• [2018/06/22]
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On Today's Episode of Saturday Morning Brawls...

Which carry is your favorite to use?

  • Ultraviolent

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Buzzkill

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Harlequin

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Wulfsbane

    Votes: 11 24.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jul 24, 2018
Reaction score
Introducing Peacock:
Peacock is primarily a ranged character who falls back on her team. She utilizes an array of abilities that both make her and teammates stronger and increase overall team synergy. She doesn't really care to "fight fair" and uses several ranged projectiles instead of close up moves. She has pretty high attack, but pretty low health. This makes it crucial for the player to bombard her enemies and exploit their weaknesses from far away. Combining her ranged attacks and her incredible mobility make this easy to achieve. Staying alive also means she can continue to power her team up. Most of Peacock's SAs grant her persistent bonuses for either herself or her teammates. Or both. She also has some abilities that inflict armor break, allowing her to deal enormous damage.

Character Ability: The Hole Idea
- Swiping down twice will cause Peacock to drop into a hole, dodging some attacks. After 2 seconds, she emerges with a bang!

1. Ultraviolent
Rarity: Gold
Element: Dark
Level 60 ATK: 12.960
Level 60 HP: 48k
Level 60 FS: 21.4k
SA: Death Throw
- Projectiles have a 50% chance to ignore the opponent's defense AND armor
- Projectiles inflict 50% more damage against opponents with unflinching or armor

Before I begin, let me just say: "Death Throw" is an awful name for a character's SA when that character barely does anything with throws
Ultraviolent is currently one of the strongest offensive fighters in the game. She has incredibly high base attack, has a SA which ignores armor AND defense, does more damage against armor or unflinching (sadly it doesn't stack), AND is a dark fighter. What's not to like? Being a dark helps her because she will NEVER be at a disadvantage to anyone and DESTROYS any lights that stand in her way. In high pf streaks (+25), everyone will have that dreaded 50% defense stat. UV renders it completely worthless with her SA, making her a great fighter to use at that point in the game. She annihilates common defensive fighters such as Armed Forces, Untouchable, Epic Sax, and even Heavy Metal (he's rare, but gets destroyed). She's essentially a better, but more soloist Pea Shooter. Her SA doesn't really benefit her teammates in any way, but makes herself much more potent. As with anything that's not guranteed, she may not ignore the opponent's defense/armor, but still does enough damage to somewhat negate it. As a certain fellow has clarified for me, pairing her with a Peashooter actually doesn't mess her SA up a lot and has the added bonus of helping her deal with Resonant Evils. UV does not have any real weakness (besides her obviously low hp), but still struggles against Resonant Evil (without Pea Shooter). She isn't good against Windswept Filia either, since her SA allows her to avoid most of the damage you can do. Ideal stats: Atk %, meter gain, and defense. You could squeeze some hp % in, but don't bother going all out with it since her health is still mediocre even with it.

2. Freeze Frame
Rarity: Diamond
Level 60 ATK: 11,981
Level 60 HP: 68.5k
Level 60 FS: 23.9k
SA: Frostbite
- Projectiles have a 50% chance to inflict slow and wither for 15 seconds. Both effects are removed if the opponent uses a blockbuster

- When slow or wither expires, the opponent suffers damage equal to 50% of Peacock's attack and is stunned for 3 seconds

