• [2018/06/22]
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What do you think Robo Fortune will be like?


Oh Sai
Hidden Variable Dev
May 8, 2017
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Beep Boop Error 404 Character Not Found.
The last character to be added to Skullgirls on console has also not been seen in SGM yet. I doubt she'll be coming for a long time, but we can still speculate till then! On the console she has a special ability where she creates copies of her robotic head and can deploy them like missiles, mines and a bunch of other stuff. She also has lasers. So many lasers.

All the characters in Skullgirls Mobile have special Character Abilities. Currently these are the CA's everyone else has:
Beowulf: Can activate hype mode to enhance his throws.
Big Band: Gives him armor during his dash attack.
Cerebella: Staggers the opponent when she techs a throw.
Eliza: Certain BBs allow her to transform into Sekhmet.
Filia: Back dashing lets her evade attacks.
Painwheel: Swiping up twice allows her to fly.
Parasoul: Charge attacks allow her to detonate her tears.
Peacock: Swiping down twice allows her to disappear before launching surprise attacks.
Valentine: Damage dealt by Val can't be regenerated when they tag out.

What unique ability do you think Robo will get when she's added? Any other ideas for what she'll play like?
Robo's CA will probably be head drone related, like a "swipe down 2x to create head drone, swipe down again 2x to plant mine or up to launch missile salvo" and they might shoot forward with a charge attack

would really love to play this
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Beep Boop Error 404 Character Not Found.
The last character to be added to Skullgirls on console has also not been seen in SGM yet. I doubt she'll be coming for a long time, but we can still speculate till then! On the console she has a special ability where she creates copies of her robotic head and can deploy them like missiles, mines and a bunch of other stuff. She also has lasers. So many lasers.

All the characters in Skullgirls Mobile have special Character Abilities. Currently these are the CA's everyone else has:
Beowulf: Can activate hype mode to enhance his throws.
Big Band: Gives him armor during his dash attack.
Cerebella: Staggers the opponent when she techs a throw.
Eliza: Certain BBs allow her to transform into Sekhmet.
Filia: Back dashing lets her evade attacks.
Painwheel: Swiping up twice allows her to fly.
Parasoul: Charge attacks allow her to detonate her tears.
Peacock: Swiping down twice allows her to disappear before launching surprise attacks.
Valentine: Damage dealt by Val can't be regenerated when they tag out.

What unique ability do you think Robo will get when she's added? Any other ideas for what she'll play like?
I'm pretty sure that somewhere around the beginning of 2019 Robo-Fortune will finally be released. Also it could be possible that devs will stick to the '3 head copy' ability.
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Robo's CA will probably be head drone related, like a "swipe down 2x to create head drone, swipe down again 2x to plant mine or up to launch missile salvo" and they might shoot forward with a charge attack

would really love to play this
Could be a possibility or they might make it as a blockbuster move.
I hope that they will give her some cool colour pallets, like Ultron from marvel, Cyborg from DC or even a Terminator pallet, what do the rest of you think, please share your ideas.
So has anyone received or heard news for when Robo-Fortune will be released.
So has anyone received or heard news for when Robo-Fortune will be released.
According to the 2018 plan thread, Robo Fortune will most likely be after Ms. Fortune, so I predict a good few months yet. Hopefully by the end of the year, but no guarantees. Could be even sooner, though!
NEW CHARACTERS - Squigly! Ms Fortune! Robo Fortune! All will be joining Skullgirls in 2018! There may even be some special appearances from some reclusive characters we all know and love...

I hope that they will give her some cool colour pallets, like Ultron from marvel, Cyborg from DC or even a Terminator pallet, what do the rest of you think, please share your ideas.
While the Hidden Variable developers are theoretically able to create new palettes, this takes time and resources so it is very rare for them to create a new colour scheme for the game from scratch. There was one time when an engineer made palettes based on Steven Universe characters, but this was something they did in their own time as a little hobby side project and not for the game. For now, it is better to look at the palettes that already exist for Robo Fortune, and guess which ones will be used in Skullgirls Mobile.

According to the 2018 plan thread, Robo Fortune will most likely be after Ms. Fortune, so I predict a good few months yet. Hopefully by the end of the year, but no guarantees. Could be even sooner, though!

