• [2018/06/22]
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(4.3) Fighter SA rework discussion

Which fighter benefits the most from a rework(will update as necessary)

  • Blood Drive -Painwheel (Silver)

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • They all benefit equally

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Mummy Dearest -Eliza (Diamond)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Robo Copy -Big Band (Silver)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • M30W -Robo Fortune (bronze)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MegaSonic -Big Band (Diamond)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Feline Lucky -Ms. Fortune (Silver)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2018
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4.3 is finally on the horizon. So let’s talk about all the exiting new fighter buffs that are sure to be announced in the coming days.

Painwheel- Blood drive
So now that Blood drive’s new SA has been announced how do we feel about it? Her old SA:

1: 5% chance on hit to inflict BLEED on self and HEAVY BLEED on opponent for 10 seconds​
2: Also gain ENRAGE for 6 seconds for every BLEED effect applied to Painwheel.

And her new SA, based on what we can see and have been told on Twitter:

New Transfusion- Same SA1
1: 5% chance in hit to inflict BLEED on set and HEAVY BLEED on opponent for 10 seconds
2: convert every BLEED effect into ENRAGE for 20(?) seconds when using a blockbuster​

I personally feel that this will make her a much much better fighter. A glass cannon that self bleeds? Ouch. This buff will make her much safer to play and more enjoyable too. No need to worry about death in 10 seconds. Though I would like it if she converted all debuffs a into enrage, like scarlet viper, instead of just bleed. I estimate the ENRAGE gained is around 20 seconds as the Twitter says it lasts for long time, it could be 15 seconds though.

Eliza- Mummy Dearest

Old SA
Absolute Domination
1: Using a SPECIAL MOVE sacrifices 20% of all teammates’ current HEALTH to gain 50% BLOCKBUSTER METER and HEAVY REGEN for 10 seconds.
2: Gain BLESSING for 30 seconds when entering SEKHMET MODE,

New SA
Absolute Domination- same SA2
1: Using a SPECIAL MOVE sacrifices 20% of Eliza’s current HEALTH to gain 50% BLOCKBUSTER METER and HEAVY REGEN for 10 seconds.
2: Gain BLESSING for 30 seconds when entering SEKHMET MODE.

We’ve been waiting for a Mummy dearest buff since the day she was announced, it seems, and now we have it. The change to only remove your own health is much better as she can’t murder her own teammates now. I feel there should be some sort of logic system in place for fighters like Squigly Bio-Exorcist which stops them from using parts of their SA that allow for accidental teammate death. We certainly can’t have a diamond fighter of all things that kills itself AND it’s teammates. Now if only we could Eliza time stall again....

Big band- Robo Copy

Old SA
Dead or Alive
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks of ARMOR and ENRAGE for 10 seconds
2: Also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS

New SA
Dead or Alive -Old SA’s 1 and 2 merge
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks of ARMOR and ENRAGE for 15 seconds, also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
2: Once per match when sufferings a fatal hit, big band gains 3 stacks of ARMOR for 15 seconds and 3 stacks of BARRIER

I feel what was holding big band robocopy back before he got the buffs was the fact that you had to be able to kill the enemy before your SA’s would trigger. Now there are other fighters that do this but usually they only have one SA related to killing the opponent and the other is usually reliant on buffs or how many fighters are dead on the field. Giving big band robocopy a chance to withstand a killing blow will not only keep him alive but fill his meter sufficiently in the process, allowing for easier execution of his SA 1. It should be noted how simple some of the original fighters SA’s are compared to today’s new fighters . If untouchable peacock was released today, she most certainly would have her old SA 1 and 2 combined, with a new SA2 focusing on when she has unflinching. Of course all of this can be undone with curse, but that’s the same for every fighter.

Robo Fortune - M-30W

Old SA
Far Far Away
- Gain INVINCIBILITY for 5 seconds when far away from the opponent
- Headrones do 50% more damage wen far away for the opponent
New SA (not reliant on head-drones)
Far Far Away
- Gain INVINCIBILITY for 5 seconds when far away from the opponent
- attacks do 50% more damage when far away from the opponent

From memory it seems that they just shifted the focus away from the head drones and more into far away ness. This should make her better, but the fact that both her SA’s rely on her being far away is still a disadvantage. I think to truly make her better she needs to have an SA unrelated to being far away. Maybe like SA1 increase damage and gives invincible and SA2 inflicts Curse/bleed if Robo fortune has invincibility. Your not always gonna be far away from the opponent, so it would be nice if the invincibility lasted a bit longer.

Big Band - Mega Sonic (he’s a gold not diamond)

Old SA
Chip tuned
1:When blocking a hit, reduce damage taken by 75% and gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds. one ENRAGE stack is removed on the next successful hit
2: While benefiting from ENRAGE, 50% of the damage dealt is regained as health.

