's MAX HEALTH and 5% STAR POWER meter per each stack of ENRAGE."

Additional Effect change for FIRE BRANDED:

• Normal Palette Byleth (Before STAR POWER no changes on effects)
• Green Haired Byleth (During STAR POWER, all Effects will change to GREEN color)
• When using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER, some Lost and Found items will appear. (reference to FE:3H)

Revised Done!


I've been trying to figure out on what kind of Signature Abilities that our Professor (Fire Branded) would have got in order to deliver as much engaging and unique play as possible in the current works of the game, judging that fact that her reference in the game is so out of place when it comes to her Quotes and Abilities.

This is a very valid feedback, and the only way to speak up for it.

This is a lengthy feedback, so I'm not gonna further prolong it.

"Ashes! Ashes! They all fall down!"

Gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds when using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER while in STAR POWER mode.​

CHARGE ATTACKS consume all stacks of ENRAGE, inflicting STUN and HEAVY BLEED for 2 second(s) per stack consumed.​

This ability would've made sense on Heat Synched (previous Palette), but since it got changed to the one I personally like which is Byleth from Fire Emblem: 3 Houses, I would suggest the devs to change her entire Signature Ability for that reason, and I'm here to provide Insight.

It just doesn't fit what Byleth does in their own game compare to League Annie. Why keep her that way for almost 4 years now.


"When I was a mercenary, I rarely got too close to anyone. That all changed when I became a professor."
STAR POWER meter accumulates 25%/50%/75% faster. When using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER while in STAR POWER mode, gain 25% STAR POWER meter, grant HASTE for 10 seconds and ENRAGE. ENRAGE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.

Since Fire Branded SA1 is so reliant on her STAR POWER activation, giving her an effect to accumulate faster will make her activate it with minimal effort, it can also speed up PRESTIGE from activating.

The ENRAGE part is now timeless during STAR POWER, she now gain HASTE for more BLOCKBUSTER METER, and I also added one last effect that'll let her pseudo-infinitely get even more STAR POWER meter.

This SA1 rework is better and effective on any battle she faces that needs a short work defeating opponents and also granting more effects with STAR POWER in a long span of time.

But that's not the only abilities that will make her into a fully fledged GODSWORD...

When reaching 5/4/3 stacks of ENRAGE, gain permanent PRECISION and DEADEYE. While benefiting from PRECISION, CRITICAL HITS grant INVINCIBLE for 1 second. While benefiting from DEADEYE, permanently increases DAMAGE by 5%. PRECISION and DEADEYE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.

Her previous SA2 is just not good, it's not even hers either.

This is where the true power of the Goddess lies...

PRECISION and DEADEYE are the most useful buffs in the entire game. Mixing it both on a single fighter like FIRE BRANDED can definitely change the tide of the battle.

But that not all, I've seen the uniqueness on having INVINCIBLE buff when dealing a CRITICAL HIT, so I gave her that effect as well since it's still new that Cosmic Rebel got last January, the recent Exclusive Locked In also had it.

The last and probably the most niche effect, since it comes from a single variant named PURRMINATOR.

So long she has DEADEYE, FIRE BRANDED can boost her overall DAMAGE output by 5% per HIT, considering how high her ATTACK stat is, replacing the need of Atk% stats on moves for something else like PIERCING and CRIT RATE/DAMAGE is now a recommend option for her.

So, the longer she stays in battle, the stronger she gets during STAR POWER. Tho she doesn't have a way to survive a fatal hit, so that's the only cons for this rework.

An even better SA2 and has more things happening compared to the one we have right now.

Combining it all these with STAR POWER, RED SHIFT, and her PRESTIGE ABILITY will it turn her into a powerful offensive fighter that is force to be reckoned with.

End Remarks:

Feel free to add some thoughts on this Fire Branded Rework since we don't normally get this to happen often. The timespan of waiting to make a fighter useful, makes any old fighter wish that they could have an opportunity to shine like the current ones we've been getting.

~ ExquisitePain🏆
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Hey, Fire Branded can use a slight buff for sure but imma be honest if you don't mind.

This just feels like you slapped random SAs together into one messy variant who was stripped of her unique identity. Her charge attacks are quite easy to hit thanks to Gravity Slingshot, why did you feel the need to remove that mechanic of hers?
Hey, Fire Branded can use a slight buff for sure but imma be honest if you don't mind.

This just feels like you slapped random SAs together into one messy variant who was stripped of her unique identity. Her charge attacks are quite easy to hit thanks to Gravity Slingshot, why did you feel the need to remove that mechanic of hers?
Thanks for the feedback!

Honestly, I took a bit of inspiration from other variants, but I was trying to give her those effects that will make her feel fun to play.

Regarding to her Identity? Fire Branded isn't the original bearer of the SA she was using in the first place. They just wanted to put a replacement reference, and didn't bother changing her abilities as a whole.

That's was League Annie not Byleth from FE, so I scraped the Charge Mechanic since she won't be doing any of that stuff for this rework.

But I did kinda went overboard on making her buff stronger. I'll do what I can to change everything appropriate, also I will change the SA1 slightly and remove the HASTE part. Less Texto.

SA2 will get changed entirely.
View attachment 25186

I've been trying to figure out on what kind of Signature Abilities that our Professor (Fire Branded) would have got in order to deliver as much engaging and unique play as possible in the current works of the game, judging that fact that her reference in the game is so out of place when it comes to her Quotes and Abilities.

This is a very valid feedback, and the only way to speak up for it.

This is a lengthy feedback, so I'm not gonna further prolong it.

