• [2018/06/22]
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Disappeared Custom Fighter thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
Reaction score
It seems like Custom Fighter thread is completely disappeared from this “General Discussion” section… I was really disappointed to see that all of postings of Custom Fighters including mine has totally erased! This incident is extremely painful for all custom fighter creators.

This also affects the “number of messages” and “reactions”. I was really surprised that these status for some creators (including me) had dropped dramatically.

…What happened, devs? I would appreciate if you could provide the reason of delete. And of course all of creators hopes you to recover it!
For real, I absolutely do not understand how this happened and whether the threads related to custom fighters and sprites for the palette editor site will return
...I noticed this since yesterday and my friends started to worry, including me
Just hope they solve this problem... 😔
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Also, I noticed that this happened with these two threads
Is it really because they were the most active on the forum that they decided to disappear for some unknown reason??? This is a very strange phenomenon
I posted the (now) dead links in the Official Forum Issues Thread so this can get more attention
Custom Fighters: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/sg-custom-fighters.2720/

Custom Sprites for Palette Creator: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/custom-sprites-for-the-palette-editor.17533/

Three guesses why the 2 threads are missing:
⚖️ Too heavy. With plenty of uploads, perhaps these weighty threads were dumped upon reaching a capacity limit.
👾 Bad file. Something incomplete, corrupt, or malicious was uploaded and it caused a purge/quarantine.
👻 Unintentional error. Something messed up accidentally.
I was wondering what happened to that, very sad. I hope it gets fixed or addressed soon
I will look into this, apologies for the inconvenience.
If BallotBoxer's proposed causes are true. Can we get a dedicated "New Variants" sub-board in the "Feedback & Suggestions" board? That way it won't be an overwhelming thread, and if users decide to update previous suggestions, they can just bump their original thread, instead of making a new one. Would make gathering feedback also better.

The latter I think should be applied to all suggestions on the board, which post duplicate proposals from the same user. Standard practice in other video game suggestion boards
SvenZ, will put this forward as a suggestion
Just updating. So far we've been unable to ascertain what happened to the two missing threads.
We have passed the investigation on to the forum webmasters, and will let you let you know when they get back to us.
Just updating. So far we've been unable to ascertain what happened to the two missing threads.
We have passed the investigation on to the forum webmasters, and will let you let you know when they get back to us.
What…Even the devs don't know... So that means my prediction was wrong, the section wasn't being renovated.😭

But anyway, thanks for sharing the info, man. I hope one day you can find the cause and get everything back to normal!
Just updating. So far we've been unable to ascertain what happened to the two missing threads.
We have passed the investigation on to the forum webmasters, and will let you let you know when they get back to us.
A rogue mod is pulling an off-season April Fools joke and deleted em 😂
I'm personally as disappointed as all of you. And while things are a little quiet right now, the information has been passed on to the webmasters in hopes of resolution. Will let you know as soon as we have any further information.

In the meantime, there is a new temporary thread for people still wishing to post their creations: