• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL - 5.3.1 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Full Release - Now LIVE!

Holy crap, massive buff for the variant that started my profile. Never thought I'd see the day. As for the other buffs, I think there's some...interesting choices. Not that what wasn't changed wasn't important mind you, but I feel like the priority for two of these choices were a little odd.

Wild's changes help make her feel much more unique but I'm curious as to why she was buffed before any of Umbrella's golds, with the general consensus being none of them are good.

Robocopy's are a little more divisive to me. I loved using his snowball abilities with a level 15 set I had built, so seeing those get replaced with nothing to really replicate it in Big Band's catalog is a little...annoying. Plus, similarly to Wild, I think there were some much bigger problems that should've probably been addressed first, being Private Dick and G.I. Jazz. And none of this is getting into his very outdated kit. Oh well, can't make everyone happy.

Overall, I think this is a pretty alright set of buff changes. I don't really have anything else to add besides what I've said. Just a little perplexed about some of the choices when compared to what else needs buffed.
  • Updated the splash screen on startup so the bunnies have their correct skin tones.
I kinda like it more with the blonde girl having fair skin, can I keep the "pre-update" screen?
new fighter balences are great. But now story mode challenges are harder than before for example triple beo node. So try to balance the story mode now by changing the fighter. Thanks for reading this
No me gusto el gran nerfeo que le dieron a big band robocopy. Anteriormente estaba mil veces mejor. Ahora es solo un luchador cualquiera de plata, siento que gaste recursos en vano. El mio estaba en diamante apunto de llegar a nicel 60 y me llegan con esto. Realmente lo considero uno de loa peores cambios en la actualización.
Super excited to open some of the relic horde and test out the surprise fighter updates. Many good fighter choices since most of them were just sitting on the shelf, maybe going out for the odd deployment gig. If they are positive changes, I don't know yet. I'm more of the "gotta test it" rather than run mind simulations type.

So when are we getting the roadmap for the year? Kinda three months into the year already
Last year's road map was also end of March, so HVS is still on track.

Does this update finally have the Japanese voices for Annie, Black Dahlia and Umbrella? I know I haven't been playing this for half a year and Black Dahlia is kind of new but it's bugging me that out of the entire cast, only 3 characters lack their Japanese voice.
Over in the skullheart forum they addressed this issue:

Sairus over at skullheart said:
We are also planning to give the new DLC cast full Japanese Combat Voice Overs, however we don’t anticipate that happening until closer to the end of the Season 1 Pass.
We are still determining if we will be able to add full Japanese Voices Overs to the new Story Modes.
We’ll have more news to share about this in 2023.
So don't expect JP voices until after Marie. They are wisely waiting until everything is ready so they can have one big ENG voiceover recording session to cover all of the new Season 1 stuff, and then they can try for JP voices. No guarantees though!
Hey everyone,

5.2 saw Black Dahlia’s grand entrance to Skullgirls Mobile, but with 5.3 she AND her bunnies are finally ready for full release!

That not only means Black Dahlia will now have her full suite of Prize Fights, Relics, and Deployments, but we also squeezed in some extras to this update ranging from Quality of Life updates to Fighter balance adjustments for good measure!

Here’s a quick index of what’s included in these update notes:
  • Black Dahlia
    • Availability
    • Prize Fights
    • Deployments
    • New Blockbuster - Girls' Night

  • Fighter Balance Adjustments
  • Post Fight Screen Updates
  • XP Boost Slots

  • Economy Adjustments
  • Combat Adjustments
  • Misc Adjustments
    • Stages
    • Collection
    • Prize Fights
    • Other
Now on to the full update notes!



As of 5.3 Black Dahlia will be available in all Standard Relics. This includes Premiere, Jackpot, Elemental, Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond, and many other Relics. Any Relics you had saved up before 5.3 now have a chance to contain Black Dahlia!

Black Dahlia's Moves are also now available in all standard Bronze/Silver/Gold Move Relics as well as the Daily and Take a Break Relics.

