• [2018/06/22]
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Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey everyone!

2018 is officially in the books -- and what a year it was!

2018 RECAP
In January we successfully migrated over from LINE... only for our servers to take one on the chin in February. OOF! Nonetheless, undeterred, we bounced back strong and went on to add a TON of new stuff!

Squigly and Ms Fortune made their much anticipated debuts, along with Chat, Marquee Abilities, Silver/Gold/Diamond Fighter Shards, Diamond Evolution, Natural Diamond Fighters, Halloween Fighters, the Cabinet of Curiosities, and Rift Battles! That doesn’t even cover fundamental combat changes (BB3 logic changes, Infinite Combo Prevention, etc) and guaranteed rare drops from 10+1 Relic pulls - it’s been a busy year!

For a trip down memory lane, I recommend browsing through our Update Notes to see how far we’ve come. With all those features in place, we’re now ready to turn our attention to new, exciting features in 2019!

Just like our 2018 Preview post, the features below are going to be discussed in very broad terms. This is intentional. While our goals remain fixed - the route we take to achieve them often changes once we sink our teeth into the task at hand (and a little air of mystery is nice from time to time).

As such, what we describe below may not 100% match exactly what makes it into the game - it should at least give you an idea of where our priorities lie in the not too distant future.

So, without further ado - let’s dive in!
  • NEW CHARACTERS - Robo Fortune is on the horizon, and Fukua may be next! What comes after them will depend largely on how the game is performing - but if all goes well BRAND NEW characters may await!

  • ORIGIN STORIES - Filia! Eliza! Beowulf! We’ll continue to release new Origin Stories for all your favorite characters! These dropped in priority in favor of Rift Battles as the year went on, but we’re excited to dive back into revealing even more never-before-seen lore.

  • RIFT BATTLE IMPROVEMENTS - Much like the series of improvements we made to Prize Fights, we are committed to adding new features and functionality to Rift Battles until they are just right. We’ve heard your feedback and will be taking all of it into account. Stay tuned for details on new tools to help craft the perfect defense map.

  • PUZZLE BOX CHALLENGES - In the vein of Accursed Experiments, we have plans for new dastardly challenges that will require careful tactical use of certain fighters and modifiers in order to conquer them. Keep building a diverse roster in preparation!

  • GUILD BASED CONTENT - Now that some basic Social features are in place, we plan to extend them further to include friend lists, guilds, and supporting cooperative / competitive modes to go along with it. Still on our list!

  • OPTIMIZATIONS APLENTY - We’re knee deep in a host of optimizations and refinements that will help improve stability and performance across a wide array of devices.

  • SYNC PVP EXPLORATION - As we’ve discussed prior, we’ve built Skullgirls Mobile from the ground up to support Sync PvP. In 2019 we plan to invest more time and energy into seeing how viable this will be as a high quality, over the air PvP experience. Can’t promise anything yet - but stay tuned for more details!

  • MISC GOODIES - Although these aren’t at the top of the queue, we’re excited to explore some of the many things you’ve been requesting, like some form of Marie battle, Alternate VO Packs, and more! We’ll provide more clues about new features like these as we approach each new update.
This only scratches the surface of some of the things we have in store for the rest of the year. As always, we are 100% committed to continuing to grow the Skullgirls Mobile experience in new and exciting ways to ensure that there is always a wide array of interesting, varied, fun, and challenging content for you all to enjoy throughout the year.

All that said, the scope of what we can do depends on how successfully the game performs. Obviously IAPs are a HUGE help (thank you!), the next best thing you can do is help more players discover Skullgirls Mobile so we can expand our playerbase.

As such, PLEASE share the love for Skullgirls and help us grow! Some ideas include:
  • Giving us 5-stars on the App Store or Google Play Store and writing us a positive review

  • Sharing the game with friends and/or posting about the game on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc)

  • Reaching out to influencers, streamers, YouTubers, etc, to see if they will stream the game
Lastly, if there’s anything in particular you are hoping to see in 2019 (either as a part of the items mentioned above or as something new entirely), don’t be shy about sharing them below - we’re always listening!

