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Beowulf’s Disappearing Chair [Bug]

Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
So a curious thing happened when I was at the Prize Fight... again. My Dragon Brawler appeared to have lost The Hurting after using the Hurting Hurdle special move; it no longer reappears on his body after use and was nowhere on the stage. What’s more is that most of the moves utilizing that chair (Launch (or whatever it’s called), Striker Kick, Hurting Hurdle, etc.) was unaffected, except for the Geatish Trepak blockbuster, which was now a throw. I decided to try it in Training Mode after I lost, and found the same results.F3DA1E2E-407C-4036-BAB4-7FAFBF84FD55.jpeg B8B3A520-EFFD-452D-8A42-735D99C00278.jpeg 0FBB1678-56D4-435F-8D3B-20DC9A3FB0AA.jpeg The chair would reappear on Beo after using Hurting Hurdle again a few times.F0BF0FE5-42D8-4A27-A575-A2D2D0453B00.jpeg Not that time, though... I’m curious if anyone else has come across this, so let me know if you have. Thanks. SG version 3.2.0 (the R. Fortune one)
Known issue, thanks!

We'll be getting it fixed asap.