Thanks for all the working, Liam, but I have couple words about the rifts.
Okay, rift battles idea is okay, but client crushings just make every single battle futile, because if u start a fight and client crushed again, u lost 500 points and enemy is not, and there are useless to try hard, doing all these 20+ combos, finishing with bb,because enemy doing exactly the same.
I remember the fight when I got 2011 elo and the enemy got 1960, and he was 64, and me 67 level. Ofc my fighters was tougher, but suddenly client crushed once during the boss battle ofc. I was pissed off once again, but spend 60 theonite to fight him, because I’m was absolutely sure that I could win this and save 21 elo points...unfortunately that guy with name ”103” somehow just passed my rift....but without that loss. And what about Bio exorcist Squigly as a boss...she don’t even have to attack to drain every of my champ. I spend another 60 theonite to try again and somehow win this. But lose this rift goodbye 2k elo.
Okay, maybe it was a mistake that I obtained diamond 2 in the 1st rift season, just got loss in 1 fight. But now I’m really can’t enjoy this. Today I spend another 2k theonite to get Bio Exorcist, and u know what? Seriously only 4 silver and bronze and in fact I can’t donate for nothing. Why this tier drop chance percentage exists, if there are bronze only. Answer is already known, if I’m still can’t get oh mai and some of player got e of them or more.
Rift battles now seriously makes me angry, because as I said early, it’s useless to try hard, if you know,that you lose even in 1 battle.
Ps: I wish devs will change rift boss mods, because I like using debuffs, but not to get all of them to myself, when the enemy literally can do anything. I’m almost ready to quit playing sg, well because of this lootboxing/microtrnsactions focus. Even if you trying hard, doing all this daily missions, fight in every game mode, fighting this event instead of celebrating with friends, pfff who cares, for real all of this NOT necessary, the more lucky guys keeps laughing at this. T.T