"Ashes! Ashes! They all fall down!"

Gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds when using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER while in STAR POWER mode.​

CHARGE ATTACKS consume all stacks of ENRAGE, inflicting STUN and HEAVY BLEED for 2 second(s) per stack consumed.​

This ability would've made sense on Heat Synched (previous Palette), but since it got changed to the one I personally like which is Byleth from Fire Emblem: 3 Houses, I would suggest the devs to change her entire Signature Ability for that reason, and I'm here to provide Insight.

It just doesn't fit what Byleth does in their own game compare to League Annie. Why keep her that way for almost 4 years now.


"When I was a mercenary, I rarely got too close to anyone. That all changed when I became a professor."
STAR POWER meter accumulates 25%/50%/75% faster. When using a SPECIAL MOVE or BLOCKBUSTER while in STAR POWER mode, gain 25% STAR POWER meter, grant HASTE for 10 seconds and ENRAGE. ENRAGE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.

Since Fire Branded SA1 is so reliant on her STAR POWER activation, giving her an effect to accumulate faster will make her activate it with minimal effort, it can also speed up PRESTIGE from activating.

The ENRAGE part is now timeless during STAR POWER, she now gain HASTE for more BLOCKBUSTER METER, and I also added one last effect that'll let her pseudo-infinitely get even more STAR POWER meter.

This SA1 rework is better and effective on any battle she faces that needs a short work defeating opponents and also granting more effects with STAR POWER in a long span of time.

But that's not the only abilities that will make her into a fully fledged GODSWORD...

When reaching 5/4/3 stacks of ENRAGE, gain permanent PRECISION and DEADEYE. While benefiting from PRECISION, CRITICAL HITS grant INVINCIBLE for 1 second. While benefiting from DEADEYE, permanently increases DAMAGE by 5%. PRECISION and DEADEYE is removed when exiting STAR POWER.

Her previous SA2 is just not good, it's not even hers either.

This is where the true power of the Goddess lies...

PRECISION and DEADEYE are the most useful buffs in the entire game. Mixing it both on a single fighter like FIRE BRANDED can definitely change the tide of the battle.

But that not all, I've seen the uniqueness on having INVINCIBLE buff when dealing a CRITICAL HIT, so I gave her that effect as well since it's still new that Cosmic Rebel got last January, the recent Exclusive Locked In also had it.

The last and probably the most niche effect, since it comes from a single variant named PURRMINATOR.

So long she has DEADEYE, FIRE BRANDED can boost her overall DAMAGE output by 5% per HIT, considering how high her ATTACK stat is, replacing the need of Atk% stats on moves for something else like PIERCING and CRIT RATE/DAMAGE is now a recommend option for her.

So, the longer she stays in battle, the stronger she gets during STAR POWER. Tho she doesn't have a way to survive a fatal hit, so that's the only cons for this rework.

An even better SA2 and has more things happening compared to the one we have right now.

Combining it all these with STAR POWER, RED SHIFT, and her PRESTIGE ABILITY will it turn her into a powerful offensive fighter that is force to be reckoned with.

End Remarks:

Feel free to add some thoughts on this Fire Branded Rework since we don't normally get this to happen often. The timespan of waiting to make a fighter useful, makes any old fighter wish that they could have an opportunity to shine like the current ones we've been getting.

~ ExquisitePain🏆
It's not good idea to just stuff everything you like into it, man...
Here's my suggestion. I don't think she needs that much dynamic buffing, but it would be nice to improve her utility a little.

Fire Branded🔴
Sig1 - No change

Sig2 - Charge attack consumes all ENRAGE, inflicting STUN and HEAVY BLEED for 1/1.5/2 seconds and gain 5% STAR POWER METER per consumed ENRAGE.

- I think her problem is that compared to other star power related variants, she doesn't have any ability to gain it directly from sigs, which makes a long delay for her abilities to activate.
If you want to stack full enrage, it takes a lot of time to fill up the meter, which is another frustrating thing about using her.

- So I've added a star power boost to sig2, which gives you 25% star power when you have 5 stacks of Enrage. This allows her to make it easier to cycle her sigs. Charge attack is still risky to land, but if you play it right, they will be even more powerful than before.

See? That’s the professional perspective.
First of all, I gotta say it's pretty cool seeing people use my template for posting suggestions ❤️

I agree that Fire Branded does not particularly fit with the current SAs and Quote (as mentioned she was originally based on Annie from League of Legends. Darn you Riot)

I'm not very familiar with Byleth or Fire Embem for that matter, so I can't really asses if your new SAs are a reference to the character or not. But I have to agree with Kheul that it feels like you added a ton of strong effects just for the sake of it. Ridiculously easy Star Power gain, meter gain, Enrage, Precision, Deadeye and even Invincible..

Imo you should look into specific character traits from Byleth and adjust the effects to have a specific game plan in mind. Right now, she's a go in, and don't stop type of character, because the opponent can't do anything about it anyway.
Regarding to her Identity? Fire Branded isn't the original bearer of the SA she was using in the first place. They just wanted to put a replacement reference, and didn't bother changing her abilities as a whole.
Sorry if I worded incorrectly, by identity I meant the archetype of the variant. She was a charge attack based variant but you completely stripped that away from her.

I personally don't really mind if a variant's abilities has anything to do with the reference, it just felt like a waste to change a somewhat unique mechanic just because they had to change the palette.
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There's a bit of a small update to my rework. I just can't see her have a very mediocre ability in her wake of Rework. Such a waste to just give her one extra effect and that's it.