Black Dahlia’s Character Relic, the Loose Cannon Relic, will now be available to purchase for 200 Theonite while her Prize Fight is active. The Loose Cannon Relic guarantees a Black Dahlia Fighter, so they’re a great way to fill out your Collection and/or get the resources needed to evolve your favorite Black Dahlia Fighter.


Bronze/Silver/Gold Black Dahlia Fighters and Loose Cannon Relics have also been added to various tabs in the Cabinet of Curiosities. More details on that below.


Black Dahlia’s Prize Fights are now available. They will be added to the existing Prize Fight rotation starting on Thursday 30th March. If you're looking to bulk up your Black Dahlia collection, get ready for this PF - competition will likely be stiff! You can earn a guaranteed Black Dahlia Fighter if you reach the final Milestone in each Prize Fight.

Here's a sneak peek at the Modifiers you'll need to contend with, and the Fighters you can earn for each Prize Fight Tier:



Short, Medium and Long Deployments featuring Black Dahlia Bonus Reward Chances have been added to the list of possible Deployments. If you come across the Long Black Dahlia Deployment, make sure to maximize your Bonus Reward Chance so you can snag that Loose Cannon Relic Reward!



No real villain fights fair, and Dahlia’s army of henchbunnies are here to tip the fight in her favor! The new Girls' Night Blockbuster summons Bonnie, Buttercup, and Killer to assist Black Dahlia for a few seconds. Each bunny has their own AI, and will attack by themselves. The bunnies also have their own HP, so if they take enough hits they’ll retreat.

You can find this new Blockbuster in Move Relics, Daily Events, the Cabinet of Curiosities, and anywhere else you can normally get Blockbusters.

Dahlia’s bunnies have also been added to some of her intro animations and win poses for some extra flair!



As Skullgirls Mobile has progressed over the years, some older Fighters haven’t been seeing as much use as we’d like, so - in our grand annual tradition - we’ve given 11 specific Fighters some key adjustments - so much so that some of them may feel like completely new Fighters! Let us know what you think of the changes in the comments. (A special shoutout to all the Dark Might fans that never gave up hope 🖤)

We plan on making adjustments to other Fighters in the roster in future updates, so don’t worry if you feel there’s a Fighter missing that still needs adjustments.

We want to acknowledge that we’ve heard your feedback regarding Black Dahlia - Unholy Host, and we will be keeping a close eye on how she is performing relative to other Fighters on Offense/Defense. In light of that information, she may receive some adjustments in a future update.



Rigor Mortis

  • Gain UNFLINCHING for 5/7/10 seconds every 30 seconds.
  • Cannot suffer more than 15/10/5% of your MAX HEALTH from a single HIT.

  • Gain UNFLINCHING after facing the same opponent for 25/20/15 seconds. UNFLINCHING is removed when the opponent TAGS OUT or dies.
  • Cannot suffer more than 15/10/5% of your MAX HEALTH from a single HIT.



Beneath the Skin

  • Gain ARMOR for 5/10/15 seconds when entering Sekhmet Mode.
  • Remove all DEBUFFS and gain IMMUNITY for 5/10/15 seconds when triggering Sekhmet Mode.

  • Inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5/10/15 seconds when entering SEKHMET MODE.
  • Remove all DEBUFFS and gain IMMUNITY for 5/10/15 seconds when triggering Sekhmet Mode.



Dead or Alive

  • Once per match when suffering a HIT that would be fatal, gain 1/2/3 stacks of ARMOR and BARRIER. ARMOR lasts for 10 seconds.
  • When defeating an opponent, gain 2 stacks of ENRAGE for 30 seconds and 25/35/50% BLOCKBUSTER METER.

  • When Big Band or his opponent TAGS IN, inflict DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS for 10/15/20 seconds. DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS is removed when the opponent uses a SPECIAL MOVE.
  • Gain ENRAGE and BARRIER for 5/7/10 seconds each every 3 seconds while the opponent's BLOCKBUSTERS are DISABLED.