While the Hidden Variable developers are theoretically able to create new palettes, this takes time and resources so it is very rare for them to create a new colour scheme for the game from scratch. There was one time when an engineer made palettes based on Steven Universe characters, but this was something they did in their own time as a little hobby side project and not for the game. For now, it is better to look at the palettes that already exist for Robo Fortune, and guess which ones will be used in Skullgirls Mobile.

Cool, thanks man
According to the 2018 plan thread, Robo Fortune will most likely be after Ms. Fortune, so I predict a good few months yet. Hopefully by the end of the year, but no guarantees. Could be even sooner, though!

While the Hidden Variable developers are theoretically able to create new palettes, this takes time and resources so it is very rare for them to create a new colour scheme for the game from scratch. There was one time when an engineer made palettes based on Steven Universe characters, but this was something they did in their own time as a little hobby side project and not for the game. For now, it is better to look at the palettes that already exist for Robo Fortune, and guess which ones will be used in Skullgirls Mobile.

Yo dude, I just have one question for you. Your avatar pic, is that the dog from RWBY?
Please take unrelated discussions to user profiles or PM, and try to avoid replying to the same post twice. You can edit previous posts with new content.
Sorry, thanks for making it clear.
Beep Boop Error 404 Character Not Found.
The last character to be added to Skullgirls on console has also not been seen in SGM yet. I doubt she'll be coming for a long time, but we can still speculate till then! On the console she has a special ability where she creates copies of her robotic head and can deploy them like missiles, mines and a bunch of other stuff. She also has lasers. So many lasers.

All the characters in Skullgirls Mobile have special Character Abilities. Currently these are the CA's everyone else has:
Beowulf: Can activate hype mode to enhance his throws.
Big Band: Gives him armor during his dash attack.
Cerebella: Staggers the opponent when she techs a throw.
Eliza: Certain BBs allow her to transform into Sekhmet.
Filia: Back dashing lets her evade attacks.
Painwheel: Swiping up twice allows her to fly.
Parasoul: Charge attacks allow her to detonate her tears.
Peacock: Swiping down twice allows her to disappear before launching surprise attacks.
Valentine: Damage dealt by Val can't be regenerated when they tag out.

What unique ability do you think Robo will get when she's added? Any other ideas for what she'll play like?
She could get self destruct button as CA, that appear based on depleted health, to deal damage for both, but mostly for the enemy.

Or maybe she could have overheating mechanic (if she don’t use any bb during the fight), that could slowly deals damage to the opponent near. If overheating bonus is increased to red level - RMF stunned with random debuff for 2 seconds.
i think her CA may be similar to Ms. Fortune’s where she has an interface for her heads. one button to launch her head, and three others for the skills (Headdrone Slavo, Impact and Ram)
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Do you think Robo Fortune will bring new buffs/debuffs with her? :)
The other characters did, so probably. Maybe something like...electrocution that could decrease the rate that something heals but not nullify it like bleed. It wouldn't be anything extremely useful but could counteract those few like ICU Vals, Bloodbath, or PD Big Band. Or a buff that increases crit damage would make sense, since it'd work well with Precision and Robo is just a counterpart to Ms. Fortune.
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The other characters did, so probably. Maybe something like...electrocution that could decrease the rate that something heals but not nullify it like bleed. It wouldn't be anything extremely useful but could counteract those few like ICU Vals, Bloodbath, or PD Big Band. Or a buff that increases crit damage would make sense, since it'd work well with Precision and Robo is just a counterpart to Ms. Fortune.

was thinking about a new buff that’ll come with Robo-Fortune, and i actually kind of like this idea! similar to precision maybe instead of hits that bypass character’s SAs, it’ll bypass the fight modifiers. i thought it fit her : P (may be too overpowered though i dunno)
was thinking about a new buff that’ll come with Robo-Fortune, and i actually kind of like this idea! similar to precision maybe instead of hits that bypass character’s SAs, it’ll bypass the fight modifiers. i thought it fit her : P (may be too overpowered though i dunno)
Do you mean it would bypass the modifier that's specific to the prize fight/rift node, or it would by pass stuff like stat boosts in streaks?
Do you mean it would bypass the modifier that's specific to the prize fight/rift node, or it would by pass stuff like stat boosts in streaks?

probably just the modifier that’s specific to the node/fight as bypassing the whole stat boost may be a bit too much