Cirno...I mean, Freeze Frame Peacock, recently joined the roster of characters as a natural diamond. She's the strongest of these natural diamonds alongside Summer Salt Parasoul and Love Crafted Squigly. Offensively that is. She has pretty high base attack and a SA which controls meter AND deals a massive amount of burst damage, considering her attack stat. It also stuns, which can be used as a control tool in bad situations. And she has lots of moves which count as projectiles, making it easy to inflict the slow and wither. But for all those strengths, there's a few drawbacks. Like anything that's not guaranteed, if RNG decides to be a pain, then you won't get to inflict the slow and wither. In addition, her attack stat somewhat works against her SA. From my experiences, if you do enough damage to put an opponent at critical health before a debuff expires (like DOOM for instance), they will swap out before it expires. But unlike DOOM, the slow and wither will be removed when they come back in. And Freeze Frame will often be doing enough damage to put the opponent in critical health before the debuffs expire. And it doesn't help that its 15 seconds long, buying plenty of time to put someone into critical health territory. I've also recently discovered that Freeze Frame's projectiles have to actually hit the opponent. Blocked hits don't count and she can't just spam them and hope they'll inflict the slow/wither like Wildcard can spam specials and trigger her SA. With all of this being said though, Freeze Frame is still very strong because her SA is focused on control and she usually deals enough damage to not really need her SA2. UV does still outperform Freeze Frame because of the ability to ignore very high defense stats, which could problems for FF, especially if there's lots of health to go along with it. Ideal stats: atk %, meter gain, crit damage and defense/hp%.

3. Pea Shooter
Rarity: Silver
Element: Wind
Level 60 ATK: 11.079
Level 60 HP: 41.1k
Level 60 FS: 18.3k
SA: Vintage Projector
- Projectiles inflict 35% more damage for all teammates
- All projectiles have a 15% chance to inflict armor break for 6 seconds

Pea Shooter is currently one of the best silvers in the game. For sure worth taking to gold. She has a consistently high attack stat, a SA which can support other Peacocks, Parasouls, Cerebella and even Doubles, AND synergizes excellently with her own moveset. A particularly lovely pairing is Inkling+Pea Shooter. An ally Pea Shooter will enjoy the support of is Harlequin, whose SA2 lets her spam moves such as Bang! Bang! Bang!, GDO and Boxcar George. She annihilates fighters that fall back on armor, performing particularly well against Resonant Evil. Characters that approach slowly such as Eliza, Cerebella, and Big Band all struggle to get close to her to deal damage. However, she doesn't perform as well against characters who can approach quickly such as Painwheel or characters who have attacks that can hit from afar such as Parasoul or Squigly. The worst matchup you can have with her is Windswept Filia, who will avoid a lot of Peacock's attacks and gain haste, which will let charge a BB3 up very quickly. But other than those matchups, Pea Shooter performs well, though UV and FF still beat her thanks to the natural stats that comes from their rarities, but both still enjoy the support of a Pea Shooter. Ideal stats: Atk %, meter gain, crit damage, and defense/hp %.

4. Inkling

Rarity: Silver
Element: Dark
Level 60 ATK: 9,639
Level 60 HP: 45.7k
Level 60 FS: 17.6k
SA: Ganging Up
- Inflict 25% bonus damage for each living teammate
- Special moves have a 25% chance to be unblockable while Peacock has living teammates

Inkling is almost on par with Pea Shooter. Sure, she doesn't have much in the means of support for your team, but she may just stand out much more as a soloist. You want her to be your starting fighter, since she deals the most damage at the start of a match. The chance for unblockable specials is actually a buff to her, since deadly moves such as Boxcar and Bang! Bang! Bang! become even more deadly, allowing her to deal even more damage and/or allowing her to find openings to attack. Pea Shooter and Harlequin are great support because her attacks will deal more damage, have an increased chance to inflict armor break and her special move cooldown decreases. However, without Pea Shooter, she becomes somewhat weak to armor. Her real weakness is what happens if she loses both of her teammates. Her damage will tank quite badly, making her a lot less valuable. Having brick walls as teammates is even more important for that reason. Ideal stats: Atk %, def/hp %, meter gain, and crit rate/damage.