Thanks once again for all of your support!

Charley (MightyZug) and the Skullgirls Mobile team
  • NEW CHARACTERS - Robo Fortune is on the horizon, and Fukua may be next! What comes after them will depend largely on how the game is performing - but if all goes well BRAND NEW characters may await!
WOW! I'm really excited about this mysterious new character
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Reactions: B_W
So excited! Question: I’ve said this a lot but will more fighters receive updates to improve their SAs? I really want Decrypted to get her old SA2 back and twisted Mettle could have a longer bleed. Other than that I’m super excited and keep up the amazing work!
Did somebody say....


I'm ready. I'm so ready. I understand that this isn't a guarantee, but...Imagine. Umbrella is said to have been the one last character needed to complete the Skullgirls storyline, and honestly, I'd love nothing more. Her palette is cute, her playstyle seems like it'd be a fun (probably a more sloppy, aggressive version of Parasoul's with some cool traits specific to her Famine theme), and she played such an important part in Parasoul's original story mode that I'd love to see one of her own.

(Edit: Umbrella has a special connection to the Skullheart because of her mother being the Skullgirl while she was born. It'd be cool to see this manifest in her fighting!)

Of course, they could make any character they wanted and I'd be happy with it. I imagine they'd take from the list of original DLC characters from the console version, and all of the characters are cool.

Also, Voice Packs? Glad to know you guys listen. Fingers crossed for Salty Parasoul.

More challenges, the possibility of Fukua and Umbrella...Looking forward to this year!
Excited for the upcoming content updates. But I still think you should spend a bit of time on bug fixing and the sort, though; the game is much buggier than it used to be with several UI issues and stuff like that.
very VERY excited for the new origin stories! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
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Reactions: Luke
What is "sync PvP"? Is that like how Rift battles and PFs work, where one player sets up fights with their own fighters and the AI controls them when an opponent is found?

Is a Ms Fortune origin story in the cards?

A Marie battle would be awesome! Personally, I feel like it could serve as some sort of cooperative, guild-based boss battle, where multiple players of a guild can participate in a node map with fights designed to take multiple fights to clear, culminating in a Marie boss node. Just an idea. I have high hopes for increased social features in the game!
I'm so ready for brand new charaters....
Too bad Isaac who i wanted the most got rift battle duty, but tbh, everyone knows annie and umbrella would be first, thanks to having the most already made animations and VO clips.
But that's for the future, for now, i can't wait to see the game expand even further beyond!

(I wonder if my robo fortune ideas had any impact...)
  • Like
Reactions: B_W
Thats great news, i hope someday i can see a way to change the flat bonus of the blockbuster and special moves to percentages or changes randomly one bonus paying some theonite.
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Reactions: Luke
yeah lots of solid stuff coming. Glad that the team is considering making brand new characters is the situation of the game can afford it.
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Reactions: Zachary Baumstark
but if all goes well BRAND NEW characters may await!

That...makes me incredibly excited, I've been looking forward to more of the Skullgirls cast coming into the spotlight since forever! Wonder who may be first~

I'm ready. I'm so ready. I understand that this isn't a guarantee, but...Imagine. Umbrella is said to have been the one last character needed to complete the Skullgirls storyline, and honestly, I'd love nothing more. Her palette is cute, her playstyle seems like it'd be a fun (probably a more sloppy, aggressive version of Parasoul's with some cool traits specific to her Famine theme), and she played such an important part in Parasoul's original story mode that I'd love to see one of her own.

(Edit: Umbrella has a special connection to the Skullheart because of her mother being the Skullgirl while she was born. It'd be cool to see this manifest in her fighting!)

Yuuush, Heh, I was only a lil interested in Umbrella way back in the initial DLC character list...but that ending to Parasoul's story...just dropping that bomb so casually. She might be my top pick now for a new char. -w-