New SA (added thorns to SA1)
Chip tuned
1:when blocking a hit, reduce damage taken by 75% and gain ENRAGE and THORNS for 10 seconds. One ENRAGE (and thorns?) stack is removed on the next successful hit
2: While benefiting from
ENRAGE, 50% of the damage dealt is regained as health

Still sucks that enrage is removed on the next hit, but I guess that’s really the only way to even things out when you gain enrage so fast like MegaSonic does. The addition of thorns is sure to be a big help and fits well with his color scheme. One must wonder if we will ever get fighters
like lock-ness (Gold Light fillia) that have the thorns ability built into their SA. Something that can’t be taken away by Curse.

Ms. Fourtune - Feline Lucky

Old SA (filler)
1: Gain 3 stack(s) of PRECISION every 7 seconds
2: 2% chance on CRITICAL HIT to gain IMMUNE, INVINCIBLE, FINAL STAND, and UNFLINCHING for 25 seconds.

New SA ( SA2 occurs when hitting AND when hit)
1: Gain 3 stack(s) of PRECISION every 7 seconds
2: 2% chance on CRITICAL HIT, or when hit by a CRITICAL HIT, to gain IMMUNE , INVINCIBLE, FINAL STAND, and UNFLINCHING for 25 seconds

This is one of my favorite niche fighters. This buff is sure to make her better on defense teams. It’s still has a very small chance of happening, but if it does your likely to be in quite a lot of trouble. Icing on the cake would be removal of all debuffs on SA activation. That way only hex would be able to stop her and curse would be be in a rare state of uselessness. It’s only fair considering the low activation rate. I believe that Feline lucky is a perfect example of how complicated SA’s should be done. The first SA should be something easy to start that is always reliable. The SA2 can be something that requires a bit more tactical mind to use. That way the fighter is still usable, even for the most inexperienced of players.

Robo Fortune -Blue Bomber

Old SA
Mega Buster
1: All BEAM and ENERGY attacks have a 25% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5 seconds
2: Gain 5 stack(s) of BARRIER when using a TIER 3 BLOCKBUSTER.

New SA (armor break extended, health restored)
Mega Buster
1: All BEAM and ENERGY attacks have a 25% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 15(?) seconds.
2: Gain 5 stack(s) of BARRIER and recover 25% health when using a TIER 3 BLOCKBUSTER.

There’s already two big bands and robo fortunes on this list, what does that say about those fighters? That they have more of the suckier SA’s? Regardless buffs are always appreciated. Especially for the armor break. Beam and energy attacks come every so often, but it’s good to have Armor Break last longer should you not be able to trigger the SA. That barrier and health recovery is sure to be scary when it comes to facing Blue Bomber in prize fights. Especially with the right stats, and even more so in the water prize fight. Those modifiers sure can be cruel.

That’s all for now but I’ll update this post when they reveal more fighter tweaks.As we don’t have the official SA modification form yet these SA changes are guesses for the time being. The numbers in particular probably aren’t exact.

What do you guys think of the changes?
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Official notes:


Time to put BLOOD DRIVEs self-inflicted BLEED stacks
to good use!

In 4.3, every time BLOOD DRIVE uses a Blockbuster
she will now CONVERT all stacks of BLEED on herself
into long lasting stacks of ENRAGE.

PRO TIP: This applies to BLEEDS inflicted by her
opponent too!

The details are in the above post.

Link to official video below:


Eliza's teammates can sleep easy!

As of 4.3, MUMMY DEAREST Special Moves will now
drain only her own HP in exchange for 50% METER and
enough HEAVY REGEN to quickly get all that HP back!

Use her terrifyingly quick access to Blockbusters to
unleash Sekhmet and gain stacks of BLESSING!

Details in the above post.

Links to official video:


Not all reboots are worse than the originals!

New in 4.3, when
Robocopy takes fatal damage, he
gains stacks of

Robocopy is also more relentless than ever - every
time he defeats an enemy he gains

Details in the above post.

Link to official video:

#4 M3OW

M-30W is getting a major firmware update in 4.3!

Thank the Maker!

While the opponent is far far away, ALL of
M-30W's attacks get a damage boost.
Also, after staying away for a few seconds she also gains INVINCIBILITY!

Details in the above post.

Link to the official video:

#5 Megasonic

Megasonic is getting a tune up in 4.3!

Any time Megasonic blocks a hit, he now gains a stack of THORNS in addition to ENRAGE.

If the opponent is too aggressive, this huge spike in damage reflection can lead to a quick KO!

Details in the above post.

Link to the official video:

#6 Feline Lucky

I hope you're feeling lucky next time you see this Ms.Fortune on a Defense Team!

In 4.3, Feline Lucky has a chance to gain all of her
many buffs when she OR the opponent lands a Critical hits.