5. Sketchy
Rarity: Bronze
Level 60 ATK: 10,522
Level 60 HP: 38.8k
Level 60 FS: 17.3k
SA: Running Gag

- All teammates tag in with haste and immunity for 15 seconds
- All opponents tag in with slow and curse for 15 seconds

As support, Sketchy is an excellent fighter to have. On her own, she still has pretty high attack and her bonuses can be applied to herself, allowing her to gain meter quicker while also preventing the opponent from gaining buffs. However, her SA1 shines on defense as a way to protect her teammates from debuffs while increasing the chance of them using a BB3 since their meter gain will gain a massive boost from the haste. SA2 works better on offense because slow makes gaining meter harder while curse prevents them from gaining vital buffs such as regen effects, armor, and haste. On offense, she's weak to hex and fighters that punish you for inflicting debuffs. She pairs nicely with fighters such as Toad Warrior, Poltergust, Jawbreaker and Myst Match. Overall, she's a great bronze and great support. Ideal stats: hp %, def, and atk %. You probably won't be attacking with Sketchy, so meter gain isn't necessary. Plus when she does come in, her haste will do work.

6. Untouchable
Rarity: Gold
Level 60 ATK: 10,272
Level 60 HP: 58.7k
Level 60 FS: 20.5k
SA: Bulletproof
- 15% chance on getting hit to avoid all damage (also applies while blocking)
- Also gain unflinching for 6 seconds

Untouchable is an easy fighter to use on offense. She can act as a crutch for someone who's still learning the ropes of the game since her SA give her a chance to make something out of getting hit thanks to the unflinching giving her a chance to retaliate when she's being hit. However, the unflinching doesn't stop blockbusters and throws. She's primarily defensive as her unflinching makes comboing very difficult and her SA1 can act as a safety net that can save her fm command grabs or blockbusters (specifically BB3s). The Cast Party MA makes her better on defense since the tag in attacks will become very difficult to avoid. If you decide to use her offensively, bring Pea Shooter as well, since she's a bit lacking in damage compared to the other gold Peacocks and is somewhat weak to armor without her. Unless you don't have better options, she's not the best to use on offense. Ideal stats: def/hp %, atk %, meter gain and some bleed resist.

7. That's All Folks!
Rarity: Gold

Level 60 ATK: 11,271
Level 60 HP: 53.8k
Level 60 FS: 20.6k
SA: Slapstick
- Getting hit has a 15% chance to grant enrage and inflict armor break for 10 seconds
- While Peacock is alive, enemies have a 75% reduced crit rate

That's All Folks! does have an interesting SA. It's meant to make her a defensive fighter, but really, she's far from it. It would absolutely amazing if SA1 procc'd when you hit your opponent. But instead, they have to hit you. And as Peacock, that's something you do not want. Especially considering her meh hp. Her SA2 is ok on defense if you constantly face fighters like No Egrets and Dragon Brawler since the 75% reduction in crit rate makes it so that they never land crits. Generally, anyone with even a decent damage output can take her on when she's on a defense team. Investing in atk % actually allows her to deal a surprising amount of damage. But other than that, I don't have much else to say about her. Ideal stats: atk % (if you want an offensive TAF), defense and hp %.

8. Wildcard
Rarity: Silver

Level 60 ATK: 8,218
Level 60 HP: 50.3k
Level 60 FS: 16.9k
SA: Killing Joke
- Inflict a random debuff for 5 seconds when using a special move
- If the opponent is suffering a debuff when Peacock is defeated, the opponent's health is reduced by 50%

A Joker reference...sweet! Sadly though, she really is a joker. Her attack is pitifully low, making her immediately difficult to use in pfs. Her SA is okay, but 5 seconds isn't very long. Plus she has to die to deal that damage. On defense, her performance isn't really that much better. She does do well on pfs where the modifier inflicts a debuff since her SA2 will probably inflict the death damage. The Special Feature MA will work better for her because she'll be able to spam projectiles more. But still, she's just not really worth it. If you do use her though, then the ideal stats would be atk %, hp %, and def.

