• [2018/06/22]
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Did you get an Annie?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
New England
Since 4.4 is supposed to give everyone a free Cosmic Premiere Relic, I wanted to make a thread for people lucky enough to get an Annie from that free gift to post about their luck and earn the ire and envy of the rest of us. I guess you can also post about other Annie pulls, if you want. I'm fully expecting to get another freaking Rusty from my free relic. I'll update this first post with my pull once the maintenance has concluded.

edit: pulled a Beat Box Big Band. :mad:
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While I didn’t get the predicted Rusty from the free Cosmic Premiere Relic, I did get a Rusty from the Painwheel relic I got from a deployment. So in a way, my prediction came true.
Not from the free one, but from a Hyper Pack + some more Cosmic Prems I got all the Bronze and Silver Annies! No Golds or Diamonds yet though. (Also got a dupe shiny Frayed Ends lol)

Trying to decide which Silver to upgrade, they all look pretty good!
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sweet sweet meow3p0 uwu
its okey i say to myself you just wait for anni pf and grind all day all night all day all night all day all night i repeated three times cus thats how long a pf is...get it?... (。•́︿•̀。)
I got Star Child, so I guess I was lucky this time. When Fukua was out, I got some other bronze (first Fukua, Rough Copy, I got two months after releasing her). My feelings are 50/50, but it's kinda fair - when you buy a relic, you don't know what's inside.

Opened a 10+1 Annie relic offer. Tbh I really wanted Timeless Hero, but Materia Girl still makes me happy. :D

But, if Annie is Cloud, does that make Beowulf Aerith?
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