Wulfed Down

  • While not OVERSTUFFED, 15/25/35% of damage inflicted by Umbrella's THROWS is regained as HEALTH.
  • Inflict SLIME for 10/12/15 seconds when the opponent is KNOCKED DOWN.

  • While not OVERSTUFFED, Umbrella's THROW HITS have a 20% chance to DRAIN 10/12/15% of the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER.
  • Inflict 2 stacks of SLIME for 10/12/15 seconds when the opponent is KNOCKED DOWN.



Broad Spectrum

  • While Peacock is alive, all teammates TAG IN with 2 BUFFS based on their ELEMENTS for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).
  • Projectiles have a 10% chance to inflict DEBUFFS based on the opponent's ELEMENT for 5/7/10 seconds.

  • While Peacock is alive, all teammates TAG IN with 2 BUFFS based on their ELEMENTS for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).
  • While Peacock is alive, all projectiles have a 10% chance to inflict DEBUFFS based on the opponent's ELEMENT for 5/7/10 seconds.

The pool of buffs and debuffs Prisim Plumage can apply has been updated:
  • Fire: 1 Precision Stack gained -> 3 Precision Stacks gained
  • Water: Barrier gained -> Auto-Block gained
  • Light: Heal Block inflicted -> Inverse Polarity inflicted

Prism Plumage can also now gain buffs (MIASMA or BARRIER) and inflict debuffs (HEX) when interacting with Neutral Element Fighters.




  • Gain a 25/35/50% chance to EVADE all projectiles, avoiding damage and hit reactions.
  • After EVADING, gain HASTE and ENRAGE for 5/7/10 seconds.

  • When HITTING an attacking opponent, gain ENRAGE for 5/7/10 seconds and 1 stack of EVASION.
  • After EVADING, 50/75/100% chance to gain PERMANENT PRECISION. PRECISION is removed when suffering a HIT.



Sleep Paralysis

  • Gain MIASMA for 10 seconds after every 5/4/3 seconds while far away from the opponent.
  • Inflict FATIGUE for 10 seconds after every 5/4/3 seconds while near the opponent.

  • Gain 2 stacks of MIASMA for 10 seconds every 4/3/2 seconds while far away from the opponent.
  • Inflict IMMOBILIZE and FATIGUE for 10 seconds each every 4/3/2 seconds while near the opponent.



Diamond Defense

  • Getting HIT has a 5% chance to grant ARMOR for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Also gain UNFLINCHING for 5/7/10 seconds.

  • 10% chance when either Fighter is HIT to gain ARMOR and UNFLINCHING for 5/7/10 seconds each.
  • When Cerebella gains a BUFF, 50/75/100% chance to transfer 1 DEBUFF from herself to the opponent.



On Ice

  • When an opponent uses a BLOCKBUSTER, there is a 50% chance that their remaining BLOCKBUSTER METERS are reduced by 50/60/75%.
  • On TEAR DETONATION, each active tear DISABLES opponent SPECIAL MOVES, BLOCKBUSTERS, or TAG INS for 5/6/8 seconds.

  • 50% chance to inflict CRIPPLE and reduce the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METERS by 25/35/50% when either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER.
  • While near an opponent, DISABLE their SPECIAL MOVES and gain AUTO-BLOCK every 4/3/2 seconds. Both effects are removed when no longer near an opponent.



Grave Injustice

  • Deal 25/35/50% bonus damage for each teammate defeated.
  • TIER 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15/25/35% chance to instantly defeat opponents if Beowulf has less than 50% HEALTH.

  • When a teammate is defeated while Beowulf is alive, remove all opponent BUFFS. Also inflict 1/2/3 stacks of permanent POWER SURGE and permanent CURSE.
  • While the opponent is suffering from CURSE, SPECIAL MOVE and BLOCKBUSTER HITS have a 50/75/100% chance to be UNBLOCKABLE and grant UNFLINCHING for 5/7/10 seconds.