9. Rerun
Rarity: Bronze

Level 60 ATK: 8,295
Level 60 HP: 39.2k
Level 60 FS: 15.1k
SA: Ensemble Cast
- All teammates tag in with enrage for 15 seconds
- Cooldown for tag ins reduced by 50% for all teammates

Finally. We've got to Rerun. Even with her rework, she's still not that good. Her damage is mediocre and tag ins are nothing special. She is still at least decent in the early stages of the game. The enrage does at least help everyone instead of just herself. So there's that. But otherwise, she's one of the worst fighters in the game and is not worth investing into. But if you do bother, then go for atk %, def, and hp %.
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Yes i've been waiting for a peacock tier list for a long time(also nice using the colour of the ribbons for each of the texts.)
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I kind of have to disagree with you said about Pea Shooter being a bad partner for UV. First of all against non RE matchups the armor break and increased projectile damage given by the Pea Shooter SA only helps UV do more damage(since AF keeps unflinching even when armor broken and UT only gains unflinching in the first place). Second of all the Pea Shooter SA lets UV actually do well against RE because of the armor break.
I kind of have to disagree with you said about Pea Shooter being a bad partner for UV. First of all against non RE matchups the armor break and increased projectile damage given by the Pea Shooter SA only helps UV do more damage(since AF keeps unflinching even when armor broken and UT only gains unflinching in the first place). Second of all the Pea Shooter SA lets UV actually do well against RE because of the armor break.

Really? I've always somewhat been under the assumption that the armor break messes with her SA1 because I always just assumed armor break = no defense/armor. I need to actually try it out now
Really? I've always somewhat been under the assumption that the armor break messes with her SA1 because I always just assumed armor break = no defense/armor. I need to actually try it out now
Armor break simply removes armor and makes the opponent take more damage. It does not remove defense
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I like how cheeky freeze frames SA is slow and wither can be removed if opponent use a BB. Like how much meter the opponent got to have.

But over all I feel freeze frame is the strongest. Maybe because my diamond UV is under leveled, but unless meet with a team that has cast party peacock and they spam unblockable tag ins to disrupt my FF no one can get out a BB. if and only if when the opponent is so strong even the last team memeber lasted till the slow and wither ended. They still die from the automatic dmg (50% of my FFs atk).
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I like how cheeky freeze frames SA is slow and wither can be removed if opponent use a BB. Like how much meter the opponent got to have.

But over all I feel freeze frame is the strongest. Maybe because my diamond UV is under leveled, but unless meet with a team that has cast party peacock and they spam unblockable tag ins to disrupt my FF no one can get out a BB. if and only if when the opponent is so strong even the last team memeber lasted till the slow and wither ended. They still die from the automatic dmg (50% of my FFs atk).

Freeze frame's pretty cheeky. "Both effects are removed when the opponent uses a blockbuster"
That makes no sense lol

Freeze Frame's very strong. I won't deny that. But strongest may be a bit of a stretch. Because you'll be heavily investing in attack % to take advantage of her SA2, you'll probably put your opponent into critical health before the debuffs expire, which will cause them to tag out, removing the slow and wither.
I don’t have freeze frame so I could be wrong about this but...
If you can get them to half health in less than 15 seconds, you’re good and don’t need SA2 to go off to win anyways.
If they’re still above half health after 15 seconds, then SA2 can help accelerate your damage to finish them before timeout.

Does this line of thought make freeze frame SA2 more appealing?
I don’t have freeze frame so I could be wrong about this but...
If you can get them to half health in less than 15 seconds, you’re good and don’t need SA2 to go off to win anyways.
If they’re still above half health after 15 seconds, then SA2 can help accelerate your damage to finish them before timeout.

Does this line of thought make freeze frame SA2 more appealing?

Tbh, I don't think it'd matter. Unless you're against an armored opponent like In Denile or something, Freeze Frame's insane attack will almost certainly bring someone into the critical health before that 15 second threshold. She's incredibly strong on her own, but doesn't very often get to take advantage of the SA2
I’m really liking these lists of yours, Loneskull, keep it up!

While you’re at it, could you add marquee recommendations for each character and its reasoning?

