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Currency Optimization Guidance ?


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
Reaction score
From my understanding so far :

Canopy Coins
> Prize Fights
> Sunday Event ! Medici Heist


> Cabinet of Curiosities ! Relics & Keys
Experience Points
> Carry under-leveled Fighters w/ your most powerful Fighters wherever possible
> Prize Fights
> Story
> Bronze ? Bad Hair Day , Cold Stones , Frayed Ends , Rusty . . .
> Silver ? Doublicious , Purrfect Dark . . .
> Gold ? . . .

Skill Points
> Prize Fights
> Bronze ? Bad Hair Day , Cold Stones , Frayed Ends , Rusty . . .
> Silver ? Doublicious , Purrfect Dark . . .
> Gold ? . . .

Rift Coins
> Friend Gifts
> Rift Battles

> Diamond Keys

> Daily Missions
> Prize Fights
> Story

> 1,840,000 Canopy Coins for 1,600 Theonite
Most of this information has been scrapped together from Wiki comments, Forum posts, and personal experience. Will link to better verify information when possible.

Hoping to update this post with any additionally helpful information. I'm clearly new to this yet quite interested in better documenting this information.
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For the SPEND section is that stuff you should spend it on? Cause you can also spend theonite on Relics and other things. Whatever, your still gonna be updating. I think it’s cool that you wanna get all this information down. It should prove especially helpful to new players. That way they know upfront exactly what they can use everything for.

Oh and don’t forget you can use coins for upgrading moves and fighter nodes. Skill points are also gained by leveling up fighters. That’s important. Otherwise, nice job!
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Daily events are an important task for resource farming. You get canopy coins, moves, and skill points. Unwanted moves can be sold for canopy coins.

For the SPEND section is that stuff you should spend it on? Cause you can also spend theonite on Relics and other things. Whatever, your still gonna be updating. I think it’s cool that you wanna get all this information down. It should prove especially helpful to new players. That way they know upfront exactly what they can use everything for.

Oh and don’t forget you can use coins for upgrading moves and fighter nodes. Skill points are also gained by leveling up fighters. That’s important. Otherwise, nice job!

Thank you.
Ideally, I would like to Rank the Spend possibilities. Purchasing Relics w/ Theonite is perfect when you are in need of a specific character and perhaps when starting out, but having a wealth of Canopy Coins not only gives you access to a wealth of Spend opportunities but also encourages longevity.

As I am still early into SGM, Moves and Nodes seem irrelevant so far aside from whichever character(s) can carry you. However... thank you for reminding me about that method of accrual! Gaining Skill Points via Level Up seems to be a nice passive agenda while engaging in Daily Events, but I believe that the Cabinet and Friend Gifts are quite fantastic. Quite the similar conundrum to the relationship between Theonite and Character Relics...

Daily events are an important task for resource farming. You get canopy coins, moves, and skill points. Unwanted moves can be sold for canopy coins.

From my experience, Daily Events aren't quite profitable - though I will have to investigate this further.
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From my experience, Daily Events aren't quite profitable - though I will have to investigate this further.

Doing all of a basic daily gives 22,400 coins. That's not much on it's own, but it adds up very quickly. Here's a graph listing out several ways to obtain things, with each daily level in it's own category:


Full credit, that comes form this spreadsheet by HeGunz
I just thought I'd add that for 10,000 theo you can get the 10+1 relics for every fighter, which seems like a pretty good deal to me. I'm saving up for it myself, but what do you all think? It seems like one of the best uses of theonite right next to buying coins.
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I just thought I'd add that for 10,000 theo you can get the 10+1 relics for every fighter, which seems like a pretty good deal to me. I'm saving up for it myself, but what do you all think? It seems like one of the best uses of theonite right next to buying coins.

As far as I am concerned buying canopy is great precisely because of how many relics it translates into with the same amount of theo when simply pulling. Mornedil and Lunix did the math on a old thread so all credit to them, but here's the link in case you want to read more:

Mornedil said:
With the above odds, here is the average yield per 10,000 Theonite:

Premiere 10+1 Vouchers (100 premiere relics + 10 bonus premiere relics):
  • 82 Bronze fighters ( 0.82*100 )
  • 23.2 Silver fighters ( 0.14*100+0.92*10 )
  • 4.2 Gold fighters ( 0.035*100+0.07*10 )
  • 0.6 Diamond fighters ( 0.005*100+0.01*10 )
  • 4400 relic shards
Hyper Ultimate Variety Pack (140 character relics + 14 bonus character relics):
  • 114.8 Bronze fighters ( 0.82*140 )
  • 32.48 Silver fighters ( 0.14*140+0.92*14 )
  • 5.88 Gold fighters ( 0.035*140+0.07*14 )
  • 0.84 Diamond fighters ( 0.005*140+0.01*14 )
  • 6160 relic shards
  • Guaranteed exactly 11 fighters for each character, with at least one Silver-or-better for each
Canopy Coins: 230 Premiere relics (6.25 purchases of 1,840,000 coins = 11,500,000 coins):
  • 188.6 Bronze fighters ( 0.82*230 )
  • 32.2 Silver fighters ( 0.14*230 )
  • 8.05 Gold fighters ( 0.035*230 )
  • 1.15 Diamond fighters ( 0.005*230 )
  • 9200 relic shards

After re-calculating these, it seems like the only number you had wrong was the gold relics.
I apologize if I over explained it before figuring out which number was wrong, but I wanted to have an explanation to the calculations in this thread either way for anyone to read!

The Hyper Pack is definitely more value than the regular 10+1 pack, but coins still come out on top in all categories except for silver fighters, where it seems to be more or less a tie between the Hyper Pack and coin purchases!

Anyway, what I came here for. On rift coins it only mentions spending on diamond keys. Not that I disagree or anything because I dunno much, but what are other acceptable options? For when you don't feel like buying diamond keys. It may be because I haven't evolved a single character to diamond, but with the speed they come to me, buying diamond keys would just make them sit there forever. Of course this may simply be because again I haven't evolved a single one yet.

Any views on buying shards for relics? Silver and gold, and if there's any best value calculated for buying these as well. Or if it is simply an horrible idea lmao