Slash & Burn

  • HEAD HITS have a 15% chance to inflict BLEED for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Gain ENRAGE every 3/2/1 second(s) while near an opponent suffering BLEED. The ENRAGE is removed when no longer near the opponent.

  • 10/15/20% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED and gain ENRAGE for 5/7/10 seconds each while Ms. Fortune's health percentage is higher than her opponent's.
  • Remove 1 BUFF from a nearby opponent every 3/2/1 seconds while at 3 or more stacks of ENRAGE.


It can be frustrating to lose a match and not understand why it happened, or how to get past it (especially for new players).

In 5.3 we’ve given the post-fight screen a bit of an overhaul, and packed in some useful information to help guide players through defeat.

Now you’ll be presented with a comparison of your Fighter Score versus your opponent’s, and some useful gameplay tips to give you a leg up on your next attempt.



Un comentario recurrente que hemos recibido es la frustración de tener que ir hasta el fondo del alijo para activar un potenciador de XP. ¡No más!


Ahora encontrarás tragamonedas XP Boost en muchas pantallas a lo largo del juego. Toque la ranura para activar fácilmente un impulso y volver a la pelea sin tener que jugar más con los menús.


También hemos cambiado los colores de fondo en XP Boosts en Stash para que sea más obvio que también puedes activarlos allí.


  • Como mencionamos en una publicación anterior , con el nuevo período de lanzamiento de Black Dahlia llegando a su fin, también lo hará Veiled Premiere Relics . Para reiterar, aquí hay un resumen de esos cambios:
    • Las reliquias veladas de estreno se han retirado de la venta. Ya no puedes comprar estas Reliquias desde el Gabinete de Curiosidades, la Tienda de Reliquias o desde cualquier otra Oferta.

    • Esto no afecta a las reliquias de estreno veladas que ya posees. Las reliquias que posee cuando las versiones 5.3 no se eliminarán de su inventario, y puede abrirlas en cualquier momento, sin embargo...

    • Las reliquias de estreno veladas que ya posees ya no otorgan fragmentos de reliquia de cañón suelto en 5.3.

    • Todos sus fragmentos de reliquia de cañón suelto actuales se han convertido en monedas Canopy a razón de 1 fragmento por 1000 monedas . Estas monedas se enviarán a través del correo del juego.
      • Ejemplo: cuando se lance 5.3, si tienes 10 fragmentos de reliquia de cañón suelto, recibirás 10 000 monedas Canopy.

    • Como todos los fragmentos de reliquia de cañón suelto se convertirán en monedas Canopy, ya no podrá comprar reliquias de cañón suelto usando fragmentos.
  • Umbrella - Death Wish ahora está disponible en todas las reliquias estándar.

  • Se han añadido reliquias de cañones sueltos a la pestaña Baratijas del Gabinete de curiosidades.

  • Se han añadido luchadores Black Dahlia de bronce, plata y oro a las pestañas Trinkets y Tributes del Gabinete de curiosidades a un precio superior.

  • Las reliquias de personajes de Annie, Umbrella y Black Dahlia se han agregado a los regalos estándar y dorados como posibles recompensas.

  • Se han aumentado las recompensas de Canopy Coin otorgadas por ver anuncios en el Salón de visualización:
    • La recompensa de 3000 monedas de dosel se ha aumentado a 5000 monedas.
    • La recompensa de 5000 monedas de dosel se ha aumentado a 10 000 monedas.

  • Las ofertas de actualización (incluidas las ofertas de cumpleaños de personajes) ahora incluyen repeticiones específicas de personajes si todavía estás buscando las estadísticas perfectas para tus cargas.

  • Todas las recompensas de cumpleaños ahora dan 3 Repeticiones para ese personaje. Beowulf es el primero en beneficiarse de esto, ya que su cumpleaños se acerca el 31 de marzo.

