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Bug - Normal Bug in rift battles


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Reaction score
Found a bug in rift battles. When I was trained in how to create a base, I decided to go out after the dialogue and create a base later. Now when I go into rift battles, they offer me to create a base, but the "my base" button is not pressed and only the "back" and "claim" buttons work.
This should be fixed on Android currently and the fix for iOS will be coming soon. Currently the only workaround for this is to reinstall the game and make sure you play through the entire Rift Battle tutorial without interruption.
I have this exact same issue and I am on android, is there any other way around it?? (Other than reinstaling the game)
@GarzGonz13 are you on the latest Android build? 4.3.1?
@GarzGonz13 by chance have you tried reinstalling since getting the update? I wonder if you had the issue on 4.3 and then updated to 4.3.1, would you still need to reinstall
@GarzGonz13 by chance have you tried reinstalling since getting the update? I wonder if you had the issue on 4.3 and then updated to 4.3.1, would you still need to reinstall
I am pretty sure i started playing in 4.3.1, btw i just reinstaled the game and played the rift battles tutorial, but after i finished setting my base, the game would not let me go back to the rift battles tab, each time i try the game just says something along the lines of:"we can not find you an opponent for now" and then it just kicks me back to the main menu, i am not even trying to battle.

Btw sorry for the broken english i dont speak it very well
@GarzGonz13 that issue should also be fixed in 4.3.2, let me know if you're still seeing it after updating