This powerful defensive boost means it's dangerous to attack her with a high Crit Rate!

Details in the above post.

Link to the official video:

#7 Blue Bomber

Get equipped with 4.3 buffs!

In the next update, Blue Bomber will inflict ARMOR
BREAK with MUCH longer timers than before.

Plus, in addition to gaining 5 stacks of BARRIER when she uses a Tier 3 Blockbuster, she will ALSO recover a large chunk of HP!

Details in the above post.

Link to official video:
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I estimate the ENRAGE gained is around 20 seconds as the Twitter says it lasts for long time, it could be 15 seconds though.
I think it's 10 seconds, unfortunatelly
Though I would like it if she converted all debuffs a into enrage, like scarlet viper, instead of just bleed.
Wow! That would make her a lot stronger
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Mummy dearest is here! I still have to type the official SA but I wrote a quick synopsis on what’s old and what’s new. What do you think?
New Transfusion- Same SA1
1: 5% chance in hit to inflict BLEED on set and HEAVY BLEED on opponent for 10 seconds
I think it's 10% now
Big band- Robo Copy
Old SA
Dead or Alive
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks of ARMOR and ENRAGE for 10 seconds
2: Also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS

New SA
Dead or Alive -Old SA’s 1 and 2 merge
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks of ARMOR and ENRAGE for 10 seconds, also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
2: Once per match when sufferings a fatal hit, big band gains 5 stacks of ARMOR for 15 seconds and 5 stacks of BARRIER
I think it's;
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks ENRAGE for 15 (or 20) seconds, also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
2: Once per match when sufferings a fatal hit, big band gains 3 stacks of ARMOR for 10 seconds and 3 stacks of BARRIER


Unless, the SA i'snt fully upgraded
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I think it's 10% now

I think it's;
1: Defeating an opponent grants 2 stacks ENRAGE for 15 (or 20) seconds, also gain 50% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
2: Once per match when sufferings a fatal hit, big band gains 3 stacks of ARMOR for 10 seconds and 3 stacks of BARRIER


Unless, the SA i'snt fully upgraded
Thanks! You think they would give him more than 3 stacks of armor, but than again he is a silver.
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Since the devs announced that they were reworking Robocopy, I always thought that the rework would include some kind of Rebirth idea - like Alex returned from the grave in the original movie. Nice to see that my idea was the correct one.

I actually expected Blessing to be used for preventing death (and obviously Armor to refer to Robocop's armored body), but Barrier works too. What I miss a bit is the "Revenge" theme: I kinda expected that Enrage and Meter Gain boosts would be applied on his Rebirth to pummel down his offender. But let's just see how this works out.

With this change I would be SOOOOO happy to see Futile Resistance being un-nerfed back to the original state (without "Above 50% HP" restriction). That would be really synergistic with his new SA.

Upd: ok, now after some thinking I agree that Barrier is better than HP replenishment. Surviving with 1 HP reflects that only small part of Murphy's body (the brain and the face) made it alive to his new incarnation. Fridge logic.
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I think it's 10 seconds, unfortunatelly
I think you're right -- by my count there's five seconds of unpaused time between the start of Fracture Reaper and the killing hit of Buer Overdrive. The displayed stack of Enrage ticks down halfway in that time. I wouldn't really call 10 seconds "long-lasting," but at least it's enough to chain any of Painwheel's BB1 or BB2 options into a followup combo or BB3.

Unless, the SA i'snt fully upgraded
It is -- in all three of the preview videos we've gotten for 4.3, the buffed fighter's portrait has the Marquee Ability decoration.

I think Robocopy's Enrages are at least 20 seconds, and might be as long as 30 -- in the almost-five-seconds between downing Shadow Ops and using SSJ, the Enrage stack ticks down less than a quarter of the way. (This? This is what I *do* call "long-lasting.") It's hard to tell exactly how much meter he gets from the ShOps kill, since his BB3 is so close to full beforehand -- it could be as little as 25%.

I actually expected Blessing to be used for preventing death (and obviously Armor to refer to Robocop's armored body), but Barrier works too.
Upd: ok, now after some thinking I agree that Barrier is better than HP replenishment. Surviving with 1 HP reflects that only small part of Murphy's body (the brain and the face) made it alive to his new incarnation. Fridge logic.
Using Barriers to rebuild Robocopy also gives him a vulnerability that health-regaining fighters like Last Hope and Plot Twisted don't have -- if he's Cursed, he dies on the first hit after his SA procs. Given that the much-harder-to-get Necrobreaker also has this vulnerability, I think it's a fine tradeoff for a Silver. (nerf Big Top plz :p)
Now that's a lot of thorns, baby.
Blue Bomber was just buffed! She now will receive 5 stacks of barrier and heal HP, I wonder how she'll compare to Xbot...
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