  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual los luchadores no obtenían correctamente los beneficios de PRECISIÓN cuando daban un golpe imbloqueable. Esto ya se solucionó para un par de luchadores en 5.2, pero ahora se ha ampliado a todas las instancias del juego.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual la IA enemiga no intentaba atacar a Black Dahlia cuando estaba recargando.
  • Se corrigió un error por el cual Ms. Fortune - Time Thief podía recuperar HP incluso cuando se le aplica HEAL BLOCK.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual Eliza - Sobresalir no consumía los beneficios creados por los luchadores en el banquillo.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual Robo-Fortune - Pantalla azul no explotaba si se infligía con CURSE.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual Squigly - Scared Stiff solo recibía un 5% de daño incluso cuando se golpeaba con ataques mejorados de PRECISIÓN.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual el modificador Clean Sweep en Spring Cleaning Prize Fight causaba que Double - Creature of Habit obtuviera una reducción de daño permanente.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual Fukua - Rough Copy podía activar su SA varias veces contra el mismo oponente.


  • Si Black Dahlia está en cualquiera de los equipos, ya no aparecerá en el fondo del escenario de la Oficina Medici.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual el niño en el árbol en Maplecrest ya no está escondido detrás de las hojas.
  • Se eliminaron los focos parpadeantes en The Bunny Burrow.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual parte del texto en Prize Fights no cabía en todos los botones en algunos idiomas.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual los luchadores podían sacrificarse accidentalmente al intentar evolucionar a un luchador de nivel máximo. Para evitar tales sacrificios accidentales, el botón ENCENDIDO ahora solo estará activo para un luchador de nivel máximo si todos los luchadores forrajeros seleccionados son compatibles con Prestige.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual la información sobre herramientas que explicaba lo que hace cada estadística en la pantalla Reroll Stat podía mostrar información incorrecta.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual la ventana Move Upgrade no mostraba correctamente un aumento de daño en el nivel 12.
  • Se solucionó un problema por el cual el arte de la carta de Black Dahlia - Corrosive Agent no coincidía con sus colores en el juego.
  • En Prize Fights, se te presenta una selección de tres equipos para desafiar. ¡Uno de estos equipos se ha vuelto sustancialmente más desafiante que los otros dos, lo que le permite aumentar su puntaje de Prize Fight mucho más rápido si puede enfrentar la dificultad adicional!
  • Se ajustó la lógica para encontrar equipos en Show Me Your Moves Prize Fight. Ahora debería encontrar equipos más poderosos más rápido que antes.
  • Debido a algunos ajustes ocultos en el código de Prize Fight, deberá restablecer sus equipos de defensa de Prize Fight después de los lanzamientos de 5.3.
  • A los jugadores que usen cuentas de invitado ahora se les pedirá que creen un enlace de inicio de sesión en su cuenta con más frecuencia. (¡Realmente debería hacer un enlace de inicio de sesión en caso de que alguna vez pierda el acceso a su cuenta!)
  • Se actualizó la pantalla de bienvenida al inicio para que los conejitos tengan los tonos de piel correctos.

¡Eso es todo por hoy! Siempre es extremadamente emocionante traer un personaje al lanzamiento completo, y estamos encantados de ver lo bien que ha sido recibido Black Dahlia en estos últimos meses. También nos encanta dar nueva vida a los luchadores más antiguos, por lo que nos encantaría saber cómo te sientes acerca de los ajustes en esta actualización.

Si no te has enterado, Black Dahlia también tendrá su tan esperado lanzamiento en Skullgirls 2nd Encore en Steam, PlayStation y Nintendo Switch esta semana, ¡así que asegúrate de verla también!

Tenemos mucho más planeado para Skullgirls Mobile este año, incluido el MUY esperado debut de la mismísima Skullgirl, Marie Korbel. Publicaremos una hoja de ruta de nuestros planes para 2023 en un futuro cercano, así que esté atento a nuestras páginas de redes sociales para obtener más información.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la actualización, ¡háganoslo saber a continuación!
Muchas gracias como siempre por todo su apoyo!

