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"XENOMORPH" - Strategy and Discussion


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score

This thread is for discussing the gold Double variant: "XENOMORPH"
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* Please note that the fighter score shown in this image may not reflect the actual fighter score of the variant in game.
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Aliens AND Double at the same time? Oh, HVS, you're spoiling me.
I really love how if you sort of squint, even this character art looks like the front of a xenomorph's head.

The obvious path to go with this SA would be acid for blood like in the Aliens movies, so I'm guessing shell have some ability to damage or inflict bleed if she takes damage.
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Aliens AND Double at the same time? Oh, HVS, you're spoiling me.
I really love how if you sort of squint, even this character art looks like the front of a xenomorph's head.

The obvious path to go with this SA would be acid for blood like in the Aliens movies, so I'm guessing shell have some ability to damage or inflict bleed if she takes damage.
I don't have a good name for the Ability...

When hit with a crit deal 20/40/60% Damage back Also affect bleed for 3/4/5 seconds
"volatile wounds" or "unstable blood", perhaps.
Either way, a bleed effect when hit with a crit sounds interesting... though as a player with a certain gold filia, I'd recommend something offensive, as well. JUST dishing out damamge when you are hit isn't as fun as it sounds.

Maybe it will be "when reduced to 20%/30%/40% hp, X% chance to inflict bleed per hit", as the blood gets more toxic. Still requires you to take damage but is FAR less passive, and forces the player to take a risk for the best reward.
Aliens AND Double at the same time? Oh, HVS, you're spoiling me.
I really love how if you sort of squint, even this character art looks like the front of a xenomorph's head.

The obvious path to go with this SA would be acid for blood like in the Aliens movies, so I'm guessing shell have some ability to damage or inflict bleed if she takes damage.
Like thorns?
Having watched Alien on Halloween night, I had an idea:
Second Mouth: Every time you land a hit, land a second hit that does 5/7/10% of the first hit’s damage.
Okay so Xenomorph can put a debuff on the opponent that kills them once the debuff duration ends. The Big Band in question is below half health when it happens so perhaps it either does 50% or just only works when they're below half?
Another thing to note is that her fighter score at 10k is rather high, so we can assume her stats aren't half bad either.
I think how good she is will depend on how she procs the debuff and how her opponents can get rid of it. I think the border on the debuff is the same as a "permanent" buff (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so Silent Kill wouldn't get rid of it through her SA either.
If we're being simple it'd be a percent chance to proc it when hitting opponents, and a chance/guaranteed remove when getting hit.
The word DOOM pops up when Big Band dies, so I guess that's what the new debuff is called?

In RPGs Doom is usually a status effect that applies to a character and can't be removed. After a certain length of time it kills that character. Seems to line up with what we're seeing here.

I wonder how it gets applied?
I mean, I can see it being instantly applied once the fight starts since it looks like it takes a lot of time –let's say, 30s– for the debuff to kill you, in which case you can easily swap fighters to refresh it.
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I mean, I can see it being instantly applied once the fight starts since it looks like it takes a lot of time –let's say, 30s– for the debuff to kill you, in which case you can easily swap fighters to refresh it.
Unless tagging out doesn't refresh it...
I mean, I can see it being instantly applied once the fight starts since it looks like it takes a lot of time –let's say, 30s– for the debuff to kill you, in which case you can easily swap fighters to refresh it.
If the solution was simply to tag out within 30+ seconds it would probably be the worst SA to exist yet. I find it likely that the second part of the SA probably does something along the lines of what is done with HEX, where it's applied to the next character, but maybe adds more seconds to the timer or even subtracts (but you only get one doom). Likely subtracts, so that you can't keep passing it on, or adding less seconds than it takes to tag out again. If it subtracts, it might make outtakes viable on Xenomorph.
If the solution was simply to tag out within 30+ seconds it would probably be the worst SA to exist yet. I find it likely that the second part of the SA probably does something along the lines of what is done with HEX, where it's applied to the next character, but maybe adds more seconds to the timer or even subtracts (but you only get one doom). Likely subtracts, so that you can't keep passing it on, or adding less seconds than it takes to tag out again. If it subtracts, it might make outtakes viable on Xenomorph.
One thing though: enemy AI doesn't tag out unless their CDs for them are up and they get below a certain percentage. With the Doom SA you could completely get rid of a fighter or two with it and still beat the other one up with Double's high dps within the time limit. This character even makes use of huge strats and movepicks with this SA, you can now tackle counters, one huge FS fighter, and Big Band's healthpool/ GiJazz's SA. For example, leave the two weaker fighters alive and tag them out until you get the big baddie, then just survive throws and block and the likes of defensive maneuvers and you then have two super easy characters to crush against your high damage Double.
If you're at a level where you're with all max golds playing max golds this works a bit less well since there's no higher ground you want to shift back to your level. But still a good pick for survivor characters like Big Band, especially if you want to disengage and knockback characters likely to oneshot you if you let them get their BB3.
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Is there a way to resist or prevent the doom or bleeds from Xenomorph besides precision and immunity?
I always assumed it was guaranteed, but I saw an annie(model leader) kill my Xenomorph and not bleed. I guess she had some defence and resistance, but I thought those only affected chance based abilities.
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Resistance prevents debuffs through any source if I am right. Did Model Leader have precision or Immunity or were u Hexed?
If not then it definitely was resistance-stopping debuffs, even Doom is guaranteed but still can be resisted.
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I actually expected doom to be resisted because it starts at 50% at rank 1. But the bleed doesn't even mention a probability. I am aware of those buffs. I'm also aware of precision. She didn't have any.