Haha thanks man. I appreciate the love
I think I might just do that. For some characters though, its tricky deciding which marquee's better
On FFs 2nd SA. “How much dmg is it actually!?” I always wondered. Turns out the 50% of atk is dealt separately for slow AND wither.

so in practice there would be a slow and wither expiring at the same time which would be 100% of FFs atk.

Here’s some screenshots.debuff expire cost 3% hp as well as a 15k dmg which is also roughly the amount of my FFs atk. (I did a few more trials the hp% from SA2 is 3-4% in my case)

73EED807-AEA7-4478-ABFF-64D4EA7CBD53.png 4F23820A-3FDB-4CDD-8AA3-7ED3A359B502.jpeg
Sooo if they don’t tag out it can be a hefty 91k
So, to all of you with Freeze Frame, who do you feel is better? FF or UV? I do not have FF, but I do have a 13.4k UV. And, quite honestly, I'm a little biased towards UV in this case, especially considering she was my very first gold. If you have arguments for Freeze Frame, then I want to see what you have to say about her
Alright, I don't have FF but I do have my own thoughts about her. Now, I admit my bias towards Parasoul. Keeping this in mind, I feel like Pea Shooter could even be placed above FF. The cost of upgrading a nat diamond coupled with the fact that the second part of her SA will hardly be used just doesn't appeal to me more than solid, reliable team support. Pea Shooter isn't even just support, she can handle her own. And I'm sure FF does, too, but I can't say that mostly using one half of her SA is appealing, yknow?

PS OTOH can enhance any fighter. Primed? Deadlier than ever before. (That No Egrets you're trying desperately to make work? Bam.) DaF? Don't get me started. Poltergust? Lethal. The overall benefits of Pea Shooter + lower cost to upgrade just makes her way more appealing to me than FF.

UV is definitely on top though. Ultimate tank buster.

(I may also argue that Untouchable should be ranked higher but assuming this list is offensively skewed I won't worry about it.)
So, to all of you with Freeze Frame, who do you feel is better? FF or UV? I do not have FF, but I do have a 13.4k UV. And, quite honestly, I'm a little biased towards UV in this case, especially considering she was my very first gold. If you have arguments for Freeze Frame, then I want to see what you have to say about her

I have FFrame and UV, but UV has failed me near endlessly so I'm kind of biased as well.

In the current meta, to make it late streak you need either consistent insane damage or meter control. You see bleed everywhere because it does immense damage without giving meter. In terms of raw damage, UV can kind of do it, but at 400%+ you need near 100% attack and a ton of meter gain for combos, as well as block prof and defense. If you don't high roll, you risk just eating a BB3 or getting chipped out without defense.

FFrame trades some brute force power to fix these issues with Whither and more HP, then adds a strong chunk of power back in with her SA2. Two stacks of whither more or less guarantee the stun, so you can wait it out if you're worried about switching. You can argue she has a worse time against the likes of RE, AF, UV, etc. I somewhat agree, but I don't feel like UV is a consistent counter to any of these (Except RE, who FFrame can bring the same immunity taunt UV should be bringing, will armor break on Argus anyways, and can guarantee damage with her SA2 as well as stun). For Unflinching you can BB them and ignore it for more damage, but FFrame can also BB and inflict her match securing control debuffs and by proxy kills.

The only place UV is for certain better is against immunity RE, HM, and AF, and she's not even the best at countering those things. The removal of stat modifiers might help, but in my experience against all of them you need to high roll the armor piercing to kill them before a BB3 is up, and if you can't, you have to get really tricky with her SA and BBs. In theory this is all doable, but UV is still not the first fighter I'd take in these scenarios (and quite honestly I kinda regret getting her skill tree filled, as that's what I wanted her for in the first place)

I think UV is still fine in the #2 spot, as most of my issues with her seem to be just Peacock issues that FFrame as a fighter fixed, but fixing those weaknesses went a long way imo.