- Todos nosotros en Hidden Variable <3
Yo sigo esperando que agreden un botón para poder cambiar de cuenta:')
Sad about In denile and Dark might changes. They become better but not in unique way. Grant deadeye or stacks of precision to indenile would be much better. Dark might`s ability to instant kill was replaced to curse that kinda simular to beast king.

P.S. Did I miss something? When you changed space case from random buffs to "depends from enemy`s element" and it`s doesn`t work. It gains only 1 stack of buff instead of 3.
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a good rebalance, although some changes are doubtful, 😊
but I did not see what I wanted so much, namely the nerf of the unholy host and death wish:mad:
I was delighted to see Windswept buff, she was eating dust in my collection but now definitely gonna make her dia. Her SA1 triggers her SA1 and SA2 again and again making her pretty decent.
Furry now is the best offensive MsF with buff control(1s buff removal broken lol), bleed, and enrages combined with MsF PA guard break.
DMight will be annoying dark defense now. Better kill him first than be sorry later. (Too bad I converted mine😅)
I am confused about Night Terror. Is she going to be a hybrid now or pure offense? Now she overrules VV or not?
Overall I am happy with these balance changes.

It can be frustrating to lose a match and not understand why it happened, or how to get past it (especially for new players).

In 5.3 we’ve given the post-fight screen a bit of an overhaul, and packed in some useful information to help guide players through defeat.

Now you’ll be presented with a comparison of your Fighter Score versus your opponent’s, and some useful gameplay tips to give you a leg up on your next attempt.

I know we just got this feature...but there really should have been a preference to turn this off right from the start.
I mean, do the 'tips' even do any analytics to our teams? In the example, these maxed out silvers most certainly have their SKILL TREES fully unlocked including some MA levels, so the tip provided is kinda...not helpful. And FS comparison is already known at the start of the fight. I doubt there is any useful info for those players going for longshots with a solo-carry...

Please allow us to opt-out of this feature in the future.
I know we just got this feature...but there really should have been a preference to turn this off right from the start.
I mean, do the 'tips' even do any analytics to our teams? In the example, these maxed out silvers most certainly have their SKILL TREES fully unlocked including some MA levels, so the tip provided is kinda...not helpful. And FS comparison is already known at the start of the fight. I doubt there is any useful info for those players going for longshots with a solo-carry...

Please allow us to opt-out of this feature in the future.
What annoys me more with this new lose screen is when you are longshotting for XP in Holodeck or something, you fumble a fight, and the game tells you "You should upgrade every fighter on your team" while I'm sitting there thinking, "but I'm trying to level this stuff up with the help of the game's XP boosting mechanics over here".
Just got the most time of the Skullgirls of the new Unbralla and that's crazy and interesting moment and my opinion it's was the best characters I ever had.
This is a joke right, i ginunenly likes Darkmight... Now he feels so useless.. anyone i have him go against that gets curse just switched out or gets killed. I don't need unblockable since he has amazing grabs.

Now he does half the damage he used too
This is a joke right, i ginunenly likes Darkmight... Now he feels so useless.. anyone i have him go against that gets curse just switched out or gets killed. I don't need unblockable since he has amazing grabs.

Now he does half the damage he used too
It feels as though the community had deemed Dark Might to be a "bad" variant and put pressure on Hidden Variable to modify his abilities in such a way. I'd always used him as a tool to level silver fodders via prizefight longshots, after Holodeck became gated by tickets (please please please HV let us use red tickets for Holodeck in the future!). It's tough to please the entire player base, but overall it seems as though HV did well enough by pleasing a large percentage of it with the 5.3 update.
oh boi, im glad my favorite mobile game become better and better! useless SA fixed (but Robocopy feels like a little nerfed...somehow).Also, Dark Might become opo_O
And yaaaasss!! Bunnies is reaaaal!!! 👀🐰🐇
Thank you you devs!! I hope in future i could have a chance donate you 😙♥️
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