When I read this I thought this was referring to Fukua, as I don’t know anyone else it could be talking about. Anyway, my hype is immeasurable. Keep it up!There may even be some special appearances from some reclusive characters we all know and love...
Are you saying that you think there should be a permanent penalty if player left in the middle of a fight? I’m confused? Why would you want that?
Got patched out, the character speciffic relics now only give a 50% chance of getting that character.Not sure if I can be compensated in some way, but I just shelled out 1,500 theonite for the
I agree with you, mistake happens, but do you know how severe the impact of account deleting in many aspect?^ This
@Erick Sugiarto, mistakes happen man. Do you know how much time and effort is involved with restoring thousands of player accounts individually? (especially considering everything else they’ve currently got on their plate)
Most other companies wouldn’t have even bothered doing so with a game as new as this one. They would’ve just sent out the free items, wrote up a quick apology letter and moved on like it never happened.
Yeah, they have read the “swearing reviews”. Have you read the numerous remorseful posts and comments they’ve made on the subject, on top of the post where they detail how to recover accounts which were linked via social media and the like?
Patience is a virtue. A little empathy couldn’t hurt ya either.
EDIT: threads* not posts
It was a string of unfortunate events, it wasn't even one of the dev team that made the mistake. It just so happened that somehow an employee from a separate team who was enlisted to help migrate data accidentally deleted the user data, when the regular backups were inaccessible. The migration from Line to their own servers was a big part of the problem so I'm sure it won't happen again, their data is now on their own servers so this sort of process won't be a thing in the near future.I agree with you, mistake happens, but do you know how severe the impact of account deleting in many aspect?
from my experience managing data for multi national company, deleting even a small pieces of data is probihited, there will be a protocol to delete pieces of data.
i just cant get it," how can a proffesional game developer delete entire gameplay data?"
there must be a protocol that must be improved.
this human error can happen again if there is no review or improvement in managing data.
Deleting game data once, you have killed the game once dev. you know how many player hv gone from the statistic.
deleting game data twice, i think you killed your brand(your game and dev image) for good.
i dont ask for my previous deleted account restored. I played again from scratch and am good with my new account now.
i just ask for stability in this game. your game is a good game. please dont ruin the fun with unnecesarry issue.
i hope my concern can reach dev team.
i wish you all great success. Cheers.
Chill, they said they fixed it and put in improvements and failsafes to the system already, so along with massive manual data restoration, apology gifts, and genuine apologies in ABUNDANCE--I'd say ya'lll need to learn to forgive.I agree with you,
This is strange and anomalous. With a 1.5K bulk purchase of character relics, at the very least the 11th (bonus) relic is meant to have a 100% chance of dropping the name character, as you say. I think you should contact the developers by listing as many details of that in-game purchase as you can in a thread in the 'known bugs & issues' subforum. In theory the compensation you should get should be either 150 Theonite or one of two (or of three if gold) fighters of the character whose relic batch you bought in the equivalent rarity to whatever you did get as your 11th drop, though in reality the devs are quite generous and might be able to reverse the whole purchase for you. Don't quote me on that, though, and make sure they can unmistakably identify your account when you reach out to them.Not sure if I can be compensated in some way, but I just shelled out 1,500 theonite for the get 10+1, also guarenteeing the featured character, which I did not get, if I can get some help or see if I'm wrong in some way I'd appreciate it greatly
Look at them switching up the order (robo,squig,fortune in text, fortune,squig,robo in pic) to trip us upFrom the SGM Twitter:
"Where's Robo-Fortune, Squigly, and Ms. Fortune? On the way this year, of course!"
And if you rearrange the letters, add in a few new ones and remove some others it spells "Fukua is next"Look at them switching up the order (robo,squig,fortune in text, fortune,squig,robo in pic) to trip us up![]()
If you look real close you can see that if you convert the image to binary then rearrange it, it spells "Robo Minette 2k18"And if you rearrange the letters, add in a few new ones and remove some others it spells "Fukua is next"
That's makes sense actually.Fprtune probably ain't coming first. Her character being defined by the loss of the Fishbone Gang (unlike most other characters, for instance, Squigly, who appears as soon as the Skullgirl does), the devs will probably have to add a whole new story episode just for her. Or at least add her as a part to the next one that's coming.
I think fortune has plenty of personality to make up for any missing backstory. I also believe she appears in the SGM story mode where we get a glimpse of her relationship with Minette. Peacock, Eliza and Painwheel were released without backstory and they all have interesting history or motives. If anything limits the release of Fortune Id assume itd be her unique mechanic of removing her head.Fprtune probably ain't coming first. Her character being defined by the loss of the Fishbone Gang (unlike most other characters, for instance, Squigly, who appears as soon as the Skullgirl does), the devs will probably have to add a whole new story episode just for her. Or at least add her as a part to the next one that's coming.