• [2018/06/22]
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Tips on using Headless mode to pressure opponents


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
I made a video a couple days ago and I was told I should post it on the forums, so here we are!

[Ms. Fortune] How to use Headless mode to pressure opponents

This is the method I use in almost every fight to keep putting pressure on my opponent without having to block, so Ms. Fortune can keep her Marquee ability up at all times.

Since different characters have different hitboxes, different dash speeds and different types of attacks, it's going to take some practice and experience before you can do this reliably without getting hit.
Don't get discouraged if it's hard at first. It gets easier with practice!
Oh wow!

I've always struggled to wrap my head around headless mode, since getting extra head hits by hitting your head into the opponent using special moves and blockbusters seemed to have a lot of randomness to it based on slight variations in the starting position of the head. I never thought to bait the opponent into dashing to get an opening for a head hit, that seems so much more consistent than what I was doing before. I'd better start practicing for when I upgrade PurrD to diamond!

Thanks for the video!
That was absolutely incredible! I would have never, in my wildest dreams, ever imagined I would see a bronze ms. Fortune defeat, what appears to be, a maxed Overclocked robo-fortune! That kicked so much a$$, I’ll probably go blind...:eek:
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